Regular User means a group who require hire of the Balla Balla Community Centre on an ongoing regular basis eg weekly, monthly basis.
Regular User. Means any organisation that hires the studio on an ongoing basis. To be considered a regular user one of the following criteria must be met; • Weekly hire - minimum of 10 consecutive weeks, • Fortnightly hire - minimum of 10 consecutive fortnights, • Monthly hire - minimum of 10 consecutive months
Regular User. Any other person that uses the Software in a calendar month, or that has the privilege to modify rules or processes, is a Regular user.
Examples of Regular User in a sentence
Regular User Rates Motor cars with 3 or 4 wheels* Engine capacity (cc) 501 to 1000 1001 to 1500 1501 to 2000 Over 2000Lump Sum (£) 399 475 580 580Up to 9000 miles (p) 27.0 33.5 40.0 40.09001 to 15000 (p) 16.5 19.7 22.7 25.5Thereafter (p) 16.2 18.3 20.5 20.53.
Regular User :The user who does not have the ability to manage the users in COMSUITE Portal 2.
On March 21, 2007, she filed the present adversary proceeding seeking a determination that those tax liens were invalid.
Regular User The default licence model for Registered Users which enables the User to access and engage in work on the Platform in accordance with the Purpose.
Regular User AgreementsAll regular user groups must have an agreement with the Committee for use of the facility.
More Definitions of Regular User
Regular User is a person who uses the Software more than fifty (50) hourly periods in a calendar month.
Regular User means a User or group of Users booking a Facility for the purpose of a regular recurring use over a period of time exceeding three weeks to host meetings, regular practice, league play, social events, tournaments, rehearsals, competitions or similar things.
Regular User is a User who contributes data to the EHS system on behalf of the AGENCY as an AGENCY employee or contractor or person otherwise associated with the AGENCY.
Regular User shall be any person or organisation which uses Hired Space on two or more occasions under the terms of this Licence.
Regular User means a Regular Individual User or a Regular Organization User.
Regular User has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2.5(a)(i);
Regular User means a User that averages four (4) or more Bookings per month for a given facility.