Ownership and Licensing of Output Sample Clauses

Ownership and Licensing of Output. I. Sun and the Specification Lead shall jointly own the copyright to the final Specification under United States copyright law. Sun will require that the final Specification be published promptly after completion, without restriction completion11 as a copy- righted work. A pointer to each final Specification will be posted at xxxx://xxxxxxxxx.xxxx.xxx.xxx/developeraboutJava/jcpcommuni- typrocess/. In addition, SunSun will require , or You if you are the Specification Lead to for an Expert Group, shall12 grant a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, fully paid-up, royalty free, irrevocable license under itthe grantor’sl12 applicable intellectual property rights, for to allow anyone to implement each Specification for which it is determined in accordance with the Process that a fully compatibile compatible implementation can be implemented without use of its the corresponding13 Reference Implementation (“Independent Implementations”). Such license will authorize the development creation14 and distribution of, Independent Implementations, of Inde- pendent Implementations provided that they they: (i) fully implement the Specification without modifying, subsetting or extending the public class or interface declarations whose names begin with “java” or “javax” or their equivalents in any subsequent naming conven- tion; (ii) implement all required interfaces and functionality of the Specification; (iii) do not only include additional as part of such Independent Implementation the packages, classes or methods as part of specified by15 the Specification; (iv) pass the Technology Compatibility Test Suites Kit16 for such Specification; and (v) are designed to operate on a Java platform which is certified to pass the complete JavaTM Compatibility Kit for such Java platform. Specifications for a required component of a Java platform or profile may only be implemented as part of a complete Independent Implementation of such Java platform or profile, unless such Specification was previously available separately. The foregoing requirements will also apply to Independent Implementations created by Sun and the Specification Lead. 11 The Ad Hoc Committee concluded that the phrase “without restriction” was confusing and inaccurate 12 Clearer wording 13 Improved grammar 14 Wording choice. Not intended to have a substantive impact 15 Clearer wording 16 JCP 2.0 uses the termTechnology Compatibility Kit” rather than “Compatibiility Test Suite”
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Ownership and Licensing of Output. I. Sun and the Specification Lead shall jointly own the copyright to the final Specification under United States copyright law. Sun will require that the final Specification be published promptly after completion as a copyrighted work. A pointer to each final Specification will be posted at xxxx://xxxx.xxx.xxx/aboutJava/communityprocess/. In addition, Sun, or You if you are the Specification Lead for an Expert Group, shall grant a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, fully paid-up, royalty free, irrevocable license under the grantor’s applicable intellectual property rights, to allow anyone to implement each Specification for which it is determined in accor- dance with the Process that a fully compatible implementation can be implemented without use of the corresponding Reference Imple- mentation (“Independent Implementations”). Such license will authorize the creation and distribution of Independent Implementations provided that they: (i) fully implement the Specification without modifying, subsetting or extending the public class or interface decla- rations whose names begin with “java” or “javax” or their equivalents in any subsequent naming convention; (ii) implement all required interfaces and functionality of the Specification; (iii) only include as part of such Independent Implementation the packages, classes or methods specified by the Specification; (iv) pass the Technology Compatibility Kit for such Specification; and (v) are designed to oper- ate on a Java platform which is certified to pass the complete TCK for such Java platform. Specifications for a required component of a Java platform or profile may only be implemented as part of a complete Independent Implementation of such Java platform or profile, unless such Specification was previously available separately. The foregoing requirements will also apply to Independent Implementa- tions created by Sun and the Specification Lead.
Ownership and Licensing of Output. I. Sun shall own the copyright to the final Specification under United States copyright law, unless otherwise mutually agreed between Sun and the participant acting as the Specification Lead. In any event, the Specification will be published without restriction as a copyrighted work. In addition, Sun will grant a royalty free license under Sun’s applicable intellectual property rights for each Specification for which a fully compatible implementation can be created without use of its Reference Implementation (“Indepen- dent Implementations”). Such license will authorize the development and distribution of, Independent Implementations, provided that they (i) fully implement the Specification without modifying, subsetting or extending the public class or interface declarations whose names begin with “java” or “javax” or there equivalents in any subsequent naming convention; (ii) implement all required interfaces and functionality of the Specification; (iii) do not include additional packages, classes or methods as part of the Specification; (iv) pass the Compatibility Test Suites for such Specification; and (v) are designed to operate on a Java platform which is certified to pass the com- plete JavaTM Compatibility Kit for such Java platform. Specifications for a required component of a Java platform or profile may only be implemented as part of a complete Independent Implementation of such Java platform or profile.
Ownership and Licensing of Output. I. Sun and the Specification Lead shall jointly own the copyright to the final Specification under United States copyright law. Sun will require that the final Specification be published promptly after completion, without restriction completion as a copy- righted work. A pointer to each final Specification will be posted at xxxx://xxxxxxxxx.xxxx.xxx.xxx/developeraboutJava/jcpcommuni- typrocess/. In addition, SunSun will require , or You if you are the Specification Lead to for an Expert Group, shall grant a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, fully paid-up, royalty free, irrevocable license under itthe grantor’s applicable intellectual property rights, for to allow anyone to implement each Specification for which it is determined in accordance with the Process that a fully compatibile com- patible implementation can be implemented without use of its the corresponding Reference Implementation (“Independent Implemen- tations”). Such license will authorize the development creation and distribution of, Independent Implementations, of Independent Implementations provided that they they: (i) fully implement the Specification without modifying, subsetting or extending the public class or interface declarations whose names begin with “java” or “javax” or their equivalents in any subsequent naming convention; (ii) implement all required interfaces and functionality of the Specification; (iii) do not only include additional as part of such Independent Implementation the packages, classes or methods as part of specified by the Specification; (iv) pass the Technology Compatibility Test Suites Kit for such Specification; and (v) are designed to operate on a Java platform which is certified to pass the complete JavaTM Com- patibility Kit for such Java platform. Specifications for a required component of a Java platform or profile may only be implemented as part of a complete Independent Implementation of such Java platform or profile, unless such Specification was previously available sep- arately. The foregoing requirements will also apply to Independent Implementations created by Sun and the Specification Lead.

