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P P P Sample Clauses

P P P. 34N37 Int. 35N04 Int. 33N37 1.97 P P 35N04 Int. 33N02 Int. 34N37 3.60 P P P 35N04E Int. 35N04 End Road 0.26 P P 32N83Y Int. 33N11 Landing 0.40 P P 33N02 Int. Xxx 00 Int. 35N04 8.00 P P P P 33N03 Int. 33N37 End Road 1.20 P P 33N03B Int. 33N03 End Road 0.20 P P 33N08 Int. 35N04 Int. 33N30Y 0.51 P P P 33N08A Int. 33N08 Landing 0.30 P P 33N11 Int. 33N02 Landing 1.80 P P P 33N15 Int. 35N04 Int. 33N37 1.06 P P P 33N29Y Int. 35N04 Int. 33N29YB 0.63 P P 33N29YB Int. 33N29Y End Road 0.60 P P
P P P. In other words, 7 now generates a random session key upon a first NewKey query for an honest party i with fresh record ( i, pwi) where 1−i is also honest, if (at least) one of the following events happen:
P P P. As usual in security notions for key exchange, the adversary also sets the session keys for corrupted players. In the definition of Xxxxxxx et al. [CHK+05], the adversary additionally sets Pi’s key if P1−i is corrupted. However, contrary to the original definition, we do not allow the adversary to set i’s key if 1−i is corrupted but did not guess i’s pass-string. We make this change in order to protect an honest i from, for instance, revealing sensitive information to an adversary who did not successfully guess her pass- string, but did corrupt her partner. Roles There are two categories of fPAKE protocols: symmetric protocols in which the two parties execute the same code, and asymmetric protocols in which the two parties execute different code. Frequently in asymmetric protocols, one party can be seen as the “sender” who initiates the protocol, and the other can be seen as the “receiver” who responds.2 In our ideal functionality, each party includes a role tag in her NewSession query; one party should identify herself as the sender (denoted as role = sender), while the other should identify herself as the receiver (role = receiver). The functionality simply forwards these role tags to the simulator; the roles do not affect any of the functinality’s decisions. In the case of symmetric protocols, the role tags are unnecessary, since a sender and a receiver execute the same code. In the case of asymmetric protocols, the simulator needs the role tags in order to determine which code to execute. It might look strange that the functionality ignores these role tags once it forwards them to the simulator; it might seem that, in the case of an asymmetric protocol, the functionality should only proceed if one of the roles provided is sender and the other receiver. However, in such a situation, the simulator can trigger the desired behavior — an abort — simply by never issuing a NewKey query.3 2 To reflect the fact that, even in symmetric protocols, one party likely requests that the other engage in key exchange with her, such a request message can be pre-pended to any symmetric protocol.‌
P P P. G G P G G P
P P P. These vectors determine a generalized measurement with positive operators Oz = jzihzj. Since z Oz P 0 = z jz; 0ihz; 0j = z 11HE P 0 j zih zj11HE P 0 = 11HE P 0 , the Oz satisfy z Oz = 11HE , as they should in order to de- ne a generalized measurement [24]. Note that the rst case (nz dim HE ) is a special case of the second one, with j zi = jz; 0i. If Xxx now performs the measurement, then we have PXY Z(x; y; z) = jhx; y; zj ij2 = jhx; y; zj ; 0ij2, PXY jZ(x; y; z) = jhx; yj z; zij2 = jhxj zij2 jhyj zij2 = PXjZ (x; z)PY jZ(y; z) holds for all jzi and for all jx; yi 2 HA HB. Consequently, I(X; Y jZ) = 0. 2 Theorem 2 states that if AB is entangled, then Xxx cannot force the intrinsic information to be zero: Whatever she does (i.e., whatever generalized measure- ments she carries out), there is something Xxxxx and Xxx can do such that the intrinsic information is positive. Note that this does not, a priori, imply that secret-key agreement is possible in every case. Indeed, we will provide evidence for the fact that this implication does generally not hold.
P P P. SIG G1 As a consequence, we can reach the following security result Theorem 1. Our proposed pairing-based two-party authenticated key agreement protocol is secure, given the CDH assumption and the hash functions are assumed random oracles.
P P P. We denote the input of party Pi by mi 0, 1 A, which is divided into t blocks, with αth block being denoted by miα, for α = 1, . . . , t. At the beginning of our protocol, we initialize two dynamic variables n′ = n and t′ = t and one dynamic set ′ = . ′ denotes the set of non-eliminated parties and contains n′ parties, out of which at most t′ can be corrupted. In every segment α the computation is structured into three main phases: (a) Checking Phase, (b) Expansion Phase and (c)
P P P. It remains to show that (6) implies ai si and xi 0. We show that whenever i ai = i si = 1 and ai 6 si, then i ai =si > 1 : First, note that Pi ai =si = Pi ai = 1 for ai si. Let now si1 ai1 and si2 ai2 . i1 i2 i1 i2 We show that a2 =si + a2 =si < a2 =(si ") + a =(si + ") holds for every i1 i2 that this is equivalent to a2 si (si + ") > a2 si (si

