Manual Litter Picking. Manual litter picking is undertaken on pre-set routes which are scheduled to be completed over a 7 day period, with each route completed by a team of two streetscene attendants who alternate duty through the 4 by 3 shift pattern. Daily coverage per attendant is expected to be approximately 11km. The service will work with Elected Members to continually review the routes and seek agreement for changes to street cleansing approaches or frequencies where appropriate. Where possible, variations to the routes will be negotiated at xxxx member meetings. This will be limited to instances where the total daily distance covered is not increased significantly.
Manual Litter Picking. Manual litter picking is undertaken on pre-set routes which are scheduled to be completed over a 7 day period, with each route completed by a team of two streetscene attendants who alternate duty through the 4 by 3 shift pattern. Daily coverage per attendant is expected to be approximately 11km. The routes and frequencies covered by the Inner South SLA are provided in appendix E. Where possible, variations to the routes will be negotiated at xxxx member meetings. This will be limited to instances where the total daily distance covered is not increased.
Manual Litter Picking. Manual litter picking is undertaken on pre-set routes which are scheduled to be completed over a 7 day period, with each route completed by a team of two streetscene attendants who alternate duty through the 4 by 3 shift pattern. Daily coverage per attendant is expected to be approximately 11km. The routes and frequencies covered by the Inner East SLA are available from the team. Where possible, variations to the routes will be negotiated at xxxx member meetings. This will be limited to instances where the total daily distance covered is not increased. There is no direct capacity built into this element of the service to cover for sickness and annual leave although call can be made on the limited cover budget.
Manual Litter Picking. Manual litter picking is undertaken on pre-set routes which are scheduled to be completed over a 7 day period, with each route completed by a team of two streetscene attendants who alternate duty through the 4 by 3 shift pattern. Daily coverage per attendant is expected to be approximately 11km. The routes and frequencies covered by the Outer NE SLA are available from the team. They are primarily in Wetherby, Boston Spa and Collingham. Where possible, variations to the routes will be negotiated at xxxx member meetings. This will be limited to instances where the total daily distance covered is not increased. There is no direct capacity built into this element of the service to cover for sickness and annual leave although call can be made on the limited cover budget.