Interchange The Seller receives Interchange Fees from financial institutions for clearing transactions arising under the Accounts and as compensation for assuming credit risk and funding receivables for a limited period of time prior to initial billing. The Seller will Transfer to the Custodian on a daily basis the Interchange Fees, representing the aggregate amount of fees paid or payable to the Seller on such day in respect of all Visa Accounts, Mastercard Accounts and other Specified Account Designation Accounts from other financial institutions that clear such credit card transactions for merchants after netting or set-off occurs. The Seller may, from time to time, in its sole discretion, voluntarily increase or decrease the rate used to calculate amounts receivable or payable in respect of Interchange Fees. The Account Assets include the then applicable Interchange Fees.
DISTRIBUTION OF CONTRACTOR PRICE LIST AND CONTRACT APPENDICES Contractor shall provide Authorized Users with electronic copies of the Contract, including price lists and Appendices, upon request. Contract Updates will be handled as provided in Appendix C – Contract Modification Procedures.
Terminal Receipt You can get a receipt at the time you make any transaction (except inquiries) involving your account using an ATM and/or point-of-sale (POS) terminal.
Payment and Contract Price C1 Contract Price C1.1 In consideration of the Contractor’s performance of its obligations under the Contract, the Authority shall pay the Contract Price in accordance with clause C2 (Payment and VAT). C1.2 The Authority shall, in addition to the Contract Price and following evidence of a valid VAT invoice, pay the Contractor a sum equal to the VAT chargeable on the value of the Services supplied in accordance with the Contract. C2 Payment and VAT C2.1 The Authority shall pay all sums due to the Contractor within thirty (30) days of receipt of a valid invoice, submitted Monthly in arrears. C2.2 The Authority shall pay all sums by direct credit transfer into a suitable bank account or by other electronic payment methods as appropriate. C2.3 The Contractor shall ensure that each invoice contains a valid purchase order number. All appropriate references and a detailed breakdown of the Services supplied and any other documentation reasonably required by the Authority to substantiate the invoice should be supplied in accordance with Schedule 2. C2.4 Where the Contractor enters into a sub-contract for the purpose of performing its obligations under the Contract, it shall ensure that a provision is included in such a sub-contract which requires payment to be made of all sums due by the Contractor to the Sub-contractor within a specified period not exceeding thirty (30) days from the receipt of a valid invoice. C2.5 The Contractor shall add VAT to the Contract Price at the prevailing rate as applicable and the Authority shall pay the VAT to the Contractor following its receipt of a valid VAT invoice. C2.6 The Contractor shall indemnify the Authority on a continuing basis against any liability, including any interest, penalties or costs incurred, which is levied, demanded or assessed on the Authority at any time in respect of the Contractor’s failure to account for or to pay any VAT relating to payments made to the Contractor under the Contract. Any amounts due under this clause C2.5 shall be paid by the Contractor to the Authority not less than five (5) Working Days before the date upon which the tax or other liability is payable by the Authority. C2.7 The Contractor shall not suspend the supply of the Services unless the Contractor is entitled to terminate the Contract under clause H2.3 (Termination on Default) for failure to pay undisputed sums of money. Interest shall be payable by the Authority on the late payment of any undisputed sums of money properly invoiced in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Xxx 0000. C2.8 Where payment by the Authority of all or any part of any invoice rendered or other claim for payment by the Contractor is disputed, this dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the disputed claims procedure as set out in Schedule 2. C3 Recovery of Sums Due C3.1 Wherever under the Contract any sum of money is recoverable from or payable by the Contractor (including any sum which the Contractor is liable to pay to the Authority in respect of any breach of the Contract), the Authority may unilaterally deduct that sum from any sum then due, or which at any later time may become due to the Contractor under the Contract or under any other agreement or contract with the Authority. C3.2 Any overpayment by either Party, whether of the Contract Price or of VAT or otherwise, shall be a sum of money recoverable by the Party who made the overpayment from the Party in receipt of the overpayment. C3.3 The Contractor shall make all payments due to the