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  • Unbundled Sub-Loop Feeder Unbundled Sub-Loop Feeder (USLF) provides connectivity between BellSouth's central office and cross-box (or other access point) that serves an end user location. USLF utilized for voice traffic can be configured as 2-wire voice (USLF-2W/V) or 4-wire voice (USLF-4W/V). USLF utilized for digital traffic can be configured as 2-wire ISDN (USLF-2W/I); 2-wire Copper (USLF-2W/C); 4-wire Copper (USLF-4W/C); 4-wire DS0 level loop (USLF-4W/D0); or 4-wire DS1 and ISDN (USLF-4W/DI). USLF will provide access to both the equipment and the features in the BellSouth central office and BellSouth cross box necessary to provide a 2W or 4W communications pathway from the BellSouth central office to the BellSouth cross- box. This element will allow for the connection of Talk America’s loop distribution elements onto BellSouth's feeder system.

  • Unbundled Copper Sub-Loop (UCSL) is a copper facility of any length provided from the cross-box in the field up to and including the end-user’s point of demarcation. If available, this facility will not have any intervening equipment such as load coils between the end-user and the cross-box.

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  • Sector Sub-Sector Industry Classification Level of Government Type of Obligation Description of Measure Source of Measure All sectors : : - : Central : National Treatment Senior Management and Board of Directors : National Treatment and the Senior Management and Board of Directors obligations shall not apply to any measure relating to small and medium sized domestic market enterprise2. Foreign equity is restricted to a maximum of 40% for domestic market enterprises with paid-in equity capital of less than the equivalent of USD 200,000 Note: Members of the Board of Directors or governing body of corporation or associations shall be allowed in proportion to their allowable participation or share in the capital of such enterprises. : -1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines. - Foreign Investments Act of 1991 (R.A. No. 7042, as amended by R.A. No. 8179). -Presidential and Administrative Issuances. ∞ 2 The concept of a small and medium sized domestic market enterprise is an enterprise with paid in equity capital of less than the equivalent of USD 200,000.00.

  • P R E A M B L E 26 27 This Agreement is made and entered into between Peninsula School District Number 401 28 (hereinafter "District") and Public School Employees of Peninsula, Bus Driver Unit, an affiliate of 29 Public School Employees of Washington (hereinafter "Association"). 31 In accordance with the provisions of the Public Employees Collective Bargaining Act and regulations 32 promulgated pursuant thereto, and in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the 33 parties agree as follows: 34 35 37 A R T I C L E I 38 39 RECOGNITION AND COVERAGE OF AGREEMENT 40 41 Section 1.1. 42 The District hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative of all employees in the 43 bargaining unit described in Section 1.3, and the Association recognizes the responsibility of 44 representing the interests of all such employees.

