Payment Instalments. 5.1 The Supplier may deliver the Goods and/or Services in instalments and the Customer must pay an amount for that instalment as notified by the Supplier in the Invoice.
5.2 If the Supplier fails to deliver any instalment the Customer must still accept and pay for the balance of the Goods delivered.
5.3 If the Customer fails to pay for any instalment in the time required the Supplier may at their absolute discretion: refuse to deliver any further Goods and/or Services until all amounts payable, whether due or not, are paid; or terminate the agreement for the supply of the Goods and/or Services and recover damages.
Payment Instalments. 5.1 The Supplier may deliver the Goods and/or Services in instalments and the Customer must pay an amount for that instalment as notified by the Supplier in the Invoice.
5.2 If the Supplier fails to deliver any instalment the Customer must still accept and pay for the balance of the Goods delivered.
5.3 If the Customer fails to pay for any instalment in the time required the Supplier may at their option: decline to deliver any further Goods until all amounts payable, whether due or not, are paid; or terminate the agreement for the future supply of the Goods and recover damages.
Payment Instalments. All venue hire fees and estimated service charges must be paid in full prior to your event pack in date. Payment is made by instalments. Your venue hire agreement will specify instalment due dates and amounts (if known at the time).
Payment Instalments. Payment will be made by the User upon signature of the Agreement and upon receipt of the invoice CIRAD according to the price defined above. Payment regarding any additional request (beyond the fixed rate of 200,000 request) will be made by the User at the end of the Agreement (or at the end of the first year if the Agreement is extended).
Payment Instalments. The rest of the price will be paid by the buyer as follows: ................instalments of €................... (€................. + € VAT) each. They are payable (Monthly? Quarterly? Biweekly? ), from the date: These instalments will be paid into the special account for off-plan payments opened by the developer in Bank…………………Account Number……………………………. Amounts will be instrumented according to their corresponding deadlines through Bills of Exchange accepted by the vendor, at his own expense. Downpayments will be guaranteed by company……………………………………… The Guarantee document covers the refund of all payments, including taxes, plus legal interest of amounts handed over once the construction License has been issued from the date payment is made to the date of expected completion by developer. If the completion deadline is extended, The lack of corresponding individual certificates of guarantee gives the buyer cancellation rights with the corresponding return of all paid amounts plus legal interests According to the final provision number 3 of Law 20/2015, the buyer may claim against the guarantor after 30 days of an initial claim against the developer. Guarantor will have the same 30 days to refund the claimant. The document of this guarantee is handed over to the buyer in this precise moment. Individual certificates for off–plan payments will be given to the buyer on the same day of each payment. These certificates will always include specific mentions of the buyer and the property they guarantee.
Payment Instalments при неспазване на условията за обезпечаване на заема; d) in the event of failure to comply with the conditions for the provision of the loan; д) при установяване, че данните, въз основа на които е сключен договора или които са предоставяни впоследствие от Заемателя неверни или неточни; e) in the event of finding that the data on the basis of which the contract was concluded or which were provided subsequently by the Borrower are incorrect or inaccurate;