Authority without any deduction whether by way of set-off, counterclaim, discount, abatement or otherwise unless the Contractor has a valid court order requiring an amount equal to such deduction to be paid by the Authority to the Contractor. C3.4 All payments due shall be made within a reasonable time unless otherwise specified in the Contract, in cleared funds, to such bank or building society account as the recipient Party may from time to time direct. C4 Price adjustment on extension of the Initial Contract Period C4.1 The Contract Price shall apply for the Initial Contract Period. In the event that the Authority agrees to extend the Initial Contract Period pursuant to clause F8 (Extension of Initial Contract Period), the Authority may, where applicable, in the six (6) Month period prior to the expiry of the Initial Contract Period, enter into good faith negotiations with the Contractor (for a period of not more than thirty (30) Working Days) to agree a variation in the Contract Price. For the avoidance of doubt both Parties accept and acknowledge that any Variation to the Contract Price shall not have the effect of altering the economic balance of the Contract during the period of extension in favour of the Contractor in a manner not provided for in the terms of the Contract. C4.2 If the Parties are unable to agree a variation in the Contract Price in accordance with clause C4.1, the Contract shall terminate at the end of the Initial Contract Period. C4.3 If a variation in the Contract Price is agreed between the Authority and the Contractor, the revised Contract Price will take effect from the first day of any period of extension and shall apply during such period of extension. C4.4 Any increase in the Contract Price pursuant to clause C4.1 shall not exceed the percentage change in the Office of National Statistics’ Consumer Prices Index (CPI) (or another such index specified in the Prices & Rates Schedule) between the Commencement Date and the date six (6) Months before the end of the Initial Contract Period.] C5 Euro C5.1 Any requirement of Law to account for the Services in Euro (or to prepare for such accounting) instead of and/or in addition to sterling, shall be implemented by the Contractor at nil charge to the Authority. C5.2 The Authority shall provide all reasonable assistance to facilitate compliance with clause C5.1 by the Contractor. C6 Third Party Revenue C6.1 The Contractor may not obtain any third party revenue, income or credit based on the Services and/or copyright works delivered under this Contract without the express prior written agreement of the Authority.
C1 Contract Price In consideration of the Contractor’s performance of its obligations under the Contract, the Authority shall pay the Contract Price in accordance with clause C2 (Payment and VAT).
Scheduled Downtime For the purposes of this Agreement, Scheduled Downtime will mean those hours, as determined by us but which will not occur between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday through Friday without your authorization or unless exigent circumstances exist, during which time we will perform scheduled maintenance or adjustments to the Environment. We will use our best efforts to provide you with at least twenty-four (24) hours of notice prior to scheduling Scheduled Downtime.
Contract Task Order A- E shall be assigned work via a task order by COUNTY which shall subsequently be referred to as the “Contract Task Order” (hereinafter “CTO”). A CTO for each project shall be developed by A-E in conjunction with COUNTY Project Management staff. The County Project Manager shall manage all A-E’s work including monitoring the CTO work schedule, quality of deliverables, review of invoiced amounts, adherence to set budget, and internal review of submittal packages. A-E shall follow all requirements as outlined in the CTO; this general Scope of Work, the project specific Scope Statement, and the Architect-Engineer Guide (Rev July 2018). The CTO shall include a detailed Scope Statement, describing tasks to be performed with a specific list of deliverables for each task, schedule of work and cost to complete the work. The schedule of work shall allow enough time for meetings with County Management staff to review the work progress, provide technical and policy direction, resolve problems and ensure adherence to the work completion schedule. The CTO shall include a cover sheet provided by County Project Management staff with the appropriate signature blocks and contract information. Once both Parties agree, and all Parties have signed the CTO, County Management staff shall provide A-E with a Notice to Proceed (NTP) to begin work. A-E shall submit all plans, reports and other documents produced under the CTO to the assigned County Project Manager within the timeframe indicated in the CTO or as directed by County Project Management staff.
