Market Risk and Turnover. Other than basic factors that determine the theoretical price of a Warrant, Warrant price are also affected by all prevailing market forces including the demand for and supply of the Warrants. The market forces will be greatest when a Warrant issue is almost sold out and when issuers make further issues of an existing Warrant issue. High turnover should not be regarded as an indication the price of a Warrant will go up. The price of a Warrant is affected by a number of factors in addition to market forces, such as the price of the underlying assets and its volatility, the time remaining to expiry, interest rates and the expected dividend on the underlying assets. SOME ADDITIONAL RISKS INVOLVED IN TRADING CBBCs
Appears in 3 contracts
Market Risk and Turnover. Other than basic factors that determine the theoretical price of a Warrant, Warrant price are also affected by all prevailing market forces including the demand for and supply of the Warrants. The market forces will be greatest when a Warrant issue is almost sold out and when issuers make further issues of an existing Warrant issue. High turnover should not be regarded as an indication the price of a Warrant will go up. The price of a Warrant is affected by a number of factors in addition to market forces, such as the price of the underlying assets and its volatility, the time remaining to expiry, interest rates and the expected dividend on the underlying assets. SOME ADDITIONAL RISKS INVOLVED IN TRADING CBBCsCBBCS
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Agreement and Schedules