Using Your Card You understand that the use of your credit card or credit card account will constitute acknowledgement of receipt and agreement to the terms of the Credit Card Agreement and Credit Card Account Opening Disclosure (Disclosure). You may use your card to make purchases from merchants and others who accept your card. The credit union is not responsible for the refusal of any merchant or financial institution to honor your card. If you wish to pay for goods or services over the Internet, you may be required to provide card number security information before you will be permitted to complete the transaction. In addition, you may obtain cash advances from the Credit Union, from other financial institutions that accept your card, and from some automated teller machines (ATMs). (Not all ATMs accept your card.) If the credit union authorizes ATM transactions with your card, it will issue you a personal identification number (PIN). To obtain cash advances from an ATM, you must use the PIN issued to you for use with your card. You agree that you will not use your card for any transaction that is illegal under applicable federal, state, or local law. Even if you use your card for an illegal transaction, you will be responsible for all amounts and charges incurred in connection with the transaction. If you are permitted to obtain cash advances on your account, you may also use your card to purchase instruments and engage in transactions that we consider the equivalent of cash. Such transactions will be posted to your account as cash advances and include, but are not limited to, wire transfers, money orders, bets, lottery tickets, and casino gaming chips, as applicable. This paragraph shall not be interpreted as permitting or authorizing any transaction that is illegal.
Credit Checks 9.1 The Reseller agrees that: (a) When the Reseller applies to Voip-Unlimited to open an account, Voip-Unlimited may check the following records about the Reseller and its business partners: (i) Voip-Unlimited’s own; (ii) Personal and business records at credit reference agencies (CRAs). When CRAs receive a search from Voip-Unlimited they will place a search footprint on the Reseller’s business credit file that may be seen by other parties including lenders. They supply to Voip-Unlimited both public (including the electoral register) and shared credit and fraud prevention information; and (iii) those at fraud prevention agencies (FPAs); (b) For directors, Voip-Unlimited may seek confirmation, from credit reference agencies, that the residential address provide is the same as that shown on the restricted register of directors' usual addresses at Companies House; (c) Voip-Unlimited may make checks such as assessing the Reseller’s application and verifying identities to prevent and detect crime and money laundering. Voip-Unlimited may also make periodic searches at CRAs and FPAs to manage the Reseller’s account with it; (d) Information on applications will be sent to CRAs and will be recorded by them. Including information on the Reseller’s business and its proprietors and CRAs may create a record of the name and address of the Reseller’s business and its proprietors if there is not one already. Where the Reseller borrows from us, we will give details of the Reseller’s accounts and how the Reseller manages it/them to CRAs; (e) If the Reseller borrows and does not repay in full and on time, CRAs will record the outstanding debt. This information may be supplied to other organisations by CRAs and FPAs to perform similar checks and to trace the Reseller’s whereabouts and recover debts that the Reseller owes. Records remain on file for 6 years after they are closed, whether settled by the Reseller or defaulted; (f) If the Reseller gives Voip-Unlimited false or inaccurate information and Voip-Unlimited suspect or identifies fraud Voip-Unlimited will record this and may also pass this information to FPAs and other organisations involved in crime and fraud prevention; (g) If the Reseller has borrowed from Voip-Unlimited and does not make payments that it owes Voip- Unlimited, Voip-Unlimited may trace the Reseller’s whereabouts and recover debts; (h) Voip-Unlimited and other organisations may access and use from other countries the information recorded by fraud prevention agencies; and (i) The Reseller’s data may also be used for other purposes for which the Reseller gives specific permission or, in very limited circumstances, when required by law or where permitted under the terms of the Data Protection Xxx 0000.
Sweep or Automated Cash Management Upon receipt of Instructions, the Custodian shall invest any otherwise uninvested cash of any Fund held by the Custodian in a money market mutual fund, a cash deposit product, or other cash investment vehicle made available by the Custodian from time to time, in accordance with the directions contained in such Instructions. A fee may be charged or a spread may be received by the Custodian for investing the Fund’s otherwise uninvested cash in the available cash investment vehicles or products. The Custodian shall have no responsibility to determine whether any purchases of money market mutual fund shares or any other cash investment vehicle or cash deposit product by or on behalf of the Fund under the terms of this section will cause any Fund to exceed the limitations contained in the 1940 Act on ownership of shares of another registered investment company or any other asset or portfolio restrictions or limitations contained in applicable laws or regulations or the Fund’s prospectus. The Fund agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Custodian from all losses, damages and expenses (including attorney’s fees) suffered or incurred by the Custodian as a result of a violation by such Fund of the limitations on ownership of shares of another registered investment company or any other cash investment vehicle or cash deposit product.
Cash Management System On or prior to the Closing Date and until the Termination Date, Borrower will establish and maintain the cash management system described in Schedule D. All payments in respect of the Collateral shall be made to or deposited in the blocked or lockbox accounts described in Schedule D in accordance with the terms thereof.