Payment Schedule The purchase price for timber sold under this contract shall be paid in advance as follows: The first payment shall be paid within 30 days of the notification of high bid or before operating, whichever occurs first. The first payment shall be 10 percent of the total estimated bid value. The total estimated bid value shall be the sum obtained by multiplying the estimated timber volumes by the prices given in Section 44 less the amount of the project work. Cash bid deposits shall be applied to the initial payment. Subsequent payments shall be made in advance of timber removal when log hauling begins. Each payment shall be made before the value of timber removed equals one-half an advance payment or within the time period stated on the billing if PURCHASER is more than one-half of a payment in advance. The amount of each advance payment shall be calculated by dividing the total estimated bid value less the initial payment by 9; with the total estimated bid value being the sum obtained by multiplying the estimated timber volumes by the prices given in Section 44 less the amount of the project work. STATE may accept partial payment, upon written request, if logging is inactive. However, the full amount of advance payment is paid before logging resumes. Partial payment must be sufficient to maintain a payment deposit equal to one-half of a regular advance payment. The total purchase price shall be calculated after all log scale is reported by multiplying prices in Section 44 by the scaled volume. STATE shall refund any advance payment in excess of the total price, or PURCHASER shall pay any deficit within 30 days of notice. PURCHASER's deposit account shall not accrue interest payable to PURCHASER.
Work on Scheduled RDOs Circumstances (a) Work may take place on a scheduled RDO by agreement between the Parties to this Agreement or on any substituted day where it is required by the Employer and such work is necessary to meet operational requirements, manage its business and/or improve productivity subject to the below procedure. (b) Examples of where work may take place include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) to allow other Employees to be employed productively, to carry out out-of-hours maintenance; or (ii) because of unforeseen delays to a particular Project or a section of it; or (iii) for other reasons arising from unforeseen or emergency circumstances on a Project. For the avoidance of doubt, unforeseen or emergency circumstances include, but are not limited to: excessive periods of Inclement Weather, matters not necessarily the fault of the Employer which has led to the Project being delayed or behind schedule, the requirement to meet the Employer’s work program and unexpected delays in the Project due to scheduling of other works or supply of materials, or work that cannot be performed on other days because of municipal council restrictions, or other relevant laws or regulations. Such requirement must be based on genuine circumstances. (c) Where the Employer requires work to be performed on a Scheduled RDO (or any substituted day) because of the existence of any of the above, it will: (i) consult with the affected Employees and the Union within a reasonable timeframe; (ii) determine that affected Employees agree to work on the Scheduled RDO; and (iii) the Employer will notify and agree with the Employees and their Union representative in writing (via email prior to the RDO when work needs to be performed. The attached notification form (Appendix I) may be used for this purpose. Affected Employees will be entitled to meet with their Union Representative for the purpose of consulting about works to occur on a scheduled RDO. The attached notification form (Appendix I) may be used for this purpose. (d) The Employer is committed to providing as much notice as is reasonably practicable of a requirement to work. Wherever possible, the process outlined above will occur at least nine (9) calendar days prior to the RDO in question. An Employee may refuse to work on a scheduled RDO (or any substituted day) if the requirement to do so is plainly unreasonable having regard to: (i) the hours of work that will be worked by that Employee in the week of the scheduled RDO; (ii) the number of scheduled RDOs worked by the Employee within the previous six weeks; (iii) the Employee’s family responsibilities; and (iv) any other special circumstances peculiar to the Employee. (e) An Employee required to work who has been consulted with in accordance with the Procedure, in addition to accrued entitlements, will be paid at the Employee’s Ordinary Rate prescribed in this Agreement for the Employees’ classification. (f) An Employee required to work who has not been consulted with in accordance with the Procedure, in addition to accrued entitlements, will be paid as if they were undertaking Public Holiday Work in accordance with clause 39.9 of this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, where the Employer has consulted with the Union in accordance with subclause
Price Schedule, Payment Terms and Billing, and Price Adjustments (a) Price Schedule: Price Schedule under this Contract is set forth in Exhibit B.