Staff Development As part of their induction, new staff will be made aware of this policy and will be asked to ensure compliance with its procedures at all times.
Sustainable Development 4.1 The Authority will review the Contractor’s Sustainable Development Policy Statement and Sustainable Development Plan submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Schedule (Sustainable Development Requirements) and then at least annually thereafter. 4.2 Sustainable Procurement Risk Assessment Methodology (SPRAM) is a tool used by the Authority to identify and mitigate any potential risks to sustainability in contracts. The process requires that each Contract be assessed for its potential social, economic and environmental risks, throughout the various stages of its lifetime. Where risks are identified, appropriate mitigation action is required to reduce or eliminate the risk to sustainability. The Authority may at times require input from the Contractor in order to ensure that this process is given the required levels of consideration.
Information Systems Acquisition Development and Maintenance a. Client Data – Client Data will only be used by State Street for the purposes specified in this Agreement.
TECHNOLOGY/KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER ACTIVITIES The goal of this task is to develop a plan to make the knowledge gained, experimental results, and lessons learned available to the public and key decision makers. • Prepare an Initial Fact Sheet at start of the project that describes the project. Use the format provided by the CAM. • Prepare a Final Project Fact Sheet at the project’s conclusion that discusses results. Use the format provided by the CAM. • Prepare a Technology/Knowledge Transfer Plan that includes: o An explanation of how the knowledge gained from the project will be made available to the public, including the targeted market sector and potential outreach to end users, utilities, regulatory agencies, and others. o A description of the intended use(s) for and users of the project results. o Published documents, including date, title, and periodical name. o Copies of documents, fact sheets, journal articles, press releases, and other documents prepared for public dissemination. These documents must include the Legal Notice required in the terms and conditions. Indicate where and when the documents were disseminated. o A discussion of policy development. State if project has been or will be cited in government policy publications, or used to inform regulatory bodies. o The number of website downloads or public requests for project results. o Additional areas as determined by the CAM. • Conduct technology transfer activities in accordance with the Technology/Knowledge Transfer Plan. These activities will be reported in the Progress Reports. • When directed by the CAM, develop Presentation Materials for an Energy Commission- sponsored conference/workshop(s) on the project. • When directed by the CAM, participate in annual EPIC symposium(s) sponsored by the California Energy Commission. • Provide at least (6) six High Quality Digital Photographs (minimum resolution of 1300x500 pixels in landscape ratio) of pre and post technology installation at the project sites or related project photographs. • Prepare a Technology/Knowledge Transfer Report on technology transfer activities conducted during the project. • Initial Fact Sheet (draft and final) • Final Project Fact Sheet (draft and final) • Presentation Materials (draft and final) • High Quality Digital Photographs • Technology/Knowledge Transfer Plan (draft and final) • Technology/Knowledge Transfer Report (draft and final)
Research Independence The Company acknowledges that each Underwriter’s research analysts and research departments, if any, are required to be independent from their respective investment banking divisions and are subject to certain regulations and internal policies, and that such Underwriter’s research analysts may hold and make statements or investment recommendations and/or publish research reports with respect to the Company and/or the offering that differ from the views of its investment bankers. The Company hereby waives and releases, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any claims that the Company may have against such Underwriter with respect to any conflict of interest that may arise from the fact that the views expressed by their independent research analysts and research departments may be different from or inconsistent with the views or advice communicated to the Company by such Underwriter’s investment banking divisions. The Company acknowledges that the Representative is a full service securities firm and as such from time to time, subject to applicable securities laws, may effect transactions for its own account or the account of its customers and hold long or short position in debt or equity securities of the Company.
Project Development a. Collaborate with COUNTY and project clients to identify requirements and develop a project Scope Statement. a. Develop a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for each project. b. Evaluate Scope Statement to develop a preliminary cost estimate and determinate whether project be vendor bid or be executed under a Job Order Contract (JOC).
Status as Business Development Company The Borrower is an “investment company” that has elected to be regulated as a “business development company” within the meaning of the Investment Company Act and qualifies as a RIC.
Reverse Engineering The Customer must not reverse assemble or reverse compile or directly or indirectly allow or cause a third party to reverse assemble or reverse compile the whole or any part of the software or any products supplied as a part of the Licensed System.
Business Development Company Buyer is a business development company as defined in Section 202(a)(22) of the Investment Advisors Act of 1940.
Program Development NWESD agrees that priority in the development of new applications services by XXXXX shall be in accordance with the expressed direction of the XXXXX Board of Directors operating under their bylaws.