Packing 3.9.1 The tenderer shall provide such packing of the Goods as is required to prevent their damage or deterioration during transit to their final destination, as indicated in the Contract. 3.9.2 The packing, marking, and documentation within and outside the packages shall comply strictly with such special requirements as shall be expressly provided for in the Contract
Containers The marine and intermodal cargo containers either owned or leased by the Borrower and employed by the Borrower in the conduct of its business, including, without limitation, refrigerated, dry van, tank, open top and flat rack containers and refrigeration units and generator sets associated therewith, but excluding any chassis for such containers.
Labelling A label shall be permanently affixed on each container with at least the following information: name of the manufacturer, serial number, date of manufacture, MFP, NWP, type of fuel (e.g. "
Bulk Migration If Southern Telecom requests to migrate twenty-five (25) or more UNE- Port/Loop Combination (UNE-P) customers to UNE-Loop (UNE-L) in the same Central Office on the same due date, Southern Telecom must use the Bulk Migration process, which is described in the BellSouth CLEC Information Package, “UNE-Port/Loop Combination (UNE-P) to UNE-Loop (UNE-L) Bulk Migration.” This CLEC Information package, incorporated herein by reference as it may be amended from time to time, is located at The rates for the Bulk Migration process shall be the nonrecurring rates associated with the Loop type being requested on the Bulk Migration, as set forth in Exhibit A of this Attachment. Additionally, OSS charges will also apply per LSR generated per customer account as provided for in the Bulk Migration Request. The migration of loops from Integrated Digital Loop Carrier (IDLC) will be done pursuant to Section 2.6 of this Attachment.
Shipping Axon may make partial shipments and ship Axon Devices from multiple locations. All shipments are FOB shipping point via common carrier. Title and risk of loss pass to Agency upon Axon’s delivery to the common carrier. Agency is responsible for any shipping charges in the Quote.
Procedures for Providing NP Through Full NXX Code Migration Where a Party has activated an entire NXX for a single Customer, or activated at least eighty percent (80%) of an NXX for a single Customer, with the remaining numbers in that NXX either reserved for future use by that Customer or otherwise unused, if such Customer chooses to receive Telephone Exchange Service from the other Party, the first Party shall cooperate with the second Party to have the entire NXX reassigned in the LERG (and associated industry databases, routing tables, etc.) to an End Office operated by the second Party. Such transfer will be accomplished with appropriate coordination between the Parties and subject to appropriate industry lead times for movements of NXXs from one switch to another. Neither Party shall charge the other in connection with this coordinated transfer.
Load Shedding The systematic reduction of system demand by temporarily decreasing Load in response to a transmission system or area Capacity shortage, system instability, or voltage control considerations under the ISO OATT. Local Furnishing Bonds. Tax-exempt bonds issued by a Transmission Owner under an agreement between the Transmission Owner and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (“NYSERDA”), or its successor, or by a Transmission Owner itself, and pursuant to Section 142(f) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. § 142(f). Locality. A single LBMP Load Zone or set of adjacent LBMP Load Zones within one Transmission District within which a minimum level of Installed Capacity must be maintained. Local Reliability Rule. A Reliability Rule established by a Transmission Owner, and adopted by the NYSRC to meet specific reliability concerns in limited areas of the NYCA, including without limitation, special conditions and requirements applicable to nuclear plants and special requirements applicable to the New York City metropolitan area. Locational Based Marginal Pricing (“LBMP”). A pricing methodology under which the price of Energy at each location in the NYS Transmission System is equivalent to the cost to supply the next increment of Load at that location (i.e., the short-run marginal cost). The short-run marginal cost takes generation Bid Prices and the physical aspects of the NYS Transmission System into account. The short-run marginal cost also considers the impact of Out-of-Merit Generation (as measured by its Bid Price) resulting from the Congestion and Marginal Losses occurring on the NYS Transmission System which are associated with supplying an increment of Load. The term LBMP also means the price of Energy bought or sold in the LBMP Markets at a specific location.
Packaging Tangible product shall be securely and properly packed for shipment, storage, and stocking in appropriate, clearly labeled, shipping containers and according to accepted commercial practice, without extra charge for packing materials, cases, or other types of containers. All containers and packaging shall become and remain Customer’s property.
DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING The Contractor shall be responsible to inspect all components on delivery to ensure that no damage occurred during shipping or handling for furnish and installation projects. For equipment only purchases, the ordering entity shall be responsible to inspect all components on delivery. Materials must be stored in original undamaged packaging in such a manner to ensure proper ventilation and drainage, and to protect against damage, weather, vandalism, and theft until ready for installation.
Vaccination and Inoculation (a) The Employer agrees to take all reasonable precautions to limit the spread of infectious diseases among employees, including in-service seminars for employees. Where the Employer or Occupational Health and Safety Committee identifies high risk areas which expose employees to infectious or communicable diseases for which there are protective immunizations available, such immunizations shall be provided at no cost to the employee. The Committee may consult with the Medical Health Officer. Where the Medical Health Officer identifies such a risk, the immunization shall also be provided at no cost. The Employer shall provide Hepatitis B vaccine, free of charge, to those employees who may be exposed to bodily fluids or other sources of infection. (b) An employee may be required by the Employer, at the request of and at the expense of the Employer, to take a medical examination by a physician of the employee's choice. Employees may be required to take skin tests, x-ray examination, vaccination, and other immunization (with the exception of a rubella vaccination when the employee is of the opinion that a pregnancy is possible), unless the employee's physician has advised in writing that such a procedure may have an adverse effect on the employee's health.