Owner to be responsible for act or negligence of occupiers. Each Owner shall be responsible for and shall indemnify the Manager and the other Owners and occupiers for the time being against all actions, proceedings, claims and demands whatsoever arising out of or in respect of any injury to any person or any loss or damage to any property caused by or as the result of the act or negligence of such Owner or any occupier of any Unit of which he has the exclusive use or any person using such Unit with his consent express or implied or by, or through, or in any way owing to the overflow of water or spread of fire or leakage of electricity therefrom and to pay all costs, charges and expenses incurred in repairing or making good any loss or damage to the Land and the Building or any part or parts thereof or any of the Common Areas and Facilities therein or thereon caused by the act, neglect or default of all such persons. In the case of loss or damage which the Manager is empowered by this Deed to make good or repair, such costs, charges and expenses shall be recoverable by the Manager and in the case of loss or damage suffered by other Owners or occupiers for which the Manager is not empowered by this Deed or for which the Manager has elected not to repair or make good, such costs, charges and expenses together with all other damages recoverable by law shall be recoverable by the person or persons sustaining the loss or damage.