MEDICAL AND NURSING FEES. Physician, surgeon, anesthesiologist, assistant surgeon, specialists, and other medical and nursing fees are covered only when they are medically necessary for the surgery or treatment and approved in advance by USA Medical Services. Medical and nursing fees are limited to the lesser of:
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MEDICAL AND NURSING FEES. Physician, surgeon, anesthesiologist, assistant sur- geon, specialists, and other medical and nursing fees are covered only when they POLICY CONDITIONS | 5 are medically necessary for the surgery or treatment. Medical and nursing fees are limited to the lesser of:


  • Medical and Dental If an employee is not actively at work on the initial effective date of coverage due to a reason other than hospitalization or medical disability of the employee or dependent, medical and dental coverage will be effective on the first day of the employee’s return to work. The effective date of a change in coverage is not delayed in the event that, on the date the coverage change would be effective, an employee is on an unpaid leave of absence or layoff.

  • Medical and Dental Benefits If Executive’s employment is subject to a Termination, then to the extent that Executive or any of Executive’s dependents may be covered under the terms of any medical or dental plans of the Company (or an Affiliate) for active employees immediately prior to the Termination Date, then, provided Executive is eligible for and elects coverage under the health care continuation rules of COBRA, the Company shall provide Executive and those dependents with coverage equivalent to the coverage in effect immediately prior to the Termination. For a period of twelve (12) months (18 months for a Termination during a Covered Period), Executive shall be required to pay the same amount as Executive would pay if Executive continued in employment with the Company during such period and thereafter Executive shall be responsible for the full cost of such continued coverage; provided, however, that such coverage shall be provided only to the extent that it does not result in any additional tax or other penalty being imposed on the Company (or an Affiliate) or violate any nondiscrimination requirements then applicable with respect to the applicable plans. The coverages under this Section 4(e) may be procured directly by the Company (or an Affiliate, if appropriate) apart from, and outside of the terms of the respective plans, provided that Executive and Executive’s dependents comply with all of the terms of the substitute medical or dental plans, and provided, further, that the cost to the Company and its Affiliates shall not exceed the cost for continued COBRA coverage under the Company’s (or an Affiliate’s) plans, as set forth in the immediately preceding sentence. In the event Executive or any of Executive’s dependents is or becomes eligible for coverage under the terms of any other medical and/or dental plan of a subsequent employer with plan benefits that are comparable to Company (or Affiliate) plan benefits, the Company’s and its Affiliates’ obligations under this Section 4(e) shall cease with respect to the eligible Executive and/or dependent. Executive and Executive’s dependents must notify the Company of any subsequent employment and provide information regarding medical and/or dental coverage available.

  • Medical and Dental Plans A. MEDICAL PLAN COVERAGE

  • Medical Expenses 1. Employees exposed to hazardous physical, biological, or chemical agents shall be provided, at no cost to the employee, with medical examinations or evaluations required by VOSHA regulations. If there are no specific VOSHA regulations or standards for the agent in question, recommendations of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health or other generally recognized expert organization shall be used, as determined by the Commissioner of Health.

  • Medical Exams 18.1: The Sheriff's Department may require a physical and/or psychological exam by a doctor, at the Employer's expense, to determine the employee's ability to perform his/her regular duties, if deemed appropriate. The employee may obtain a second opinion, at the employee's expense, and in the event there is a dispute between the Employer's doctor and the employee's doctor, both of these doctors shall select a third doctor, whose decision shall be final and binding on the parties. The expense for the third doctor's opinion shall be split 50-50 by the Employer and the employee if not covered by the employee's insurance.

  • Leave for Medical and Dental Care (a) Where it is not possible to schedule medical and/or dental appointments outside regularly scheduled working hours, reasonable time off for medical and dental appointments for employees shall be permitted, if the Employer is notified at the time the appointment is made. Where any such absence exceeds two (2) hours, the full-time absence shall be charged to the entitlement described in Article 20.13.

  • Outpatient If you receive dialysis services in a hospital's outpatient unit or in a dialysis facility, we cover the use of the treatment room, related supplies, solutions, drugs, and the use of the dialysis machine. In Your Home If you receive dialysis services in your home and the services are under the supervision of a hospital or outpatient facility dialysis program, we cover the purchase or rental (whichever is less, but never to exceed our allowance for purchase) of the dialysis machine, related supplies, solutions, drugs, and necessary installation costs. Related Exclusions If you receive dialysis services in your home, this agreement does NOT cover: • installing or modifying of electric power, water and sanitary disposal or charges for these services; • moving expenses for relocating the machine; • installation expenses not necessary to operate the machine; or • training you or members of your family in the operation of the machine. This agreement does NOT cover dialysis services when received in a doctor’s office.

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