Monetized Platforms. Google will make available, and Provider maywill enable a feature that restricts Provider Content to playback on Monetized Platforms or otherwise control offweb syndication of Provider Content. Monetized Platforms areinclude those that are branded with the YouTube brand and have substantially equivalent levels of in-stream enabled inventory as the YouTube Website.specifically optimized for distribution via mobile devices or televisions. Google will use commercially reasonable efforts to maintain the ad breaks designated by Provider in the Metadata Feed on the Monetized Platforms if the ad loads of the Monetized Platforms support such ad breaks. In the event that the Monetized Platforms do not support such ad breaks, then Provider may disable the exhibition of Provider Content on the Monetized Platforms or other offweb syndication. If Provider also enables embeds for such Provider Content, that Provider Content may be displayed via the embeddable player (with or without the equivalent level of in-stream enabled inventory as the YouTube Website) in non-YT branded products, services and applications, including but not limited to those of third parties, and in Google Services other than the YouTube Website.
Monetized Platforms. Google will make available, and Provider may enable a feature that restricts Provider Content from playback on Monetized Platforms or otherwise control offweb syndication of Provider Content. Monetized Platforms include those specifically optimized for distribution via mobile devices or televisions. Google will use commercially reasonable efforts to (i) maintain the ad breaks designated by Provider in the Metadata Feed on the Monetized Platforms if the ad loads of the Monetized Platforms support such ad breaks, and (ii) so long as technically feasible, carry the Provider Ads served via the Provider Ad Manager. In the event that the Monetized Platforms do not support such ad breaks, then Provider may turn the Provider Content to a “private” setting in the Content Management System and set Monetized Content “private” to “block” in the Content ID system on the Monetized Platforms or other offweb syndication.
Monetized Platforms. Google will make available, and Provider may enable a feature that restricts Provider Content to playback on Monetized Platforms or otherwise control syndication of Provider Content. Monetized Platforms solely include those platforms specifically optimized for distribution via mobile devices or televisions that contain the following features: (i) YouTube-branded; (ii) provides the ability to include Provider Brand Features; (iii) carries Provider Ads served via the Provider specified Ad Manager, (iv) contains substantially similar ad loads across all YouTube-branded platforms; (v) shall upload and respect the Provider ad breaks, so long as such ad breaks are within the Google guidelines, and (vi) supports the content protection obligations set forth in Section 3.3. Google shall make commercially reasonable efforts to include the following features on the Monetized Platforms: (x) measurable by third party measurement/analytics providers (e.g., Xxxxxxx, ComScore); and (y) shall provide traffic attribution to Provider.
Monetized Platforms. Google may will make available, and Provider may enable a feature that restricts Provider Content to playback on Monetized Platforms. Monetized Platforms are those that are branded with the YouTube brand and have substantially equivalent levels of in-stream enabled inventory as the YouTube Website. If Provider also enables embeds for such Content, that Content may be displayed via the embeddable player (with or without the equivalent level of in-stream enabled inventory as the YouTube Website) in non-YT branded products, services and applications, including but not limited to those of third parties, and in Google Services other than the YouTube Website.