OTHER PARTY DEFINED. The term Other Party (wherever it may appear) is defined to mean the other person or entity which is the counter-party to the Agreement with the City and any of such Other Party’s subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, volunteers, representatives, agents, contractors and subcontractors. Precaution shall be exercised at all times by the Other Party for the protection of all persons, including employees, and property. The Other Party shall comply with all laws, rules, regulations or ordinances related to safety and health, and shall make special effort to anticipate and detect hazardous conditions and shall take such precautionary and prompt action where loss control/safety measures should reasonably be expected. The City may order work to be stopped at any time, without liability, if conditions exist that present immediate danger to persons or property. The Other Party acknowledges that such stoppage, or failure to stop, will not shift responsibility for any damages from the Other Party to the City.
OTHER PARTY DEFINED. The term Other Party (wherever it may appear) is defined to mean the other person or entity which is the counter-party to the Agreement with the City and any of such Other Party’s subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, volunteers, representatives, agents, contractors and subcontractors.