Indicator Sample Clauses
Indicator. Home and Community Care • Reduce wait time for home care (improve access) • More days at home (including end of life care) Percent of Palliative Care Patients discharged from hospital with home support Sustainability and Quality • Improve patient satisfaction • Reduce unnecessary readmissions Overall Satisfaction with Health Care in the Community SCHEDULE 6: INTEGRATED REPORTING General Obligations
Indicator. Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service - Get Healthy in Pregnancy Referrals (% variance) Individual - See Data Supplement <90% of target ≥90% and <100% of target ≥100% of target Outcome 1 Indicator Children fully immunised at one year of age (%) 95 <90 ≥90 and <95 ≥95 Hospital Drug and Alcohol Consultation Liaison - number of consultations (% increase) Maintain or increase from previous year ≥10% decrease on previous year Up to <10% decrease on previous year Maintain or increase from previous year Hepatitis C Antiviral Treatment Initiation – Direct acting by District residents: Variance (%) Individual - See Data Supplement <98% ≥98% and <100% ≥100% Aboriginal paediatric patients undergoing Otitis Media procedures (number) Individual – See Data Supplement Less than target N/A Equal to or greater than specified target Domestic Violence Routine Screening – Routine Screens conducted (%) 70 <60 ≥60 and <70 ≥70 NSW Health First 2000 Days Implementation Strategy - Delivery of the 1-4 week health check (%) 85 <75 ≥75 and <85 ≥85 and <100 Sustaining NSW Families Programs - Applicable LHDs only - see Data Supplement: Families completing the program when child reached 2 years of age (%) 50 <45 ≥45 and <50 ≥50 Families enrolled and continuing in the program (%) 65 <55 ≥55 and <65 ≥65 Mental Health Peer Workforce Employment – Full time equivalents (FTEs) (number) Individual – See Data Supplement Less than target N/A Equal to or greater than target Measure Target Not Performing 🗶 Under Performing 🡦 Performing ✓ Outcome 1 Indicator BreastScreen participation rates (%) Women aged 50-69 years 55 <45 ≥45 and <55 ≥55 Women aged 70-74 years 55 <45 ≥45 and <55 ≥55 Workplace Culture - People Matter Survey Culture Index- Variation from previous survey (%) ≥-1 ≤-5 >-5 and <-1 ≥-1
Indicator. Net Worth as measured by Net Worth Per Member
Indicator. Administrative Expense Ratio
Indicator. The number of housing construction projects supported by the Investment in Affordable Housing that employed apprentices:
Indicator. Overall Expense Ratio
Indicator. Increased opportunities as measured through a description of the increase in the number and nature of programs offered to improve access to Affordable Housing and address needs. Indicator: The number of households able to remain living in urban revitalization areas as a result of being able to access sound, suitable and sustainable housing.
Indicator. The number of seniors or persons with disabilities who are able to remain living independently.
Indicator. Time Frequency Rate (LTFR) – Measures the number of lost time injuries for every one million hours worked by employees. This is calculated on a rolling 12 month basis which is cumulative and then annualised for the period.