MANAGEMENT RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. The entire article applies.
MANAGEMENT RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. 4.01 The University has the right and the duty to operate and manage effectively in conformity with its rights and obligations, subject to the provisions of this collective agreement.
4.02 The University will take up the cudgels on behalf of any employee held legally responsible for an act carried out in the line of duty and agrees not to institute any claims against the employee on this account.
MANAGEMENT RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. 4.01 The administration of the Libraries remains vested in the University and shall not be exercised contrary to any provisions of the Collective Agreement.
4.02 The University will take up the cudgels on behalf of any Employee held legally responsible for an act carried out in the line of duty including that outlined in Article
MANAGEMENT RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. The University has the right and the duty to operate and manage its affairs effectively in accordance with its rights and obligations, subject to the provisions of this Collective Agreement.
MANAGEMENT RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. Management officials of the Employer retain the right, in accordance with applicable law:
MANAGEMENT RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. 4.01 The Union agrees that it is the right of the Company:
(a) to hire, promote, demote, transfer, lay off, discipline and discharge employees for just cause;
(b) to operate and manage its business in all respects and to make and alter from time to time rules and regulations to be observed by the employees, which rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
4.02 Matters not specifically covered by the express provisions of this Agreement will be dealt with at the sole discretion of the Company.
4.03 In administering this Agreement, the Company shall act reasonably, fairly, in good faith and in a manner consistent with the Agreement as a whole.
MANAGEMENT RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. Purpose. IAW 5 USC 7106, the purpose of this article is to set forth management rights.
MANAGEMENT RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. 3.01 The University has all rights and privileges in effectively managing and administering its activities, subject to the provisions of this collective agreement.
3.02 The University will hold any employee harmless of civil responsibility for any action or omission in respect of which the University could be held vicariously liable as an employer, except in cases of gross negligence or an action not related to the employee's duties.
3.03 Directives concerning an employee’s work are normally given to him/her by his/her
3.04 The University will supply the Union with a list of the names of all immediate supervisors including their titles.
MANAGEMENT RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS. The ISEE agrees to provide a clean, comfortable hall in addition to contracting with a decorating and drayage company with the ability to handle any reasonable requirements. Individual booth cleaning may be arranged directly with the decorator company. All booths must comply with the International Association of Exhi- bitions and Events (IAEE) show rules, which are available upon request at the ISEE office. Accordingly, the Exhibit Manager may control the aisles and lines of sight in the exhibit area and limit booth heights, space sizes, place- ment of signs and logos, distribution of literature/materials and use of music and sound. The Exhibit Manager may also add other rules and publish them at a later date to become part of this agreement; or may cancel this Agreement if these rules are not followed.