Partnership agreement P8req1 Sample Clauses

Partnership agreement P8req1 written SLA for project delivery; partnership agreement between Coram, CCLC and Adoption UK
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Related to Partnership agreement P8req1

  • Partnership Agreement Units issued upon payment of the Phantom Units shall be subject to the terms of the Plan and the Partnership Agreement. Upon the issuance of Units to the Participant, the Participant shall, automatically and without further action on his or her part, (i) be admitted to the Partnership as a Limited Partner (as defined in the Partnership Agreement) with respect to the Units, and (ii) become bound, and be deemed to have agreed to be bound, by the terms of the Partnership Agreement.

  • Membership Agreement Membership in USA Gymnastics is a privilege and may be (i) denied, withheld, or non-renewed at any time by USA Gymnastics and/or (ii) suspended or terminated in accordance with USA Gymnastics’ bylaws, policies and standards. You agree that USA Gymnastics has the right to deny, withhold, non-renew, suspend or terminate your membership if you engage in any sexual misconduct, or if USA Gymnastics has reason to believe you pose a threat to the safety of athletes or other members. You have read, understand and agree to be bound by this Agreement, the USA Gymnastics bylaws, Safe Sport Policy, SafeSport Investigation & Resolution Procedures, and Code of Ethical Conduct. You are bound by all safe sport rules, policies and procedures whether published by USA Gymnastics or the U.S. Center for Safe Sport (“Center”), as well as all applicable state, federal, and local laws, including applicable criminal laws. You consent to the jurisdiction of the Center. Any discipline imposed by the Center or USA Gymnastics extends to your participation in all aspects of the Olympic Movement. You agree that any disciplinary measure, whether interim or final, whether imposed before or after the date of this Agreement, whether expired or in effect, may be posted on our website or otherwise publicly published and may include information identifying you and describing the misconduct alleged. You authorize USA Gymnastics and its members to disclose, in good faith, any information or honestly held opinions about you, including without limitation any membership records, USA Gymnastics SafeSport or Center information, or other disciplinary information, with any current or potential employer of yours. You further agree that USA Gymnastics may disclose any information provided by, or about, you as USA Gymnastics determines is reasonably necessary to comply with any law, regulation, legal process, or any request by any governmental body or agency, the Center, or the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (“USOPC”). TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, YOU FOREVER RELEASE AND DISCHARGE USA GYMNASTICS AND/OR ITS MEMBERS FROM ANY AND ALL LOSS, LIABILITY, DAMAGE OR CLAIM OF ANY KIND OR NATURE, WHETHER KNOWN OR UNKNOWN, WHETHER IN LAW OR IN EQUITY, WHETHER NOW EXISTING OR ACCRUING IN THE FUTURE, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH ANY INFORMATION OR OPINIONS DISCLOSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS SECTION.

  • Project partners and partnership agreements 1. A project may be implemented in a partnership between the Project Promoter and project partners as defined in paragraph 1(w) of Article 1.6

  • Operating Agreement You haves received and read a copy of the Company’s Operating Agreement (the “Operating Agreement”) and agree that your execution of this Agreement constitutes your consent to and execution of the Operating Agreement, and, that upon acceptance of this Agreement by the Company, you will become a member of the Company as a holder of Shares. When this Agreement is countersigned by the Company, the Operating Agreement shall be binding upon you as of the closing date.

  • Development Agreement As soon as reasonably practicable following the ISO’s selection of a transmission Generator Deactivation Solution, the ISO shall tender to the Developer that proposed the selected transmission Generator Deactivation Solution a draft Development Agreement, with draft appendices completed by the ISO to the extent practicable, for review and completion by the Developer. The draft Development Agreement shall be in the form of the ISO’s Commission-approved Development Agreement for its reliability planning process, which is in Appendix C in Section 31.7 of Attachment Y of the ISO OATT, as amended by the ISO to reflect the Generator Deactivation Process. The ISO and the Developer shall finalize the Development Agreement and appendices as soon as reasonably practicable after the ISO’s tendering of the draft Development Agreement. For purposes of finalizing the Development Agreement, the ISO and Developer shall develop the description and dates for the milestones necessary to develop and construct the selected project by the required in-service date identified in the Generator Deactivation Assessment, including the milestones for obtaining all necessary authorizations. Any milestone that requires action by a Connecting Transmission Owner or Affected System Operator identified pursuant to Attachment P of the ISO OATT to complete must be included as an Advisory Milestone, as that term is defined in the Development Agreement. If the ISO or the Developer determines that negotiations are at an impasse, the ISO may file the Development Agreement in unexecuted form with the Commission on its own, or following the Developer’s request in writing that the agreement be filed unexecuted. If the Development Agreement is executed by both parties, the ISO shall file the agreement with the Commission for its acceptance within ten (10) Business Days after the execution of the Development Agreement by both parties. If the Developer requests that the Development Agreement be filed unexecuted, the ISO shall file the agreement at the Commission within ten (10) Business Days of receipt of the request from the Developer. The ISO will draft, to the extent practicable, the portions of the Development Agreement and appendices that are in dispute and will provide an explanation to the Commission of any matters as to which the parties disagree. The Developer will provide in a separate filing any comments that it has on the unexecuted agreement, including any alternative positions it may have with respect to the disputed provisions. Upon the ISO’s and the Developer’s execution of the Development Agreement or the ISO’s filing of an unexecuted Development Agreement with the Commission, the ISO and the Developer shall perform their respective obligations in accordance with the terms of the Development Agreement that are not in dispute, subject to modification by the Commission. The Connecting Transmission Owner(s) and Affected System Operator(s) that are identified in Attachment P of the ISO OATT in connection with the selected transmission Generator Deactivation Solution shall act in good faith in timely performing their obligations that are required for the Developer to satisfy its obligations under the Development Agreement.

