OPERATION OF THIS CONTRACT. 1.1 The Player and the Club acknowledge and agree that this Playing Contract does not commence operation or have binding effect until such time as the Player becomes registered with the Club. 1.2 The Player agrees not to enter into any agreement or understanding to play Australian Football with any other club or team other than the Club from the date of this Playing Contract until the conclusion of the Term or the Player’s application for registration with the Club being declined. The Player shall use reasonable endeavours and do all things reasonably required by the Club to enable the Player to become a registered Player of the Club.
OPERATION OF THIS CONTRACT. (a) (rights preserved) Any right that the Principal may have under this Contract is in addition to, and does not replace or limit, any other right that the Principal may have. (b) (severance) Any provision of this Contract which is unenforceable or partly unenforceable is, where possible, to be severed to the extent necessary to make this Contract enforceable, unless this would materially change the intended effect of this Contract.
OPERATION OF THIS CONTRACT. The Contract will have precedence over all other documents, correspondence or other writing at any time passing between Waverley Forklifts Sales and the Hirer in connection with the hire of the Equipment.
OPERATION OF THIS CONTRACT. 1.1 The Coach and the Club acknowledge and agree that this Coaching Contract does not commence operation or have binding effect until such time as the Coach becomes registered with the Club. 1.2 The Coach agrees not to enter into any agreement or understanding to coach Australian Football with any other club or team other than the Club from the date of this Coaching Contract until the conclusion of the Term or the Coach’s application for registration with the Club being declined. The Coach shall use reasonable endeavours and do all things reasonably required by the Club to enable the Coach to become a registered Coach of the Club.
OPERATION OF THIS CONTRACT. (a) The Contract will have precedence over all other documents, correspondence or other writing at any time passing between Queensland Forklifts and the Hirer in connection with the hire of the Equipment. (b) Where there is any inconsistency between the Hire Agreement and these Terms, the Hire Agreement will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.
OPERATION OF THIS CONTRACT. 1.1 Subject always to the obligations in clause 1.2, the Player and the Club acknowledge and agree that this Playing Contract does not commence operation or have binding effect until such time as the Player becomes registered with the Club. 1.2 The Player agrees not to enter into any agreement, understanding or contract to play Australian Football with any other club or team other than the Club from the date of this Playing Contract until the conclusion of the Term or the Player’s application for registration with the Club being declined. The Player shall use reasonable endeavours and do all things reasonably required by the Club to enable the Player to become a registered Player of the Club. 1.3 This contract commences on the date on which the last of the parties signs it and terminates on the 31st day of October in the last year of the player contract


  • Termination of this Contract Either party may terminate this contract by a 30-day written notice to the other party. Upon termination, the Purchaser’s liability shall be limited to the services provided by the Provider up to the date of termination. If the Purchaser terminates the contract for reasons other than non-performance by the Provider, the Purchaser may compensate the Provider for an amount determined by mutual agreement of both parties. This contract or any part thereof may be terminated immediately by either party for just cause, including, but not limited to, health and safety issues, fraud, criminal activity, violations of license or certification standards.

  • Operation of this Agreement This Agreement shall take effect on and from the date of this Agreement. The parties must execute and enter into this Agreement prior to any Construction Certificate issuing for the Development.