Master Licensee Preparation and Installation Sample Clauses

Master Licensee Preparation and Installation. TransNet shall load and certify the installation of the Software on hardware provided by the Sub-licensee. The Master Licensee shall reimburse TransNet for any out-of-pocket expenses associated with travel and subsistence for this effort.
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Related to Master Licensee Preparation and Installation

  • Installation and Maintenance of Meters The Servicer shall cause to be installed, replaced and maintained meters in accordance with the Servicer Policies and Practices.

  • DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION Lessee shall be responsible for payment of all transportation, packing, installation, testing and other charges associated with the delivery, installation or use of any Equipment which are not included in the Agreement with respect to such Equipment.

  • Maintenance Repairs and Alterations 6.01 Tenant's Obligations to Repair ------------------------------ Tenant shall at its sole cost and expense, maintain in clean and safe condition, and make all repairs and replacements to the Premises and every part thereof, structural and non-structural, so as to keep, maintain and preserve the Premises in first class condition and repair, including, without limitation, the roof, the foundation, the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system ("HVAC"), elevators, if any, all plumbing and sewage facilities, fire sprinklers, electrical and lighting facilities, systems, appliances, and equipment within the Premises, fixtures, interior and exterior walls, floors, ceilings, windows, doors, entrances, all interior and exterior glass (including plate glass), and skylights located within the Premises, and all sidewalks, service areas, parking areas and landscaping comprising part of the Premises. All repairs and replacements required to be made by Tenant shall be made promptly with new materials of like kind and quality to those used in the original construction of the Premises. If the repair or replacement work affects the structural parts of the Premises, or if the estimated cost of any item or repair or replacement exceeds $10,000, then Tenant shall first obtain Landlord's written approval of the scope of work, plans therefor, and materials to be used. Any such work shall be performed by Landlord's contractor or by such contractor as Tenant may choose from an approved list to be submitted by Landlord. Landlord shall have the right to make any repairs or replacements which are not promptly made by Tenant and charge Tenant, as Additional Rent, for the cost thereof together with interest thereon at the Agreed Rate from the date of payment thereof by Landlord. Without limiting any of Tenant's obligations hereunder, during the Lease Term Tenant, at its expense, shall obtain and keep in force an HVAC service contract and a roof maintenance program satisfactory to Landlord. Tenant hereby waives the benefit of any statute now or hereafter in effect which would otherwise afford Tenant the right to make repairs at Landlord's expense or to terminate this Lease because of Landlord's failure to keep the Premises in good condition, order and repair. Tenant specifically waives all rights it may have under Sections 1932(1), 1941 and 1942 of the California Civil Code, and any similar or successor statute or law. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Landlord shall exercise its rights under any guaranties or warranties relating to the original construction of the Premises if the need to make repairs arises due to a defect therein; provided, however, Landlord shall not have any liability or be required to expend any funds if such guaranties or warranties are not honored by the makers hereof.

  • Maintenance Repairs Utility Installations Trade Fixtures and Alterations 7.1 Lessee's Obligations.

  • Communications Equipment Members of the board of directors or any committee thereof may participate in and act at any meeting of such board or committee through the use of a conference telephone or other communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other, and participation in the meeting pursuant to this section shall constitute presence in person at the meeting.

  • MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF COLLATERAL Grantor shall maintain all tangible Collateral in good condition and repair. Grantor will not commit or permit damage to or destruction of the Collateral or any part of the Collateral. Lender and its designated representatives and agents shall have the right at all reasonable times to examine, inspect, and audit the Collateral wherever located. Grantor shall immediately notify Lender of all cases involving the return, rejection, repossession, loss or damage of or to any Collateral; of any request for credit or adjustment or of any other dispute arising with respect to the Collateral; and generally of all happenings and events affecting the Collateral or the value or the amount of the Collateral.

  • Installation Tenant may install and use Tenant's Lines and make connections and disconnections at the terminal blocks as described above, provided Tenant shall: (i) obtain Landlord's prior written approval of all aspects thereof, (ii) use an experienced and qualified contractor designated or approved in writing in advance by Landlord (whom Landlord may require to enter an access and indemnity agreement on Landlord's then standard form of agreement therefor), (iii) comply with such inside wire standards as Landlord may adopt from time to time, and all other provisions of this Lease, including Paragraph 8 respecting alterations, and the Building rules respecting access to the wire closets, (iv) not install Lines in the same sleeve, chaseway or other enclosure in close proximity with electrical wire, and not install PVC-coated Lines under any circumstances, (v) thoroughly test any riser Lines to which Tenant intends to connect any Lines to ensure that such riser Lines are available and are not then connected to or used for telephone, data transmission or any other purpose by any other party (whether or not Landlord has previously approved such connections), and not connect to any such unavailable or connected riser Lines, and (vi) not connect any equipment to the Lines which may create an electromagnetic field exceeding the normal insulation ratings of ordinary twisted pair riser cable or cause radiation higher than normal background radiation, unless the Lines therefor (including riser Lines) are appropriately insulated to prevent such excessive electromagnetic fields or radiation (and such insulation shall not be provided by the use of additional unused twisted pair Lines). As a condition to permitting installation of new Lines, Landlord may require that Tenant remove any existing Lines located in or serving the Premises.

  • IMPROVEMENTS AND ALTERATIONS 33. The Lessor agrees to furnish the demised premises to the Lessee at the fixturing date with those improvements set forth as Lessor's Improvements in Schedule "C" attached hereto. The Lessee agrees to be responsible for the installation at the fixturing date at its sole risk, cost and expense of the Lessee's Improvements in accordance with the rules and regulations as set forth in Schedule "D" attached hereto. Should the Lessee require any alterations, improvements, partitions, or changes of whatsoever kind to or in the demised premises after the Lessee has taken possession thereof, the Lessee will make and install the same at its own expense; PROVIDED HOWEVER, that no repairs, alterations, improvements, partitions, or changes of whatsoever kind shall be made without the written consent of the Lessor first had and obtained, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld; PROVIDED FURTHER, that any such repairs, alterations, improvements, partitions, or changes of whatsoever kind shall be made in a good and workmanlike manner with new, first-class materials and shall be carried out and the plans relating thereto shall be prepared by such tradesman, engineers or consultants as are approved by the Lessor. All alterations, improvements, partitions and changes made in or to the demised premises at any time before or after the taking of possession by the Lessee, by the Lessee or the Lessor, shall immediately become the property of the Lessor and form part of the demised premises and the building and shall remain upon the demised premises; PROVIDED ALWAYS that the Lessor may at the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease for any reason whatsoever require that the Lessee restore the demised premises in whole or in part to the same condition in which they were at the time of the entering into of this Lease, the exceptions to the Lessee's repair obligations only excepted. The Lessee shall not remove any furniture, leasehold improvements, fixtures, chattels of any kind from the demised premises without the prior consent of the Lessor and until all rents and other monies due are fully paid. SIGNS

  • Office Space, Equipment and Facilities Provide such office space, office equipment and office facilities as are adequate to fulfill the Adviser’s obligations hereunder.

  • Utility Installations Trade Fixtures Alterations 8.3.1 The term “Utility Installations” refers to all floor and window coverings, air and/or vacuum lines, power panels, electrical distribution, security and fire protection systems, communication cabling, lighting fixtures, HVAC equipment, plumbing, and fencing in or on the Premises. The term “

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