  • Fund/SERV Transactions If the parties choose to use the National Securities Clearing Corporation’s Mutual Fund Settlement, Entry and Registration Verification (“Fund/SERV”) or any other NSCC service, the following provisions shall apply: The Company and the Fund or its designee will each be bound by the rules of the National Securities Clearing Corporation (“NSCC”) and the terms of any NSCC agreement filed by it or its designee with the NSCC. Without limiting the generality of the following provisions of this section, the Company and the Fund or its designee will each perform any and all duties, functions, procedures and responsibilities assigned to it and as otherwise established by the NSCC applicable to Fund/SERV, the Mutual Fund Profile Service, the Networking Matrix Level utilized and any other relevant NSCC service or system (collectively, the “NSCC Systems”). Any information transmitted through the NSCC Systems by any party or its designee to the other or its designee and pursuant to this Agreement will be accurate, complete, and in the format prescribed by the NSCC. Each party or its designee will adopt, implement and maintain procedures reasonably designed to ensure the accuracy of all transmissions through the NSCC Systems and to limit the access to, and the inputting of data into, the NSCC Systems to persons specifically authorized by such party. On each day on which the New York Stock Exchange is open for trading and on which the Fund calculates its net asset value pursuant to the rules of the SEC (“Business Day”), the Company shall aggregate and calculate the net purchase and redemption orders for each Account received by the Company by the close of the New York Stock Exchange (generally, 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time) (the “Close of Trading”) on the Business Day. The Company shall communicate to the Fund or its designee for that Business Day, by Fund/SERV, the net aggregate purchase or redemption orders (if any) for each Account received by the Close of Trading on such Business Day (the “Trade Date”) no later than 7:00 a.m. Eastern Time (or such other time as may be agreed by the parties from time to time) (the “Fund/SERV Transactions Deadline”) on the Business Day following the Trade Date. All such aggregated orders communicated to the Fund or its designee by the Fund/SERV Transactions Deadline on the Business Day following the Trade Date shall be treated by the Fund or its designee as if received prior to the Close of Trading on the Trade Date. All orders received by the Company after the Close of Trading on a Business Day shall not be aggregated with Orders received by the Company prior to the Close of Trading on such Business Day and shall be communicated to BRIL or its designee as part of an aggregated order no sooner than after the FUND/SERV Transactions Deadline or such other time as may be agreed by the parties from time to time) the following Business Day. Cash settlement shall be transmitted pursuant to the normal NSCC settlement process. In the case of delayed settlement, the Fund or its designee shall make arrangements for the settlement of redemptions by wire no later than the time permitted for settlement of redemption orders by the 1940 Act. Unless otherwise informed in writing, such redemption wires should be sent to an account specified by the Company and agreed to by Fund Parties.

  • Unbundled Copper Loop – Designed (UCL-D) The UCL-D will be provisioned as a dry copper twisted pair (2- or 4-wire) Loop that is unencumbered by any intervening equipment (e.g., filters, load coils, range extenders, digital loop carrier, or repeaters). A UCL-D will be 18,000 feet or less in length and is provisioned according to Resistance Design parameters, may have up to 6,000 feet of bridged tap and will have up to 1300 Ohms of resistance. The UCL-D is a designed circuit, is provisioned with a test point, and comes standard with a DLR. OC is a chargeable option for a UCL-D; however, OC is always required on UCLs where a reuse of existing facilities has been requested by Telepak Networks. These Loops are not intended to support any particular services and may be utilized by Telepak Networks to provide a wide-range of telecommunications services as long as those services do not adversely affect BellSouth’s network. This facility will include a Network Interface Device (NID) at the customer’s location for the purpose of connecting the Loop to the customer’s inside wire. Upon the Effective Date of this Agreement, Unbundled Copper Loop – Long (UCL-L) elements will no longer be offered by BellSouth and no new orders for UCL-L will be accepted. Any existing UCL-Ls that were provisioned prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement will be grandfathered at the rates set forth in the Parties’ interconnection agreement that was in effect immediately prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement. Existing UCL-Ls that were provisioned prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement may remain connected, maintained and repaired according to BellSouth’s TR73600 and may remain connected until such time as they are disconnected by Telepak Networks or BellSouth provides ninety

  • Unbundled Copper Loops (UCL) 2.4.1 BellSouth shall make available Unbundled Copper Loops (UCLs). The UCL is a copper twisted pair Loop that is unencumbered by any intervening equipment (e.g., filters, load coils, range extenders, digital loop carrier, or repeaters) and is not intended to support any particular telecommunications service. The UCL will be offered in two types – Designed and Non-Designed.