No Additional Persons with Financial Interest. Class Representative and Class Counsel warrant and represent that they are not aware of any persons (natural or legal) having any interest in any award of Attorneys’ Fees and Expenses costs, or litigation expenses in connection with the Action, other than Class Counsel.
No Additional Persons with Financial Interest. Forefront shall not be liable for any additional attorneys’ fees and expenses of any Settlement Class Members’ counsel, including any potential objectors or counsel representing a Settlement Class Member, other than what is expressly provided for in this Agreement.
No Additional Persons with Financial Interest. Facebook shall not be liable for any additional attorneys’ fees and expenses of any Settlement Class Members’ counsel, including any potential objectors or counsel representing a Settlement Class Member, other than what is expressly provided for in this Agreement.
No Additional Persons with Financial Interest. BRSI shall not be liable for any additional attorneys’ fees and expenses of any Settlement Class Members’ counsel, including any potential objectors or counsel representing a Settlement Class Member individually, other than what is expressly provided for in this Agreement. Settlement Class Counsel agree to hold BRSI harmless from any claim that the term “Settlement Class Counsel” (as defined in section 1.33 of this Agreement) fails to include any counsel, person, or firm who claims that they are entitled to a share of any attorneys’ fees awarded to Settlement Class Counsel in this lawsuit.
No Additional Persons with Financial Interest. Empress shall not be liable for any additional attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses of any Class Members’ counsel, including any potential objectors or counsel representing a Class Member, other than what is expressly provided for in this Agreement.
No Additional Persons with Financial Interest. Sound Generations shall not be liable for any additional attorneys’ fees and expenses of any Settlement Class Members’ counsel, including any potential objectors or counsel representing a Settlement Class Member, other than what is expressly provided for in this Agreement.
No Additional Persons with Financial Interest. Target shall not be liable for any additional attorneys’ fees and expenses of any Settlement Class Members’ counsel, including any potential objectors or counsel representing a Settlement Class Member individually, other than what is expressly provided for in this Agreement. Settlement Class Counsel agree to hold Target harmless from any claim that the term “Settlement Class Counsel” as defined in Section 1.37 of this Agreement fails to include any person or firm who claims that they are entitled to a share of any attorneys’ fees awarded to Settlement Class Counsel in connection with the Actions or the Financial Institutions Complaint.
No Additional Persons with Financial Interest. TransPerfect shall not be liable for any additional attorneys’ fees and expenses of any Settlement Class Members’ counsel, including any potential objectors or counsel representing a Settlement Class Member individually, other than what is expressly provided for in this Agreement. Settlement Class Counsel agree to hold TransPerfect harmless from any claim that the term “Settlement Class Counsel” (as defined in section 1.28 of this Agreement) fails to include any counsel, person, or firm who claims that they are entitled to a share of any attorneys’ fees awarded to Settlement Class Counsel in this lawsuit.