Passage/Migration/ Diversion Screening Sample Clauses

Passage/Migration/ Diversion Screening. Beaver management -Beaver dams have been documented on Permittee’s property and will not be discouraged if the beaver activity does not inhibit use of head gates or crossings. If infrastructure may be impacted by beaver activity, actions may be taken to dissuade dam building at that location.
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Passage/Migration/ Diversion Screening. Research (Completed) ▪ Conducted for one year and participated in, for several years, spawner surveys for all reaches with suitable spawning habitat. ▪ Cooperated in more than seven years of CDFW studies of juvenile salmonid population estimates, distribution, and habitat use with direct observations, PIT tag technology, water temperature monitoring, flow monitoring, etc. Remediation of identified on-site barriers (Completed and Sustained) ▪ With grant from USFWS Partners in Fish and Wildlife Program, and a match from the NRCS, modified Parks #5 Diversion from a flashboard dam to a roughened channel, eliminating a potential barrier to juvenile Covered Species springtime distribution. ▪ Permittee cooperated in studies to reconstruct fish migration barrier located upstream of the Enrolled Property (under the I-5 bridge) with closest access through the property and agrees to continue cooperating to completion and for monitoring.
Passage/Migration/ Diversion Screening. Research  Permittee conducted for one year and continues to participate in spawner surveys for all reaches with suitable spawning habitat.  Permittee cooperated in more than seven years of CDFW studies of juvenile salmonid population estimates, distribution, and habitat use with direct observations, PIT tag technology, water temperature monitoring, flow monitoring, etc. Remediation of identified on-site barriers  Permittee has cooperated with NMFS and CDFW in redesign and implementation of upgrade to Diversion 156 (upstream of ranch fence line on MWCD property). Time Frame: Underway; Completion Estimated within 5 years of permit issuance.
Passage/Migration/ Diversion Screening. Xxxxxxx Ditch: The Xxxxxxx Ditch diversion has an on-channel self-cleaning cone screen and the diversion provides volitional fish passage at all times. The diversion has a streambed agreement for screen operation, maintenance, and diversion intake. The Permittee agrees to operate and maintain the diversion facility and fish screen in coordination with other active users. E.1.b.1. Novy, Zenkus, Rice Riparian Diversion (NZR): The NZR Diversion is managed with a steel frame and flashboard diversion structure where vertical flashboards extend across the river. NZR never completely blocks flow (does not install the flashboards from bank to bank). Depending on flow, a 4’ to 35’ foot opening is always maintained within the wetted channel during the irrigation season. Flashboards are removed during the non-irrigation season. The Permittee will manage existing flashboards as described above to allow for fish passage at current facility. E.1.b.2. The Permittee will continue to participate in an ongoing assessment that is expected to lead to an approved redesign of the NZR Diversion to allow for agency compliant fish screening and passage facilities.
Passage/Migration/ Diversion Screening. The Permittee is not implementing or maintaining any measures specific to fish passage/migration/diversion.
Passage/Migration/ Diversion Screening. Move Point of Diversion To eliminate passage issues at the existing diversion structure, the Permittee is committing to relocate the point of diversion from Parks Creek approximately 2.5-miles downstream to the Shasta River, near the Xxxxx Road bridge, and pump the water into a series of proposed pipelines on the Enrolled Property. This alternative requires plumbing the Enrolled Property backward from its current configuration. Irrigation water would be lifted via a river pump to a high point on the Enrolled Property with ample head to deliver the water to all locations on the Enrolled Property via a gravity pipeline. This option would eliminate the need for the diversion structure on Parks Creek and fish passage would no longer be an issue. Three-phase power is easily accessible at this location. To help offset the increased costs associated with this increased pumping the project will investigate the feasibility of using solar powered surface pump technology or a grid-tied solar power generating system. To adequately design a solar offset, the pastures will be evaluated for appropriate application rates of water, in order to better estimate necessary power demands of the new pump system. This project has funding for the design, environmental review, and permits, which will be completed by early 2019. Implementation money will be pursued once designs are at 65%, with the goal to have it fully constructed in 2020-2021 or 3 to 5 years from the signing of this agreement. This alternative is described in the Addendum 1: Shasta River Pump Station Memorandum (Love 2013). Permittee agrees to operate and maintain the improved diversion facilities and pipelines and comply with SB88 measuring standards on the new point of diversion for the duration of the agreement. The State Water Board has been consulted about moving the point of diversion and recommended working directly with the local Water Master District to coordinate. Since there are no other points of diversion between the existing diversion and the proposed location, there are no foreseeable issues in legally moving the point of diversion. Fish Screen A new self-cleaning cone screen will be designed at the new point of diversion. This project has funding for the design, environmental review, and permits. Implementation money will be pursued once designs are at 65%, with the goal to have it fully constructed in 2019-2021 or 3 to 5 years from the signing of this agreement. Permittee agrees to operate and mai...
Passage/Migration/ Diversion Screening. Passage Until the point of diversion is moved to the Shasta River, Permittee will operate the existing Point of Diversion as follows: During the interim period, prior to the removal of the diversion on Parks Creek the Permittee will remove dam boards at the existing point of diversion when water temperatures first reach 19°C in the spring months at the PBS (Parks Big Springs) real-time monitoring location (located near the mouth of Parks Creek). The impoundment shall be fully drained, then left open for at least 7 consecutive days to allow for redistribution of fish. After the 7 days, Permittee can resume normal diversion operations throughout the rest of the irrigation season.
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Passage/Migration/ Diversion Screening. E.1.b1-Permittee diverts water from 7 active points of diversion on Parks Creek, including sharing the Xxxxx-Xxxxxx Ditch. Xxxxx-Xxxxxx is a neighboring Permittee and is therefore addressed in a separate Site Plan Agreement. Permittee agrees to continue efforts to maintain passage at all of the diversion points. Current diversion structures consist of tarp and/or gravel dams. PCR diversion #1 and PCR diversion #2 uses a backhoe positioned from the edge of the stream to construct low elevation diversion dams to divert water as flows reduce during late spring/early summer. All other diversion structures are constructed by hand and are minimal. All structures use less than 5 cubic yards of material per site. Fish passage is provided per site by constructing a channel through the diversion structure for passage and by-pass flows. By-pass flows are typically congregated into one channel this has minimal slope and sufficient width and depth for juvenile passage.
Passage/Migration/ Diversion Screening. The delivery of prior right water via diversion 158 consists of a boulder xxxx impoundment control by a xxxxxxxx valve. The boulder xxxx was rebuilt in 2000 after winter storm damage. A streambed alteration agreement was obtained from CDFW for construction, operation, and maintenance of the boulder xxxx and diversion. It has been deemed passable to fish by NOAA and DFW staff even at low flow conditions (3 cfs). -The Permittee agrees to regular inspection of the boulder xxxx by NOAA and/or DFW staff to ensure passage and will maintain this boulder xxxx for the term of this agreement to allow for fish passage and function of the diversion.
Passage/Migration/ Diversion Screening. Fish Screen -The present fish screen/diversion xxxx utilized at diversion 158 has been determined to pose a threat to fish by stranding when the current ditch is dewatered at the end of the irrigation season, and is presumed to result in elevated water temperatures in the Shasta River at the point of fish bypass flow discharge. To benefit the Covered Species, HVR has committed to moving, upgrading, and operating the new fish screen as designed. The new self-cleaning cone screen will be relocated to the channel at the current point of diversion, thereby eliminating the potential for stranding and bypass flow heating in the ditch. Funding for this project has been secured by California Trout and the environmental compliance and permits are completed.
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