– LIMITATION ON BENEFITS PROVIDED. 7.01 No Participant shall be entitled to receive more than the following amount corresponding to the Participant’s regularly scheduled work hours in the Participant’s primary position with the District; Hours Per Week Amount per Plan Year 10 hours but less than 15 $350.00 15 hours but less than 21 $400.00 21 hours but less than 26 $600.00 26 hours but less than 30 $700.00 30 or more hours $900.00 Eligible Employees who are Participants for less than a full Plan Year shall be entitled to receive no more than one-twelfth of such amount for each full calendar month of participation during the Plan Year. For this purpose, amounts received that are attributable to reimbursements due the Participant’s spouse or dependents shall be considered to have been received by the Participant.
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  • Limitation on Benefits (a) It is the intention of the Executive and of the Employers that no payments by the Employers to or for the benefit of the Executive under this Agreement and/or any other agreement or plan pursuant to which the Executive is entitled to receive payments or benefits shall be non-deductible to the Employers by reason of the operation of Section 280G of the Code relating to parachute payments. Accordingly, and notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement or any such agreement or plan, if by reason of the operation of said Section 280G, any such payments exceed the amount which can be deducted by the Employers in the aggregate, such payments shall be reduced to the maximum amount which can be deducted by the Employers. To the extent that payments exceeding such maximum deductible amount have been made to or for the benefit of the Executive, such excess payments shall be refunded to the Employers with interest thereon at the applicable Federal Rate determined under Section 1274(d) of the Code, compounded annually, or at such other rate as may be required in order that no such payments shall be non-deductible to the Employers by reason of the operation of said Section 280G. To the extent that there is more than one method of reducing the payments to bring them within the limitations of said Section 280G, the Executive shall determine which method shall be followed, provided that if the Executive fails to make such determination within forty-five days after the Employers have sent him written notice of the need for such reduction, the Employers may determine the method of such reduction in their sole discretion.

  • Limitation of Benefits (a) Anything in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, in the event it shall be determined that any benefit, payment or distribution by the Company to or for the benefit of the Executive (whether payable or distributable pursuant to the terms of this Agreement or otherwise) (a "Payment") would, if paid, be subject to the excise tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Code (the "Excise Tax"), then the Payment shall be reduced to the extent necessary to avoid the imposition of the Excise Tax. The Executive may select the Payments to be limited or reduced.

  • Compensation on Termination (a) If this Project Agreement is terminated pursuant to Sections 34.3(a), 35.2(a)(ii), 36.1, 36.2 or 36.3, then:

  • Limitation on Services Except in cases of Emergency Services or Urgent Care, or as otherwise provided under this Certificate, services are available only from Participating Providers and HMO shall have no liability or obligation whatsoever on account of any service or benefit sought or received by a Member from any Physician, Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, home health care agency, or other person, entity, institution or organization unless prior arrangements are made by HMO.

  • SAVINGS PROVISIONS 19.1 If any provisions of this Agreement are held to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction, such provisions will not be deemed valid and subsisting except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions will continue in full force and effect.

  • Limitation on Payments In the event that the severance and other benefits provided for in this Agreement or otherwise payable to Executive (i) constitute “parachute payments” within the meaning of Section 280G of the Code, and (ii) but for this Section 5, would be subject to the excise tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Code, then Executive’s benefits under Section 3 will be either:

  • Notification of Limitations on Contributions San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code (the “Conduct Code”) Section 1.126 prohibits any person who contracts with the City for selling or leasing any land or building to or from the City whenever such transaction would require the approval by a City elective officer or the board on which that City elective officer serves, from making a contribution to such an officer, or candidate for such an office, or committee controlled by such officer or candidate at any time from the commencement of negotiations for such contract until the termination of negotiations for such contract or three months has elapsed from the date the contract is approved by the City elective officer, or the board on which that City elective officer serves. San Francisco Ethics Commission Regulation 1.126-1 provides that negotiations are commenced when a prospective contractor first communicates with a City officer or employee about the possibility of obtaining a specific contract. This communication may occur in person, by telephone or in writing, and may be initiated by the prospective contractor or a City officer or employee. Negotiations are completed when a contract is finalized and signed by the City and the contractor. Negotiations are terminated when the City and/or the prospective contractor end the negotiation process before a final decision is made to award the contract. Through its execution of this Agreement, Tenant acknowledges that it is familiar with the provisions of Article III, Chapter 2 of City's Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code, and sections 87100 et seq and sections 1090 et seq. of the Government Code of the State of California, and certifies that it does not know of any facts which constitute a violation of said provisions and agrees that if it becomes aware of any such fact during the term of this Agreement it shall immediately notify City.

  • Transition to Retirement 24.1 An Employee may advise their Employer in writing of their intention to retire within the next five years and participate in a retirement transition arrangement.

  • Duplication of Benefits Grantee shall not carry out any of the activities under this Agreement in a manner that results in a prohibited duplication of benefits as defined by Section 312 of the Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5155) and in accordance with Section 1210 of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act of 2018 (division D of Public Law 115-254; 132 Stat. 3442), which amended section 312 of the Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5155). In consideration of Grantee’s receipt or the commitment of CRF funds by Florida Housing, Grantee hereby assigns to Florida Housing all of Grantee’s future rights to reimbursement and all payments received from any grant, subsidized loan or any other reimbursement or relief program related to the basis of the calculation of the portion of the funds committed to the Grantee under this Agreement and determined to be a Duplication of Benefits (DOB). Any such funds received by the Grantee shall be referred to herein as “additional funds.” Grantee agrees to immediately notify Florida Housing of the source and receipt of additional funds received by the Grantee that are determined to be a DOB. Grantee agrees to reimburse Florida Housing for any additional funds received by Grantee if such additional funds are determined to be a DOB by Florida Housing, the Federal awarding agency or an auditing agency.

  • Limitation on Out of-State Litigation - Texas Business and Commerce Code § 272 This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable. Texas Business and Commerce Code § 272 prohibits a construction contract, or an agreement collateral to or affecting the construction contract, from containing a provision making the contract or agreement, or any conflict arising under the contract or agreement, subject to another state’s law, litigation in the courts of another state, or arbitration in another state. If included in Texas construction contracts, such provisions are voidable by a party obligated by the contract or agreement to perform the work. By submission of this proposal, Vendor acknowledges this law and if Vendor enters into a construction contract with a Texas TIPS Member under this procurement, Vendor certifies compliance.

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