Practical lessons on site Sample Clauses

Practical lessons on site. For the practical lessons – due to the big number of attendants – the auditorium had to be divided in several groups. After a presentation of the tested agents and stones and the application instruments in the loft of the cathedral, small groups were formed to visit the different testing sites, try the application and to discuss the results and open questions: On Test Area 1 and the “playground” the application was demonstrated, results of the application and the comparison of untreated stone with the different agents were shown and discussed. On Test area 4 the preparation of this delicate piece was shown as well as the application of the best NANO – materials and treatments. The groups were attended by Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx and Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx (DBHWIEN). To better understand the effects of climatic and environmental parameters to the stones – both treated and untreated – a monitoring station for surveying climate data as well as moisture and temperature on the surface of stones and in their interior had been installed and was presented to the workshop participants by Xxxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxxxxx from the Vienna University of Live Sciences and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, DBHWIEN. The practical section was filmed by a television team of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation and a report sent in a prime-time culture-magazine.
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