Open Source Sample Clauses
Open Source. 15.1 All software created for the Buyer must be suitable for publication as open source, unless otherwise agreed by the Buyer.
15.2 If software needs to be converted before publication as open source, the Supplier must also provide the converted format unless otherwise agreed by the Buyer.
Open Source. Certain components of the Apple Software, and third party open source programs included with the Apple Software, have been or may be made available by Apple on its Open Source web site (xxxxx:// (collectively the “Open-Sourced Components”). You may modify or replace only these Open-Sourced Components; provided that: (i) the resultant modified Apple Software is used, in place of the unmodified Apple Software, on Apple-branded computers you own or control, as long as each such Apple computer has a properly licensed copy of the Apple Software on it; and (ii) you otherwise comply with the terms of this License and any applicable licensing terms governing use of the Open-Sourced Components. Apple is not obligated to provide any updates, maintenance, warranty, technical or other support, or services for the resultant modified Apple Software. You expressly acknowledge that if failure or damage to Apple hardware results from modification of the Open-Sourced Components of the Apple Software, such failure or damage is excluded from the terms of the Apple hardware warranty.
Open Source. Bestimmte Komponenten der Apple-Software sowie Open-Source-Programme von Drittanbietern, die zum Lieferumfang der Apple-Software gehören, wurden oder werden von Apple auf seiner Open-Source-Website (xxxxx:// (gemeinsam als „Open-Source- Komponenten“ bezeichnet) bereitgestellt. Du bist berechtigt, nur diese Open-Source-Komponenten zu ändern oder zu ersetzen, vorausgesetzt, dass (i) die resultierende modifizierte Apple-Software anstelle der nicht modifizierten Apple-Software auf Apple-Computern verwendet wird, deren Eigentümer du bist oder die deiner Kontrolle unterliegen, vorausgesetzt, auf jedem dieser Apple-Computer befindet sich eine ordnungsgemäß lizenzierte Kopie der Apple-Software, und (ii) du die Bestimmungen dieser Lizenz sowie jegliche für die Verwendung der Open-Source-Komponenten geltenden Lizenzbestimmungen erfüllst. Es besteht keine Verpflichtung seitens Apple, Aktualisierungsarbeiten, Wartungsarbeiten, eine Gewähr, technische oder sonstige Unterstützung oder Dienste für die resultierende modifizierte Apple- Software zu xxxxxxx. Du erklärst dich ausdrücklich damit einverstanden, dass im Falle eines aus der Änderung der Open-Source-Komponenten der Apple-Software resultierenden Ausfalls oder Schadens der Apple-Hardware dieser Ausfall oder Schaden von den Bestimmungen der Apple-Hardwaregarantie ausgeschlossen wird.
Open Source. Some portion of the Licensed Materials might contain Open Source Software subject to Open Source Terms applicable for each such portion, as further specified in the Licensed Materials. Such Open Source Software is supplied to You under the applicable Open Source Terms and is not subject to the terms of this LLA to the extent the terms of this LLA are in conflict with such applicable Open Source Terms. Except for Open Source Software, You have no rights under this LLA to, and may not under any circumstances use the Licensed Materials, and/or any parts thereof such that they become subject to any Open Source Terms. These actions include but are not limited to combining the Licensed Materials by means of incorporation or linking or otherwise.
Open Source. Some portion of the Licensed Materials might contain Open Source Software subject to Open Source Terms (as defined below) applicable for each such portion, as further specified in the Licensed Materials. Such Open Source Software is supplied to You under the applicable Open Source Terms and is not subject to the terms of this PLLA to the extent the terms of this PLLA are in conflict with such applicable Open Source Terms.
Open Source. Bepaalde onderdelen van de Apple software alsmede Open Source-programma’s van andere fabrikanten die samen met de Apple software worden geleverd (gezamenlijk de “Open Source- componenten” genoemd), zijn beschikbaar gesteld of kunnen beschikbaar gesteld worden door Apple op de Open Source-website (xxxxx:// Het is je toegestaan uitsluitend deze Open Source-componenten te wijzigen of te vervangen, mits: (i) de uit de aanpassing voortvloeiende gewijzigde Apple software wordt gebruikt in plaats van de ongewijzigde Apple software op een of meer Apple computers die jij in eigendom of in beheer hebt, zolang als er op elk van deze Apple computers een gelicentieerd exemplaar van de Apple Software aanwezig is; en (ii) je voor het overige voldoet aan de voorwaarden van deze licentie en eventuele andere licentievoorwaarden die van toepassing zijn op het gebruik van de Open Source-componenten. Apple is niet verplicht ondersteuning bij updates, onderhoud, ondersteuning die onder de garantie valt, technische ondersteuning of andere ondersteuning te leveren voor de uit de aanpassing voortvloeiende gewijzigde Apple software. Je erkent uitdrukkelijk dat problemen met of schade aan Apple hardware als gevolg van wijziging van de Open Source- componenten van de Apple software buiten de bepalingen van de Apple hardwaregarantie vallen.
Open Source. Certain “open source” software packages have been selected by IDV for inclusion in the Software Product (“Open Source Software”). Open Source Software is not owned by IDV. Open Source Software is distributed by IDV to You for Your use under the terms of certain open source license agreements, copies of which are included within the Documentation (and are incorporated herein by this reference). In addition, certain copyright notices for such Open Source Software also are included in the Documentation and the Software Product “About” pages. You acknowledge that the Open Source Software is third-party software that has not been manufactured, tested or otherwise approved by IDV. THE OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND IDV DOES NOT MAKE AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF EVERY KIND RELATING TO THE OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE AND/OR USE OF THE OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ACTUAL AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT), AS WELL AS ANY WARRANTIES THAT THE OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE (OR ANY ELEMENTS THEREOF) WILL ACHIEVE A PARTICULAR RESULT, OR WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. Nothing in this XXXX shall obligate IDV to provide any support for the Open Source Software.
Open Source. The Software may incorporate third-party open source software (“OSS”), as listed at xxxxx:// To the extent required by the OSS license, that license will apply to the OSS on a stand-alone basis instead of this Agreement.
Open Source. È possibile che alcuni componenti del Software Apple e i programmi open source di terzi, inclusi nel Software Apple, siano stati o possano essere messi a disposizione sul sito web Open Source di Apple (xxxx:// (collettivamente i “Componenti Open Source”). È consentito modificare o sostituire esclusivamente tali Componenti Open Source, a condizione che: (i) il Software Apple modificato risultante venga utilizzato in sostituzione del Software Apple non modificato su computer Apple di Vostra proprietà o da Voi controllati, purché tale computer abbia installata una copia del Software Apple debitamente concessa in licenza; e (ii) tale uso avvenga in conformità ai termini della presente Licenza e alle condizioni di applicabilità delle licenze che regolano i Componenti Open Source. Apple non ha alcun obbligo di fornire aggiornamenti, manutenzione, garanzia, supporto tecnico o supporto di altra natura e servizi per il derivante Software Apple modificato. Riconoscete espressamente che in caso di guasti o danni all’hardware Apple in seguito alla modifica dei Componenti Open Source del Software Apple, tali guasti o danni saranno esclusi dai termini e dalle condizioni della garanzia dell’hardware Apple.
Open Source. Versions of certain third-party open source software (including libraries and redistributable files) may be embedded in, delivered with or automatically downloaded as part of any Software (“Ancillary Software”). The Ancillary Software is subject to the applicable separate open source license agreement(s) pertaining to the Ancillary Software, which shall be provided with the Software or otherwise made available by Entrust. The complete list of Ancillary Software (not the Ancillary Software itself) shall be deemed Entrust Confidential Information.