Policies and Provisions Severable Sample Clauses

Policies and Provisions Severable. If any provision of the Agreement, in its current form or as may be amended, is found to be invalid, or unenforceable for any reason, only the invalid portion(s) of the provision shall be severed and the remaining terms and provisions shall remain in full force and effect and shall be construed as if such invalid, or unenforceable provision never comprised a part of the Agreement.
Policies and Provisions Severable. If any provision of the Agreement, in its current form or as amended, is held void or unenforceable, only the void or unenforceable portion(s) of the provision shall be severed from the Agreement and the remaining provisions shall remain in effect. The severed provision shall be reformed so that it is in compliance with the law and reflects the purpose of the original provision as closely as possible. The existence of any claim or course of action of an Associate against Talk Fusion shall not constitute a defense to Talk Fusion’s enforcement of any term or provision of the Agreement.
Policies and Provisions Severable. If any provision of the Agreement, in its current form or as amended, is held void or unenforceable, only the void or unenforceable portion(s) of the provision shall be severed from the Agreement and the remaining provisions shall remain in effect. The severed provision shall be reformed so that it is in compliance with the law and reflects the purpose of the original provision as closely as possible.
Policies and Provisions Severable. ‌ If any provision of the Contract, in its current form or as amended, is held void or unenforceable, only the void or unenforceable portion(s) of the provision shall be severed from the Contract and the remaining provisions shall remain in effect. The severed provision shall be reformed so that it is in compliance with the law and reflects the purpose of the original provision as closely as possible. The existence of any claim or cause of action of a Party Rep against Bomb Party shall not constitute a defense to Bomb Party’s enforcement of any term or provision of the Contract.
Policies and Provisions Severable. If any provision of the Agreement, in its current form or as amended, is held void or unenforceable, only the void or unenforceable portion(s) of the provi- sion shall be severed from the Agreement and the remaining provisions shall remain in effect. The severed provision shall be reformed so that it is in compliance with the law and reflects the purpose of the original provision as closely as possible. The existence of any claim or cause of action of an Advocate against Keep Me Safe shall not constitute a defense to Keep Me Safe’ enforcement of any term or provision of the Agreement.
Policies and Provisions Severable. If any provision of the Agreement, in its cur- rent form or as amended, is held void or un- enforceable, only the void or unenforceable portion(s) of the provision shall be severed from the Agreement and the remaining pro- visions shall remain in effect. The severed provision shall be reformed so that it is in compliance with the law and reflects the purpose of the original provision as closely as possible. The existence of any claim or cause of action of a Marketing Partner against Arego shall not constitute a defense to Arego’s enforcement of any term or pro- vision of the Agreement.
Policies and Provisions Severable. If any provision, or part thereof, of the Membership Agreement in currentform oras amendedisfound to be invalidor unenforceable for any reason, only that provision, or part thereof, will be severed and the remaining terms and provisions, or part(s) thereof, shall remain in full force and effect and shall be construed as if the invalid or unenforceable provision, or part thereof, never comprised part of the Membership Agreement.
Policies and Provisions Severable. If any provision of the Agreement, in its current form or as may be amended, is found to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, only
Policies and Provisions Severable. If any provision of the ID Agreement as it currently exists or as may be amended is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable for any reason, only the invalid provision will be severed from the ID Agreement; the remaining terms and provisions shall remain in full force and effect and shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision never comprised a part of the ID Agreement.
Policies and Provisions Severable. If any provision of the Agreement, in its cur- rent form or as amended, is held void or unenforceable, only the void or unen- forceable portion(s) of the provision shall be severed from the Agreement and the remaining provisions shall remain in effect. The severed provision shall be reformed so that it is in compliance with the law and reflects the purpose of the original provision as closely as possible. The existence of any claim or cause of action of a Protégé against Arego shall not constitute a defense to Arego’s en- forcement of any term or provision of the Agreement. Term and Renewal of an Xxxxx Xxxx- xxxx. The term of the Independent Proté- gé Agreement is one year from the date of enrollment. Independent Protégés (“Protégé”) must renew their Independ- ent Protégé Agreement each year. Proté- gés will be reminded of their upcoming renewal through their Arego Offices. At that time, Protégés may elect to cancel their business. If a Protégé does not can- cel, his or her business will be automati- cally renewed and the renewal fee will be charged to the credit card he/she has on file with the Company. Independent Contractor Relationship. Protégés are independent contractors and not employees of Arego. In all written, graphic, or digital material used for Are- go business purposes, Protégés must rep- resent themselves as an “Arego Life™ Independent Protégé.” In verbal conver- sations with prospective Protégés and customers, Protégés must introduce themselves as an “Arego Life Independ- ent Protégé.” Protégés shall not lead an- yone to believe that they are employees of Arego Life.