Annual leave definition
Annual leave and Clause 6.3 “Personal (Sick) Leave” of this Agreement.
Annual leave means leave provided by an employer for the pur- pose of taking regularly scheduled work time off with pay. Annual leave does not usually include leave for illness, personal business if in addition to and different than vacation leave, or other paid time off from work. However, if an employer authorizes only one type of leave, covering paid leave for vacation, illness, and any other ex- cused absence from work, such leave will be considered annual leave for purposes of RCW 41.50.150.
Annual leave means leave provided for under Division 3 of Part 4;
Examples of Annual leave in a sentence
Annual leave accrues progressively throughout a year of service according to the Employee’s ordinary hours of work and accumulates from year to year.
Annual leave should be arranged with your Line Manager well in advance, annual leave must not be taken during college days unless there are mitigating circumstances.
More Definitions of Annual leave
Annual leave means leave with pay granted to an officer or employee for the purpose of rehabilitation, restoration, or maintenance of work efficiency, or the transaction of personal affairs.
Annual leave means the leave time accrued biweekly by an employee based on the number of years of state service and may include holiday leave and recognition leave.
Annual leave means that paid leave which is awarded to an employee and used typically as vacation leave. The use of Annual Leave for rest and recreation is encouraged. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to request the use of Annual Leave at least five days prior to the requested leave period. Annual Leave must be approved prior to use by the Department Director. When authorized and applicable, Annual Leave shall be utilized in lieu of sick leave whenever the employee no longer has unused accumulated sick leave.
Annual leave means a period of approved absence with pay that is not chargeable to another category of leave.
Annual leave. After an employee has exhausted his/her paid military leave, the institution may pay the employee for his/her accumulated annual leave. Employees who elect not to use accrued leave, or who exhaust accrued leave shall be deemed to have a leave of absence without pay.
Annual leave. Employees hired prior to July 1, 1985 shall accrue one (1) hour of leave for every eleven (11) hours actually worked to a maximum accrual of two hundred ten (210) hours. Employees hired on or after July 1, 1985 shall accrue as follows:
Annual leave means vacation leave.