Time Extension CONTRACTOR shall provide a time extension request on completion of Task Order for delays caused by others (Permitting Agencies, COUNTY or Contract Cities, or unforeseen conditions such as inclement weather, etc.) and at no fault by CONTRACTOR, subject to approval by COUNTY. COUNTY will review the request and determine in its sole discretion whether the situation warrant a time extension at no-cost or with costs. If CONTRACTOR completes the Task Order beyond the stipulated completion date without COUNTY’s specific written approval for time extension, CONTRACTOR will be subject to liquidated damages and may be construed as non-responsive, which may affect CONTRACTOR for considerations for future Task Orders or projects.
EXPIRATION DATE AND EXTENSION This Contract expires February 10, 2026, unless it is cancelled sooner pursuant to Article 22. This Contract may be extended one additional year upon the request of Sourcewell and written agreement by Supplier.