Location of the Arbitration Hearing Sample Clauses

Location of the Arbitration Hearing. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, the arbitration hearing for United States residents will be conducted in the federal judicial district in which you reside (in your hometown area) or, for Canadian residents, in the province in which you reside, and, if you choose, will be in-person.
Location of the Arbitration Hearing. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, the arbitration hearing for United States residents will be conducted in the federal judicial district in which you reside (in your hometown area) or, for Canadian residents, in the province in which you reside, and, if you choose, will be in-person. Part No. PWDDMSTWZM LIMITED WARRANTY Models: FTX(09,12,18,24)BXVJU*, FTK(09,12,18,24)BXVJU*, RX(09,12,18,24)BXVJU*, RK(09,12,18,24)BX- VJU*, RXL(09,12,15,18,24)WMVJU*, RX(09,12,15,18,24)WMVJU*, RXM(09,12,18,24)WVJU*, 2MXS18*, 2MXL18*, 2MXLH18*, 3MXS24*, 3MXL24*, 3MXLH24, 4MXS36*, 4MXL36*, 4MXLH36*, 5MXS48*, FTX(09,12,15,18,24)*, FTXR(09,12,18)*, FVXS(09,12,15,18)*, FFQ(09,12,15,18)*, FTXS(09,12,15,18,24)*, CTXS07*, FDMQ(09, 12,15,18,24)*, CDMQ07*, FTXM(09,12,18,24)*
Location of the Arbitration Hearing. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, the arbitration hearing for United States residents will be conducted in the federal judicial district in which you reside (in your hometown area) or, for Canadian residents, in the province in which you reside, and if you choose, will be in person. Part No. PWDVRVSEOM Models: REYQ_A, RXYQ_A, RXYQ_X, RXLQ_T, RXYQ_T, RXYQ_PB, RXTQ_T, REMQ_P, REYQ_PC, REYQ_T, REYQ_PB, REYQ_X, RELQ_T, RXYMQ_P, RWEQ_T, RWEYQ_P, RWEYQ_PC, VAM_G, BSV_P, BS_T, HXY_T**
Location of the Arbitration Hearing. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, the arbitration hearing for United States residents will be conducted in the federal judicial district in which you reside (in your hometown Part No. PWGACHPTTYURD NON-OWNER OCCUPIED RESIDENCE WARRANTY Models: GSX13, GSX14, GSX16, GSZ14, GSZ16, GSXN3, GSXN4, GSXB4, GSXM4, GSZB4, GSZM4, GSXH5, GSZH5 area) or, for Canadian residents, in the province in which you reside, and if you choose, will be in person.

Related to Location of the Arbitration Hearing

  • Level Four - Arbitration a. Within ten (10) school days after such written notice of submission to arbitration, the Board and the Association shall attempt to agree upon a mutually acceptable Arbitrator and shall obtain a commitment from said Arbitrator to serve. If the parties are unable to agree upon a mutually acceptable Arbitrator, or obtain such a commitment within the specified period, a request for a list of Arbitrators may be made to the Public Employment Relations Commission by either party. The parties shall then be bound by the rules and procedures of the Public Employment Relations Commission in selection of an Arbitrator. b. The Arbitrator so selected shall confer with the Committee of the Board and the Aggrieved Person and Association representative, and hold hearings promptly and shall issue his decision not later than twenty (20) days from the date of the close of the hearings, or if oral closings have been waived, then from the date the final statements and proofs on the issues are submitted to him. The Arbitrator's decision shall be in writing and shall set forth his findings of fact, reasoning and conclusions on the issues submitted. The Arbitrator shall be without power or authority to make any decision which requires the commission of an act prohibited by law, or which is violative of the terms of this Agreement. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be submitted to the Board and the Aggrieved Person and Association representative, and shall be final and binding on the parties. The Arbitrator shall be limited to the issues submitted and shall consider nothing else. The Arbitrator can add nothing to, nor subtract anything from the Agreement between the parties. c. The costs for the services of the Arbitrator, including per diem expenses, if any, and actual and necessary travel, subsistence expenses, and the cost of the hearing room, shall be borne equally by the Board and the Association. Any other expenses incurred shall be paid by the party incurring same.

  • The Arbitration Act The parties hereby incorporate herein the provisions and procedures set forth in the Utah Uniform Arbitration Act, U.C.A. § 78B-11-101 et seq. (as amended or superseded from time to time, the “Arbitration Act”). Notwithstanding the foregoing, pursuant to, and to the maximum extent permitted by, Section 105 of the Arbitration Act, in the event of conflict or variation between the terms of these Arbitration Provisions and the provisions of the Arbitration Act, the terms of these Arbitration Provisions shall control and the parties hereby waive or otherwise agree to vary the effect of all requirements of the Arbitration Act that may conflict with or vary from these Arbitration Provisions.

  • GRIEVANCE ARBITRATION Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, for the purposes of this Article, an Employee has the right to grieve any filling of a vacancy or Assignment in the bargaining unit.

