Staff Development Sample Clauses
Staff Development. As part of their induction, new staff will be made aware of this policy and will be asked to ensure compliance with its procedures at all times.
Staff Development. The County and the Association agree that the County retains full authority to determine training needs, resources that can be made available, and the method of payment for training authorized by the County. Nothing in this subsection shall preclude the right of an employee to request specific training.
Staff Development. The County finds that the professional expertise and insight of the classroom teacher to be an invaluable ingredient in the development and delivery of staff development programs that meet the needs of the classroom teachers. Therefore, a professional staff development committee comprised of five (5) representatives appointed by the GCEA and five (5) administrative representatives will collaborate in the development of the professional development program. Teachers shall be released at 3:15 to serve on the committee.
Staff Development. Staff development consists of a variety of methods for individual teachers, groups, and the District to grow professionally. Staff development is intended to:
Staff Development. All faculty and staff development monies shall be distributed to the colleges on a basis proportional to the number of faculty FTE at each college. The college monies shall then be allocated at the college by mutual agreement between the college staff development committee and the management designee. Faculty in departments may formulate in-service training recommendations. In-service training programs for the improvement of instruction in departments shall not be undertaken without the consideration and approval of the affected group.
Staff Development. 43.01 Where the Board requires the retraining of an Employee due to the occurrence of technological change, the Board will pay for such training.
Staff Development a. The three (3) days or eighteen (18) hours of staff development shall be planned and scheduled by the school leadership team in the spring, in consultation with the school staff. At least six (6) of the eighteen (18) hours shall be scheduled prior to the start of the instructional year and no more than six (6) hours may be scheduled during the Thursday collaboration time.
b. Part-time teachers are responsible for a pro rata share of the eighteen
Staff Development. 14.9.1 The District shall annually survey the bargaining unit members during the last forty-five (45) days of the school year for recommendations as to what staff development opportunities should be made available during the following school year.
14.9.2 The District shall compile, inform, and make available to bargaining unit members a library of assessment resources, composed of teacher-created assessments, and commercially published assessment tools.
Staff Development. Staff development at the school level shall include professional learning pertinent to the work of PSRPs. The Board and the Union shall form an ad hoc committee to study and make a plan to address staff development needs of the various PSRP job titles.
Staff Development. (a) The University and the Union acknowledge a shared and continuing commitment to staff development and renewal, and will work together to identify and initiate such opportunities for Union members.
(b) The University and the Union encourage Union members to continue the development of their skills and abilities through courses both degree and non- degree.
(c) Where an employee wishes to take courses at institutions other than the University of Guelph and doing so will likely increase job proficiency, the financial resources of the department permitting, the employee will be reimbursed for one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of tuition up to a maximum of $1000 in any one (1) calendar year provided that:
(1) Approval for the chosen course or program must be secured in advance from the employee’s Chair/Department Head and from the Associate Vice- President (Human Resources). The nature of the program should be such that it will increase the effectiveness of the employee in their present or possible future position with the University;
(2) Reimbursement is contingent upon successful completion.
(3) Should an employee’s request be denied, the employee shall maintain priority consideration, in order of submission for subsequent opportunities.