Related to Ownership and Licensing of Output

  • Ownership and License 5.1 Unless otherwise specified in a SOW and except as provided in Section 5.2, Cisco is the sole and exclusive owner of all Deliverables and Supplier hereby irrevocably assigns and transfers to Cisco all of its worldwide right and title to, and interest in, the Deliverables, including all associated Intellectual Property Rights.

  • Ownership and Licenses 54 Article 16. Liability.......................................................................................................................................55 Section 16.01 Property damage.....................................................................................................................55 Section 16.02 Risk of Loss.............................................................................................................................55 Section 16.03 Limitation of HHSC’s Liability..................................................................................................55 Article 17. Insurance & Bonding.................................................................................................................55 Section 17.01 Insurance Coverage................................................................................................................55 Section 17.02 Performance Bond..................................................................................................................57 Section 17.03 TDI Fidelity Bond.....................................................................................................................57

  • Ownership and License in Deliverables Unless otherwise specified in a specific Purchase Order concerning procurement of a SaaS product:

  • Data Ownership and Use All data obtained from the MLS System is federally copyrighted and remains the property of MLSSAZ. MLSSAZ data is provided solely for publication on the Internet as a tool for consumers to search and view properties available for sale, which have been listed with MLSSAZ members. Utilizing the listing data for any purpose not outlined in this Agreement is not permitted and violates the copyright held by MLSSAZ.

  • Ownership and Use (A) Unless CITY states otherwise in writing, each document— including, but not limited to, each report, draft, record, drawing, or specification (collectively, “work product”)— that CONSULTANT prepares, reproduces, or causes its preparation or reproduction for this Agreement is CITY’s exclusive property.

  • Ownership and Control All components of the Placer County Technology Platform, including voicemail, email messages sent and received, files and records created or placed on any County file server, and all data placed onto or accessed by the County’s computer network including internet access, are and remain either the property of or under the control of Placer County and not the User.

  • Ownership and Proprietary Rights Title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights to Software or to the Software and all patents, copyright, design rights, trade secrets and other proprietary rights in or related to the Software are and remain the exclusive property of Licensor and its suppliers. Licensee acknowledges such rights and will not take any action that jeopardizes such rights or acquire any rights except the limited use rights specified in this Agreement. The Software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and international treaty provisions. The Licensee further acknowledges that in the course of its use of the Software, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, that it may suggest modifications or improvements to the Software (“Modification(s)”). The Licensee expressly acknowledges the Licensor shall have the right to use these modifications and hereby grants the Licensor a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual worldwide license to use or incorporate said Modification(s), in whole or in part, into the future development of any technology, including the Software. The Licensee expressly acknowledges that the Licensor is not obligated to provide the licensee with any form of compensation with respect to the use of the Modification(s).

  • OWNERSHIP AND USE OF WORK PRODUCT All reports, studies, information, data, statistics, forms, designs, plans, procedures, systems and any other materials or properties produced in whole or in part under this Agreement in connection with the performance of the Required Services (collectively “Work Product”) shall be the sole and exclusive property of City. No such Work Product shall be subject to private use, copyrights or patent rights by Consultant in the United States or in any other country without the express, prior written consent of City. City shall have unrestricted authority to publish, disclose, distribute, and otherwise use, copyright or patent, in whole or in part, any such Work Product, without requiring any permission of Consultant, except as may be limited by the provisions of the Public Records Act or expressly prohibited by other applicable laws. With respect to computer files containing data generated as Work Product, Consultant shall make available to City, upon reasonable written request by City, the necessary functional computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring and printing computer files.

  • Ownership and Publication of Materials All reports, information, data, and other materials prepared by the Consultant pursuant to this agreement are the property of the City. The City has the exclusive and unrestricted authority to release, publish or otherwise use, in whole or part, information relating thereto. Any re-use without written verification or adaptation by the Consultant for the specific purpose intended will be at the City’s sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. No material produced in whole or in part under this agreement may be copyrighted or patented in the United States or in any other country without the prior written approval of the City.

  • Ownership and Reservation of Rights Other than as expressly set forth in the Transaction Documents, no license or other rights in the Modernizing Medicine IP Rights are granted to Medical Practice or its Users, and all such rights are hereby expressly reserved by Modernizing Medicine. Additionally, and for avoidance of doubt, as between Modernizing Medicine and Medical Practice, Modernizing Medicine shall at all times retain sole and exclusive ownership of, or, as applicable, sole and exclusive rights as a licensee or sublicensee of, all of its copyrights, trademarks, trade names, trade dress, patents, software, source code, object code and other intellectual property rights with respect to the Modernizing Medicine IP, including, without limitation, all of the proprietary material provided and/or displayed by Modernizing Medicine at the Software, affiliated web sites, extranet, marketing materials or otherwise. Medical Practice acknowledges and agrees that the Modernizing Medicine IP may contain certain licensed materials and Modernizing Medicine’s licensors may independently protect their rights in the event of any violation of the Transaction Documents.

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