Models of school leadership and equity Sample Clauses

Models of school leadership and equity. As stated previously, the literature on school leadership is replete with terminology, and for the sake of simplicity most authors subsume accounts of leadership under various typologies. Of these, the most prevalent are:  Transactional leadership, which posits a ‘leader-follower dichotomy’ (Xxxxxx et al., 2003, p.
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Related to Models of school leadership and equity

  • Ownership and Publication of Materials All reports, information, data, and other materials prepared by the Consultant pursuant to this agreement are the property of the City. The City has the exclusive and unrestricted authority to release, publish or otherwise use, in whole or part, information relating thereto. Any re-use without written verification or adaptation by the Consultant for the specific purpose intended will be at the City’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. No material produced in whole or in part under this agreement may be copyrighted or patented in the United States or in any other country without the prior written approval of the City.

  • Philosophy It is the Company’s intent to use regular staff to perform most of its work of a continuing nature. Furthermore, the Company will strive to provide regular staff with stability of employment. The parties agree that a consistent, managed and joint approach to the assignment of work within the Company is necessary to provide security for employees, a more effective, productive organization and an excellent product for the customer.

  • Programs to Keep You Healthy Many health problems can be prevented by making positive changes to your lifestyle, including exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and not smoking. As a member, you can take advantage of our wellness programs at no additional cost. Wellness Programs We offer wellness programs to our members from time to time. These programs include, but are not limited to: • online and in-person educational programs; • health assessments; • coaching; • biometric screenings, such as cholesterol or body mass index; • discounts We may provide incentives for you to participate in these programs. These incentives may include credits toward premium, and a reduction or waiver of deductible and/or copayments for certain covered healthcare services, as permitted by applicable state and federal law. For the subscriber of the plan, wellness incentives may also include rewards, which may take the form of cash or cash equivalents such as gift cards, discounts, and others. These rewards may be taxable income. Additional information is available on our website. Your participation in a wellness program may make your employer eligible for a group wellness incentive award. Your participation in our wellness programs is voluntary. We reserve the right to end wellness programs at any time. Member Incentives From time to time, we may offer you coupons, discounts, or other incentives as part of our member incentives program. These coupons, discounts and incentives are not benefits and do not change or affect your benefits under this plan. You must be a member to be eligible for member incentives. Restrictions may apply to these incentives, and we reserve the right to change or stop providing member incentives at any time. Care Coordination Care coordination gives you access to dedicated BCBSRI healthcare professionals, including nurses, dietitians, behavioral health providers, and community resources specialists. These care coordinators can help you set and meet your health goals. You can receive support for many health issues, including, but not limited to: • making the most of your physician’s visits; • navigating through the healthcare system; • managing medications or addressing side effects; • better understanding new or pre-existing medical conditions; • completing preventive screenings; • losing weight. Care Coordination is a personalized service that is part of your existing healthcare coverage and is available at no additional cost to you. For more information, please call (000) 000-XXXX (2273) or visit our website. Disease Management If you have a chronic condition such as asthma, coronary heart disease, diabetes, congestive heart failure, and/or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, we’re here to help. Our tools and information can help you manage your condition and improve your health. You may also be eligible to receive help through our care coordination program. This voluntary program is available at no additional cost you. To learn more about disease management, please call (000) 000-0000 or 0-000-000-0000. About This Agreement Our entire contract with you consists of this agreement and our contract with your employer. Your ID card will identify you as a member when you receive the healthcare services covered under this agreement. By presenting your ID card to receive covered healthcare services, you are agreeing to abide by the rules and obligations of this agreement. Your eligibility for benefits is determined under the provisions of this agreement. Your right to appeal and take action is described in Appeals in Section 5. This agreement describes the benefits, exclusions, conditions and limitations provided under your plan. It shall be construed under and shall be governed by the applicable laws and regulations of the State of Rhode Island and federal law as amended from time to time. It replaces any agreement previously issued to you. If this agreement changes, an amendment or new agreement will be provided.

  • Cultural Heritage 1. The IVG shall monitor and verify the preservation of cultural heritage in the Old City in accordance with the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List rules. For this purpose, the IVG shall have free and unimpeded access to sites, documents, and information related to the performance of this function.