Direction to Account Debtors; Contracting Parties; etc Upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default, if the Collateral Agent so directs any Assignor, such Assignor agrees (x) to cause all payments on account of the Receivables and Contracts to be made directly to one or more Cash Collateral Accounts (as the Collateral Agent shall so direct), (y) that the Collateral Agent may, at its option, directly notify the obligors with respect to any Receivables and/or under any Contracts to make payments with respect thereto as provided in the preceding clause (x), and (z) that the Collateral Agent may enforce collection of any such Receivables and Contracts and may adjust, settle or compromise the amount of payment thereof, in the same manner and to the same extent as such Assignor. Without notice to or assent by any Assignor, the Collateral Agent may, upon the occurrence and during the continuance of an Event of Default, apply any or all amounts then in, or thereafter deposited in, the Cash Collateral Accounts which application shall be effected in the manner provided in Section 7.4 of this Agreement. The reasonable costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) of collection, whether incurred by an Assignor or the Collateral Agent, shall be borne by the relevant Assignor. The Collateral Agent shall deliver a copy of each notice referred to in the preceding clause (y) to the relevant Assignor, provided, that the failure by the Collateral Agent to so notify such Assignor shall not affect the effectiveness of such notice or the other rights of the Collateral Agent created by this Section 3.3.
Your Rights If You Are Dissatisfied With Your Credit Card Purchases If you are dissatisfied with the goods or services that you have purchased with your credit card, and you have tried in good faith to correct the problem with the merchant, you may have the right not to pay the remaining amount due on the purchase. To use this right, all of the following must be true:
Credit Cards About 60% of first-year students reported they have at least one credit card, although just 15% have two or more cards. Among those students who have credit cards, about 88% reported they pay off their balance each month and, as such, their current credit card balance is zero; however, when asked what their current credit card balance is, just 7% said it is zero. Among those with an unpaid balance, the average credit card debt students have is $1,549. Group 1 students tend to carry a higher balance on their credit cards than Group 2 and Group 3 students. None 40% 42% 45% 32% 42% One 45% 42% 42% 50% 47% Two 7% 6% 6% 8% 5% Three or more 8% 10% 7% 9% 7% Average number 1.8 2.8 1.2 2.2 1.4 Yes 88% 83% 88% 89% 88% Zero 7% 2% 14% 2% 7% $500 or less 83% 83% 79% 87% 79% $501 to $1,000 5% 7% 4% 6% 6% Over $1,000 5% 8% 4% 6% 7% Average (all with credit card) $487 $652 $352 $564 $2,208 Average (those with unpaid balance) $1,549 $1,954 $1,249 $1,648 $4,801 * Total credit card balance and payment of the balance were asked of those who had at least one credit card.
Cash Management Systems On or prior to the Closing Date, Borrowers will establish and will maintain until the Termination Date, the cash management systems described in Annex C (the “Cash Management Systems”).
Cash Management Services Sublimit Borrower may use the Revolving Line for Bank’s cash management services, which may include merchant services, direct deposit of payroll, business credit card, and check cashing services identified in Bank’s various cash management services agreements (collectively, the “Cash Management Services”), in an aggregate amount not to exceed the lesser of (A) Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000), minus (i) the Dollar Equivalent of the face amount of any outstanding Letters of Credit (including drawn but unreimbursed Letters of Credit and any Letter of Credit Reserve), and minus (ii) the FX Reduction Amount, or (B) the Revolving Line, minus (i) the sum of all outstanding principal amounts of any Advances, minus the Dollar Equivalent of the face amount of any outstanding Letters of Credit (including drawn but unreimbursed Letters of Credit and any Letter of Credit Reserve), and minus (iii) the FX Reduction Amount. Any amounts Bank pays on behalf of Borrower for any Cash Management Services will be treated as Advances under the Revolving Line and will accrue interest at the interest rate applicable to Advances.
USING YOUR ACCOUNT If you are approved for an account, the Credit Union will establish a line of credit for you. You agree that your credit limit is the maximum amount (purchases, cash advances, finance charges, plus "other charges") which you will have outstanding on your account at any time. Unless disclosed otherwise, the Credit Union will not allow advances over the credit limit. If the Credit Union has a program whereby it allows payment of advances that exceed your credit limit, subject to a fee, the Credit Union will provide you with notice, either orally, in writing, or electronically (notwithstanding the requirements of the paragraph entitled “Statements and Notices”) explaining your right to opt in to the Credit Union’s program whereby it will honor advance requests over the credit limit. In the event you opt in to such a program, you agree to the terms of such a program. You may request an increase in your credit limit only by a method acceptable to the Credit Union. The Credit Union may increase or decrease your credit limit, refuse to make an advance and/or terminate your account at any time for any reason not prohibited by law. If you are permitted to obtain cash advances on your account, we may, from time to time, issue convenience checks to you that may be drawn on your account. Convenience checks may not be used to make a payment on your account balance. If you use a convenience check, it will be posted to your account as a cash advance. We reserve the right to refuse to pay a convenience check drawn on your account for any reason and such refusal shall not constitute wrongful dishonor.