  • Certificate of Limited Partnership The General Partner has caused the Certificate of Limited Partnership to be filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware as required by the Delaware Act. The General Partner shall use all reasonable efforts to cause to be filed such other certificates or documents that the General Partner determines to be necessary or appropriate for the formation, continuation, qualification and operation of a limited partnership (or a partnership in which the limited partners have limited liability) in the State of Delaware or any other state in which the Partnership may elect to do business or own property. To the extent the General Partner determines such action to be necessary or appropriate, the General Partner shall file amendments to and restatements of the Certificate of Limited Partnership and do all things to maintain the Partnership as a limited partnership (or a partnership or other entity in which the limited partners have limited liability) under the laws of the State of Delaware or of any other state in which the Partnership may elect to do business or own property. Subject to the terms of Section 3.4(a), the General Partner shall not be required, before or after filing, to deliver or mail a copy of the Certificate of Limited Partnership, any qualification document or any amendment thereto to any Limited Partner.

  • AMENDING OPERATING AGREEMENT This Agreement may only be amended by an affirmative vote or consent of all Members.

  • Partnership Working 7.1 Partnerships will be supported by local authorities on four levels between:

  • Student Agreement The acceptable and unacceptable uses of the Charter School network and the Internet are described in this “Student Acceptable Use Agreement." By signing this agreement, I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to abide by the provisions of the attached Student Acceptable Use Policy. I understand that any violations of the above could result in the immediate loss of electronic computing and may result in further disciplinary and/or legal action, including but not limited to suspension, or referral to legal authorities. I also agree to report any misuse of the Charter School network to school site teacher or administrator. Misuse can come in many forms but can be viewed as any messages sent or received that indicate or suggest pornography, unethical or illegal solicitation, racism, sexism, inappropriate language, and other issues described under the unacceptable uses in this Acceptable Use Policy. I realize that all the rules of conduct described in this Charter School Acceptable Use Policy, procedures, and handbooks apply when I am using the Charter School network. Student Name: Student Signature: Date: PARENT OR GUARDIAN AGREEMENT: (Students under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian who has read and signed this Acceptable Use Contract.) As a parent or guardian of this student, I have read this Acceptable Use Policy and understand that the use of the Charter School network is designated for educational purposes only. I understand that it is impossible for the Charter School to restrict access to all controversial materials, and I will not hold the Charter School, responsible for materials acquired on the Charter School network or Internet. I also agree to report any misuse of these electronic resources to the school administrator. I accept full responsibility for my child should they use remote connections when available to the Charter School network in a non- school setting. I hereby give my permission to issue an account for my child to use the Charter School network and Internet. I release the Charter School, its affiliates and its employees from any claims or damages of any nature arising from my child or dependent’s access and use of the Charter School network. I also agree not to hold the Charter School responsible for materials improperly acquired on the system, or for violations of copyright restrictions, user’s mistakes or negligence, or any costs incurred by users. This agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the United States and the State of California. Student Name: Parent/Legal Guardian Name: Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: Date:

  • Interconnection Agreement On or before December 31, 2015, Wholesale Market Participant must enter into an Interconnection Agreement with the Transmission Owner in order to effectuate the WMPA. Wholesale Market Participant shall demonstrate the occurrence of each of the foregoing milestones to Transmission Provider’s reasonable satisfaction. Transmission Provider may reasonably extend any such milestone dates, in the event of delays that Wholesale Market Participant (i) did not cause and (ii) could not have remedied through the exercise of due diligence. If (i) the Wholesale Market Participant suspends work pursuant to a suspension provision contained in an interconnection and/or construction agreement with the Transmission Owner or (ii) the Transmission Owner extends the date by which Wholesale Market Participant must enter into an interconnection agreement relative to this WMPA, and (iii) the Wholesale Market Participant has not made a wholesale sale under this WMPA, the Wholesale Market Participant may suspend this WMPA by notifying the Transmission Provider and the Transmission Owner in writing that it wishes to suspend this WMPA, with the condition that, notwithstanding such suspension, the Transmission System shall be left in a safe and reliable condition in accordance with Good Utility Practice and Transmission Provider’s safety and reliability criteria. Wholesale Market Participant’s notice of suspension shall include an estimated duration of the suspension period and other information related to the suspension. Pursuant to this section 3.1, Wholesale Market Participant may request one or more suspensions of work under this WMPA for a cumulative period of up to a maximum of three years. If, however, the suspension will result in a Material Modification as defined in Part I, Section 1.18A.02 of the Tariff, then such suspension period shall be no greater than one (1) year. If the Wholesale Market Participant suspends this WMPA pursuant to this Section 3.1 and has not provided written notice that it will exit such suspension on or before the expiration of the suspension period described herein, this WMPA shall be deemed terminated as of the end of such suspension period. The suspension time shall begin on the date the suspension is requested or on the date of the Wholesale Market Participant’s written notice of suspension to Transmission Provider, if no effective date was specified. All milestone dates stated in this Section 3.1 shall be deemed to be extended coextensively with any suspension period permitted pursuant to this provision.

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