Philosophy Sample Clauses
Philosophy. It is the Company’s intent to use regular staff to perform most of its work of a continuing nature. Furthermore, the Company will strive to provide regular staff with stability of employment. The parties agree that a consistent, managed and joint approach to the assignment of work within the Company is necessary to provide security for employees, a more effective, productive organization and an excellent product for the customer.
Philosophy. Optimal attendance is imperative to achieve superior customer service, employee satisfaction, efficiency and quality of care for health plan members. Appropriate use of time-off benefits, including sick leave when employees are injured or ill, is essential to employee well-being and organizational performance. A healthy work environment and a committed workforce are critical success factors for achieving optimal attendance. Sick leave is not an entitlement, but a benefit, like insurance, to be utilized only when needed.
Philosophy. The Administration and the Lodge recognize the responsibility both have to make full use of the knowledge, talent, and commitment of all who are involved in the delivery of police services to the citizens of Columbus. The Administration and the Lodge recognize the benefits of exploration and study of issues that may arise which detract from the ability of the Division to provide the highest standard of service. Toward this end, the Administration and the Lodge agree to maintain an active forum for the exploration of mutual concerns. The Administration and the Lodge agree that the maintenance of this forum is not a substitute for collective bargaining nor is it a mechanism for modifying the Contract; rather the forum is seen as an adjunct to the collective bargaining process and an aid in implementing the Contract. This forum also shall be useful as a place to discuss issues which arise outside of the context of collective bargaining but which represent impediments to a quality work environment or which threaten the Division's ability to deliver police services in the most efficient manner possible. Although issues which may be or which may become the subjects of grievances may be discussed in this forum, such discussions shall not in any way supplant, replace or interfere with the Grievance Procedure and the orderly and timely processing of grievances thereunder.
Philosophy. The professional development process is the primary vehicle through which educational changes are implemented. Organizational growth and individual growth are its two major components, both of which must be pursued aggressively and simultaneously. Each member of the educational community has a responsibility for individual and organizational growth, as does the organization. It is the responsibility of each member, the responsibility of the organization and the interaction between the two that is the focus of the Appointing Authority’s professional development process.
Philosophy. The professional growth program for classified employees is designed to promote activities which would assist the classified employee in acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to do his or her job well; to promote safe working practices and procedures; to provide the employee with opportunities to learn better and more efficient ways to do the job; to stimulate the employee to reach and maintain acceptable levels of productivity and job effectiveness; and to encourage the employee to improve his or her relations with students, other employees and the public.
Philosophy. Sick leave will be provided for certified personnel, subject to the limitations prescribed below, for work days lost due to illness, disability (including pregnancy), and medical/dental appointments. Illness or disability for sick leave purposes will be defined as a physical or mental condition which precludes the employee from efficiently performing the duties normally required under the terms of the contract.
Philosophy. The Stanislaus County Superintendent of Schools and the Stanislaus Association of Certificated Personnel believe that an evaluation process must promote the improvement of instruction; provide constructive assistance; offer professional growth opportunities; and validate quality performance in the delivery of instruction and/or service to students and staff. The evaluation process must be positive, productive, equitable, and uniform. It must identify performance expectations; promote standards of excellence in the delivery of educational services; recognize and respect individual differences; encourage open communication including ongoing feedback; and be valued and supported by both teachers and administrators.
Philosophy. It is the philosophy of the district that professional development should be “high- quality, sustained, intensive and classroom focused” and “not one day or short-term” workshops or conferences. Sending educators to a seminar or providing only limited experiences during which teachers can learn about, discuss, and apply effective instructional strategies will not result in lasting change. Job-embedded professional development is necessary for continuous improvement of instruction to take place. The Ohio Improvement Process indicates that professional development is intentionally aligned with a district’s most pressing needs; this professional development is implemented strategically and is not based on the preferences of individuals but on what must be done to improve the system.
Philosophy. The Career Guidance Counselor plays a central role in a career education program. It is his/her duty to assist the student in achieving such a level of personal awareness that the student can make good decisions, arrive at a personally meaningful set of work values, and make optimum use of his/her academic preparation. In addition, the career guidance counselor can be instrumental in ensuring that students are equipped with career decision making skills, job seeking and retention skills, inter-personal skills that will allow them to succeed at work, adequate career information and awareness of educational-vocational opportunities. The student should also have an awareness of the means available for changing career choices and the social and personal constraints that impinge upon career alternatives.
Philosophy. The Ponca City Public Schools Teacher Evaluation Program is based on the improvement of instruction through focusing on factors which have demonstrated effectiveness in increasing student achievement, fostering a positive student self-image, and building student enthusiasm for the learning process. It is designed to increase the faculty member's effectiveness, give a clearer definition of the teacher's job, and lead to self-improvement. Evaluation should be a continuous, constructive, and cooperative experience between the teacher and evaluator, be made a matter of record, and provide information for both teachers and administrators. The Ponca City Public Schools shall make every reasonable effort to give all necessary support and assistance to teachers with respect to maintenance of an appropriate learning environment in the classroom.