SINGLE-USE PRODUCTS The Board of County Commissioners has established a single-use products and plastic bags policy intended to reduce the use of products which have become globally recognized as having lasting negative impacts on the environment. Neither single-use products nor plastic bags may be sold or disbursed on County property by staff or contracted vendors, except as set forth in Orange County Administrative Regulation 9.01.03. Failure to comply with the Regulation may result in termination of the contract or other contractual remedies, and may affect future contracting with the County. The use of reusable, recyclable, biodegradable, or compostable materials is encouraged.
BRAND NAMES 8.1 Wherever in the specifications or bid that brand names, manufacturer, trade name, or catalog numbers are specified, it is for the purpose of establishing a grade or quality of material only; and the term "or equal" is deemed to follow. 8.2 It is the Bidder's responsibility to identify any alternate items offered in the bid, and prove to the satisfaction of the Owners that said item is equal to, or better than, the product specified. 8.3 Bids for alternate items shall be stated in the appropriate space on the e-bid form, or if the proposal form does not contain blanks for alternates, Bidder MUST attach to its bid document on Company letterhead a statement identifying the manufacturer and brand name of each proposed alternate, plus a complete description of the alternate items including illustrations, performance test data and any other information necessary for an evaluation. 8.4 The Bidder must indicate any variances by item number from the specification document no matter how slight. 8.5 If variations are not stated in the bid, it will be assumed that the item being bid fully complies with the Owners’ bidding documents.
Contract Database Metadata Elements Title: Xxxxxxx-Xxx Xxxxx Central School District and Xxxxxxx-Xxx Xxxxx Teachers Association (2007)
License; Use Upon delivery to an Authorized Person or a person reasonably believed by Custodian to be an Authorized Person of the Fund of software enabling the Fund to obtain access to the System (the “Software”), Custodian grants to the Fund a personal, nontransferable and nonexclusive license to use the Software solely for the purpose of transmitting Written Instructions, receiving reports, making inquiries or otherwise communicating with Custodian in connection with the Account(s). The Fund shall use the Software solely for its own internal and proper business purposes and not in the operation of a service bureau. Except as set forth herein, no license or right of any kind is granted to the Fund with respect to the Software. The Fund acknowledges that Custodian and its suppliers retain and have title and exclusive proprietary rights to the Software, including any trade secrets or other ideas, concepts, know-how, methodologies, or information incorporated therein and the exclusive rights to any copyrights, trademarks and patents (including registrations and applications for registration of either), or other statutory or legal protections available in respect thereof. The Fund further acknowledges that all or a part of the Software may be copyrighted or trademarked (or a registration or claim made therefor) by Custodian or its suppliers. The Fund shall not take any action with respect tot the Software inconsistent with the foregoing acknowledgement, nor shall the Fund attempt to decompile, reverse engineer or modify the Software. The Fund may not xxx, sell, lease or provide, directly or indirectly, any of the Software of any portion thereof to any other person or entity without Custodian’s prior written consent. The Fund may not remove any statutory copyright notice or other notice included in the Software or on any media containing the Software. The Fund shall reproduce any such notice on any reproduction of the Software and shall add any statutory copyright notice or other notice to the Software or media upon Custodian’s request.
Data Use Each party may use Connected Account Data in accordance with this Agreement and the consent (if any) each obtains from each Connected Account. This consent includes, as to Stripe, consent it receives via the Connected Account Agreement.
Customer Focus Is dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of internal and external customers; gets first hand customer information and uses it for improvements in products and services; acts with customers in mind; establishes and maintains effective relationships with customers and gains their trust and respect
Television Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of covered television equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is compliance with Subchapter Z, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Television Equipment Recycling Program.
End User This agreement shall bind the ordering activity as end user but shall not operate to bind a Government employee or person acting on behalf of the Government in his or her personal capacity.
End Users Customer will control access to and use of the Products by End Users and is responsible for any use of the Products that does not comply with this Agreement.
Customer Content As part of the Services provided under this Agreement, Customer Data will be stored and processed in the data center region specified in the applicable Ordering Document. Axway shall not access Customer Content except in response to support or technical issues where Customer provides Axway with prior Customer’s written authorization required to access such Customer Content. Axway is not responsible for unauthorized access, alteration, theft or destruction of Customer Content arising from Customer’s own or its authorized users’ actions or omissions in contravention of the Documentation. Customer’s ability to recover any lost data resulting from Axway’s misconduct is limited to restoration by Axway from the most recent back-up.