  • Step 4 - Arbitration After receipt of a notice to arbitrate from the Lodge President, designees of the City Manager and the Lodge President shall attempt to agree on an arbitrator. If this attempt is not successful or is waived, the arbitrator shall be selected by the parties making a joint request to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) for a panel list of nine (9) arbitrators with business addresses in Ohio. The parties shall then choose an arbitrator by alternately striking names from the list until such time as one (1) name remains as the arbitrator chosen by the parties. Prior to beginning the striking procedure, either the Employer or the Lodge may reject the list and submit a request for another list from the arbitration tribunal. Each party may only reject the list once. In issuing an award, the arbitrator shall be limited to the enforcement of the specific provisions of the Agreement. The arbitrator may not alter, amend, modify, add to or subtract from the provisions of the Agreement. The question of arbitrability of a grievance may be raised by the Employer or the Lodge before the arbitration hearing on the grounds that the matter is nonarbitrable or beyond the arbitrator's jurisdiction. The first question to be placed before an arbitrator will be whether or not the alleged grievance is within the purview of arbitrability. Thereafter, the alleged grievance will be heard on its own merits before the same arbitrator. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding, subject to appeal under applicable state law. The arbitrator shall be without authority to recommend any right to relief on any alleged grievance occurring at any other time than the agreement period in which the right originated. The arbitrator shall not establish any new or different wage rates not negotiated as part of the Agreement. In case of discharge, suspension or reduction, the arbitrator shall have the authority to award modification of said discipline. Both the Lodge and the Employer shall share equally in the cost of the arbitration proceedings. Any member whose testimony is relevant to the arbitration, shall be released with pay to attend the hearing, provided that the hearing is held during the member's regular work hours. The expenses of any non-member witnesses shall be borne by the party requesting the non-member's attendance at the Arbitration Hearing. The arbitrator shall render in writing his or her findings and the award as quickly as possible within thirty (30) calendar days after the hearing is closed and post-hearing briefs are submitted. The arbitrator shall forward such findings and award to the City Manager, or designee, and to the Lodge President, or designee.

  • Costs of the Arbitration Each party is responsible for its own attorney, expert, and other costs and fees unless applicable law requires otherwise. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, and unless applicable law requires otherwise, if you are a consumer under the JAMS rules: (a) if you initiate arbitration, Daikin will pay your share of the costs and fees charged by the arbitration organization and arbitrator(s) beyond the first $200; and (b) if Daikin initiates arbitration, Daikin will pay all costs and fees charged by the arbitration organization and arbitrator(s).

  • Mediation and Arbitration 27.1 The parties will use their best efforts to negotiate in good faith and settle any dispute that may arise out of or relate to this agreement or any breach thereof. If such dispute cannot be settled amicably, through ordinary negotiations by the parties, the dispute shall be referred to the senior representative nominated by the Managing Director or Managing Partner of each party, who will meet in good faith in order to resolve the dispute. If the dispute is not resolved as a result of such meeting, either party may, within 7 (seven) days of its conclusion, propose to the other in writing that structured negotiations be entered into with the assistance of a mediator. 27.2 If the parties are unable to agree on a mediator, or if the mediator agreed upon is unwilling or unable to act, any party may within 7 (seven) days from the date of the proposal to appoint a mediator, or within 7 (seven) days of notice to any party that is unwilling or unable to act, apply to the Arbitration Foundation of South Africa (AFSA) to appoint a mediator. 27.3 The parties will, within 7 (seven) days of the appointment of the mediator, meet with him in order to agree on a program for the exchange of any information and the structure to be adopted for the negotiation to be held in Pretoria or Johannesburg. 27.4 All negotiations connected with the dispute will be conducted in complete confidentiality and the parties undertake not to divulge details of such negotiations, except to their professional advisors, who will also be subject to such confidentiality and will be without prejudice to the rights of the parties in future proceedings. 27.5 If the parties accept the mediator’s recommendations, or otherwise reach agreement on the resolution of the dispute, such agreement shall be reduced to writing and once, it is signed by the duly authorised representatives, shall be final and binding on the parties. 27.6 Failing agreement, any of the parties may invite the mediator to provide a non-binding, but informative opinion in writing as to the merits of the dispute and the rights and obligations of the parties. Such opinion will be provided on a without prejudice basis and will be private and confidential to the parties and may not be used in evidence in any proceedings commenced pursuant to the terms of this agreement, without the prior written consent of all the parties. 27.7 Should the parties fail to reach agreement in the structured negotiations within 30 (thirty) days of the mediator being appointed, such a failure shall be without prejudice to the right of any party, subsequently to refer any dispute or difference to arbitration, but the parties agree that, before resorting to arbitration, the structured negotiations in accordance with this clause shall have taken place. 27.8 That arbitration shall be held – 27.8.1 with only the parties and their representatives including their legal representatives, present thereat; 27.