  • CULTURAL DIVERSITY The Cultural Diversity Requirement generally does not add units to a student's program. Rather, it is intended to be fulfilled by choosing courses from the approved list that also satisfy requirements in other areas of the student’s program; the exception is that Cultural Diversity courses may not satisfy Culture and Language Requirements for B.S. students. For example, Anthropology 120 can fulfill (3) units of the Behavioral Science requirement and (3) units of the Cultural Diversity requirement. This double counting of a class may only be done with the Cultural Diversity requirement. Courses in Cultural Diversity may be taken at the lower-division or upper-division level. U . S . H I S T O R Y I N S T I T U T I O N A L R E Q U I R E M E N T HIS 120, 121, 270, 275

  • Cultural Resources If a cultural resource is discovered, the Purchaser shall immediately suspend all operations in the vicinity of the cultural resource and notify the Forest Officer. Operations may only resume if authorized by the Forest Officer. Cultural resources identified and protected elsewhere in this contract are exempted from this clause. Cultural resources, once discovered or identified, are not to be disturbed by the Purchaser, or his, her or its employees and/or sub- contractors.

  • OWNERSHIP AND USE OF ELIGIBLE CONSUMER DATA Competitive Supplier acknowledges that the Town shall have exclusive ownership of all right, title, and interest in and to all Eligible Consumer data (including addresses, telephone numbers or other identifying information) made available to Competitive Supplier as a result of execution of this ESA. Competitive Supplier shall use Eligible Consumer data solely to provide All- Requirements Power Supply to Participating Consumers and to render other services expressly required or permitted under this ESA. Any other use of Eligible Consumer data without the prior written consent of the Town is strictly prohibited. Pursuant to such authorized use, Competitive Supplier may share such Eligible Consumer data with affiliates and third-party vendors as reasonably necessary to accommodate Competitive Supplier’s provision of All-Requirements Power Supply or other performance pursuant to this ESA (including, without limitation, collection of receivables), provided that Competitive Supplier will take reasonable measures to inform any such vendor of the confidential nature of such data and the restrictions set forth in this Article 2.5 and elsewhere in this ESA. Except as expressly provided in this ESA, Competitive Supplier shall not disclose any Eligible Consumer data to any third-party that has not executed a non-disclosure certificate or agreement in a form mutually acceptable to the Parties, and Competitive Supplier shall take Commercially Reasonable measures to protect Eligible Consumer data from access by, or beneficial use for, any third-party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties agree that contract employees and entities with which Competitive Supplier contracts to provide contract employees shall not be deemed third parties for purposes of this Section 2.5. To the extent that the provision of All-Requirements Power Supply or other services under this ESA requires that Competitive Supplier have access to or make use of any Eligible Consumer data, Competitive Supplier shall treat such Eligible Consumer data as confidential information. Competitive Supplier may use Eligible Consumer data to engage in direct marketing only during the term of this ESA and subject to the terms set forth in Article

  • Metrics The DISTRICT and PARTNER will partake in monthly coordination meetings at mutually agreed upon times and dates to discuss the progress of the program Scope of Work. DISTRICT and PARTNER will also mutually establish criteria and process for ongoing program assessment/evaluation such as, but not limited to the DISTRICT’s assessment metrics and other state metrics [(Measures of Academic Progress – English, SBAC – 11th grade, Redesignation Rates, mutually developed rubric score/s, student attendance, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) data)]. The DISTRICT and PARTNER will also engage in annual review of program content to ensure standards alignment that comply with DISTRICT approved coursework. The PARTNER will provide their impact data based upon these metrics.

  • Ownership and Control All components of the Placer County Technology Platform, including voicemail, email messages sent and received, files and records created or placed on any County file server, and all data placed onto or accessed by the County’s computer network including internet access, are and remain either the property of or under the control of Placer County and not the User.

  • OWNERSHIP AND USE OF WORK PRODUCT All reports, studies, information, data, statistics, forms, designs, plans, procedures, systems and any other materials or properties produced in whole or in part under this Agreement in connection with the performance of the Required Services (collectively “Work Product”) shall be the sole and exclusive property of City. No such Work Product shall be subject to private use, copyrights or patent rights by Consultant in the United States or in any other country without the express, prior written consent of City. City shall have unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute, and otherwise use, copyright or patent, in whole or in part, any such Work Product, without requiring any permission of Consultant, except as may be limited by the provisions of the Public Records Act or expressly prohibited by other applicable laws. With respect to computer files containing data generated as Work Product, Consultant shall make available to City, upon reasonable written request by City, the necessary functional computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring and printing computer files.

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