Labelling Sample Clauses

Labelling. A label shall be permanently affixed on each container with at least the following information: name of the manufacturer, serial number, date of manufacture, MFP, NWP, type of fuel (e.g. "
LabellingThe distributor, on behalf of the selected vendor agrees that all supplies of articles should invariably contain the following information on its label and the carton. One information should not be overlapped by any other information needed to be furnished. The label should contain : a. Name of the item as approved b. CMS Cat. No. c. Manufacturing date/Import date for the imported items. d. Expiry Date. (where applicable) e. Name & address of Registered Office of Manufacturers and place of manufacture. f. Manufacturing License Number. (where applicable for Manufactures) g. Batch Number (where applicable) h. Month and Year of supply. i. The label & Carton must invariably marked “W B. GOVT SUPPLY : NOT FOR SALE”. j. All Surgical items quoted/supplied by the tenderer must conform to IS /BIS /CE/USFDA. Pacemker must conform to CE & US FDA norms. In case of Drugs items quoted /supplied by tenderer MUST CONFORM TO IP, BP, or USP norms and N.F.I. –III specification as noted against the item(s) in catalogue as applicable. k. The MRP and Trade Name will not be allowed to be printed in any pack. This will lead to cancellation of candidature straightaway. However, for excisable products, insertion of writing of Govt MRP is allowed as per provision laid down in the order of the Central Excise dept. However, for imported item(s), MRP and Trade name may be allowed in addition to Generic name.
Labelling. Products imported from one Party by the other Party in accordance with this Agreement shall meet the requirements on labelling set out in the laws and regulations of the other Party as listed in Annex III and in Annex IV. Those products may bear the Union’s organic logo, the Chilean organic logo, or both logos, as set out in the relevant laws and regulations, provided that they comply with the labelling requirements for the respective logo or for both logos. The Parties undertake to avoid any misuse of the terms referring to organic production, their derivatives or diminutives, such as ‘bio’ and ‘eco’ in relation to products that are covered by the recognition of equivalence referred to in Article 3. The Parties undertake to protect the Union’s organic logo and the Chilean organic logo set out in the relevant laws and regulations against any misuse or imitation. The Parties shall ensure that the Union’s organic logo and the Chilean organic logo are used only for the labelling, advertising or commercial documents of products complying with the laws and regulations listed in Annex III and in Annex IV.
LabellingThe Supplier must ensure that each item of Goods supplied by it has affixed to it: (a) fabric care and size labels that conform to all relevant Australian Standards; and (b) any other distinctive labels required under the Specifications.
LabellingThe distributor, on behalf of the selected vendor agrees that all supplies of articles in equipment section should invariably contain the following information on its label and the carton. One information should not be overlapped by any other information needed to be furnished. The label should contain : a. Name of the item as approved b. CMS Cat. No. c. Manufacturing date. d. Expiry Date. e. Name & address of Registered Office of Manufacturers and place of manufacture. f. Manufacturing License Number.
Labelling. (a) POLYPEPTIDE shall label each container of bulk drug substance according to the Specification including manufacturer name, name of product, product code, storage temperature, expiration date (if available), and quantity and number of containers. Each container will carry a caution statement as required by the applicable regulations in the country of shipping, transit and destination. INTRABIOTICS reserves the right to review and approve the master sample of the bulk drug container labels prior to their use. (b) Each container will contain a status label such as "IN QUARANTINE" or "RELEASED" etc. (c) Copies of labels used to label the bulk container will be kept as part of the batch record.
Labelling. All supplies of articles in drugs section should invariably contain the following information on its label and the carton. One information should not be overlapped by any other information needed to be furnished. a. Pharmacopoeia name. b. Manufacturing date. c. Expiry Date. d. Name & address of Registered Office of Manufacturers and place of manufacture. e. Manufacturing Licence Number.
Labelling. 1. The labelling requirements of goods and services are subject to the provisions of this chapter. 2. Each Party shall apply its relevant labelling requirements under this chapter. 3. The Parties shall develop common labelling requirements. the proposals made by each Party shall be evaluated by the Sub-Committee on measures related to standardization in packaging and labelling and packaging, in accordance with paragraph 5 of article 14. 4. The Sub-Committee measures relating to standardization in packaging and labelling and packaging may work and make recommendations on: a) The establishment of a common system of symbols and pictograms to the Parties; b) Definitions and terminology; c) Submission of information, including language, measurement systems, ingredients and sizes; or d) Other matters.
Labelling. It is recommended to the School that colour coded labels should be used for designated areas of both the Existing School and the School. This is crucial to the success of the decant process when receiving and distributing crates within the School. Coloured labels will be supplied. The Authority will inform the staff in advance of the dates detailed in the timetable (as may be varied in accordance with this Agreement) to promote an efficient move and to prevent double handling. Initial Authority Equipment262 For the purposes of this Agreement, all equipment (other than ICT equipment) and items stored in crates, labelled or prepared for removal from the Existing School263 to the School, together with the Initial New Authority Equipment (which shall also be labelled for removal from the Existing School) in accordance with this Schedule 22 shall comprise Initial Authority Equipment. Legacy ICT Equipment The Contractor will carry out the following activities [complete re: decant of Legacy ICT Equipment]. Redundant Items of Equipment The School will be provided with new equipment in accordance with the Area Data Sheets. Any items of equipment redundant within the Existing School not removed by the Authority in the agreed period of [two] weeks as detailed within paragraph 15.3 (Removal of existing school items of equipment) detailed below, will be removed by the Contractor during the Post Completion Works Phase.
Labelling. StemCell shall label and package the Product prior to shipment using such packaging and labelling in accordance with the Product Specifications relating to the labelling of Product as approved by Oxford and included in Schedule “C”.