PLANNING AND ORGANIZATION OF WORKLOAD employee is able to meet scheduled deadlines; can anticipate potential problems with various workloads and take appropriate action to avoid them. Exceeds Meets Occasional Problem(s) Consistent Problem(s) Comments:
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  • Technical and Organizational Measures The following sections define SAP’s current technical and organizational measures. SAP may change these at any time without notice so long as it maintains a comparable or better level of security. Individual measures may be replaced by new measures that serve the same purpose without diminishing the security level protecting Personal Data.

  • Scaling Locations, Rules, and Organizations All logs from timber sold under the terms and conditions of this contract shall be: (1) scaled at a location approved in writing by STATE; (2) scaled by a third-party scaling organization with a current agreement with STATE; and (3) scaled using the Official Log Scaling and Grading Rules (as adopted by the Northwest Log Rules Advisory Group) and STATE special service scaling instructions in effect at the time the logs are scaled. Utilization scale shall be handled in accordance with the section titled, “Utilization Scale.” PURCHASER shall enter into a written agreement with a third-party scaling organization for the scaling of logs removed from the timber sale area. PURCHASER shall furnish STATE with a copy of the scaling agreement upon request. If logs are delivered when a TPSO scaler is not present, PURCHASER must provide STATE with a method to assure protection and accountability. PURCHASER shall provide STATE with remote check scaling opportunities for logs scaled under this contract. The last two loads at each delivery point shall be continuously available for checking. They shall remain available for a minimum of 48 hours unless replaced by other STATE loads. They shall be available as originally presented for scaling; i.e., if truck scaled, they shall be presented in bunks. In the event scaling is suspended for any reason, hauling operations shall be immediately suspended until approved alternate scaling services are provided, or service by the scaling organization is resumed.

  • Technical and Organisational Measures (1) Before the commencement of processing, the Supplier shall document the execution of the necessary Technical and Organisational Measures, set out in advance of the awarding of the Order or Contract, specifically with regard to the detailed execution of the contract, and shall present these documented measures to the Client for inspection. Upon acceptance by the Client, the documented measures become the foundation of the contract. Insofar as the inspection/audit by the Client shows the need for amendments, such amendments shall be implemented by mutual agreement.

  • Training and Orientation (a) No employee shall be required to work on any job or operate any piece of equipment until he/she has received proper training and instruction.

  • Appropriate Technical and Organizational Measures SAP has implemented and will apply the technical and organizational measures set forth in Appendix 2. Customer has reviewed such measures and agrees that as to the Cloud Service selected by Customer in the Order Form the measures are appropriate taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation, nature, scope, context and purposes of the processing of Personal Data.

  • Academic Policies and Student Support Services X. Xxxx College courses offered as dual credit, regardless of where they are taught, follow the same syllabus, course outline, textbook, grading method, and other academic policies and procedures as the courses outlined in the Hill College policy manual, catalog, and student handbook. [TAC 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter D, 4.85(g)(1)]

  • COMMERCIAL REUSE OF SERVICES The member or user herein agrees not to replicate, duplicate, copy, trade, sell, resell nor exploit for any commercial reason any part, use of, or access to 's sites.

  • Contractor Certification regarding Business with Certain Countries and Organizations Pursuant to Subchapter F, Chapter 2252, Texas Government Code], Contractor certifies Contractor is not engaged in business with Iran, Sudan, or a foreign terrorist organization. Contractor acknowledges this Agreement may be terminated and payment withheld if this certification is inaccurate.

  • Training and Technical Assistance COALITION will notify PROVIDER of the availability of training, technical assistance, and other targeted assistance in support of the provision of quality VPK services. COALITION will offer technical assistance for providers on probation. The technical assistance will be designed to facilitate the development and implementation of an improvement plan. The technical assistance will be offered in a manner and schedule prescribed by the COALITION or school district.

  • AIN Selective Carrier Routing for Operator Services, Directory Assistance and Repair Centers 4.3.1 BellSouth will provide AIN Selective Carrier Routing at the request of <<customer_name>>. AIN Selective Carrier Routing will provide <<customer_name>> with the capability of routing operator calls, 0+ and 0- and 0+ NPA (LNPA) 555-1212 directory assistance, 1+411 directory assistance and 611 repair center calls to pre-selected destinations.

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