PRE-SETTLEMENT INSPECTION. Upon notification by Seller, Buyer and Seller shall make an inspection of the dwelling prior to settlement. At the inspection, Buyer and Seller shall complete and sign a Pre-Closing Inspection Form which shall list any items which will be completed and/or repaired within a reasonable time after settlement (the “Punchlist”). The Punchlist shall not constitute a bar to settlement, and settlement shall be held in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Failure of Buyer to inspect on the scheduled appointment date or to complete the inspection or to sign the Punchlist shall constitute a waiver of Buyer’s right to inspect the dwelling and shall be deemed full acceptance of the dwelling by Buyer.
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PRE-SETTLEMENT INSPECTION. Seller shall notify Purchaser not less than five (5) days prior to settlement of the date and time that the Property will be ready for inspection. Upon receipt of such notice, Purchaser shall promptly contact Seller (or Agent) and confirm the appointment for the pre-settlement inspection. Purchaser shall attend such inspection, and may also, at Purchaser=s sole election and expense, hire a private home inspector to assist with the inspection. Purchaser shall participate in developing with Seller (or its representative) a final and complete Apunch list@ on the Pre-Settlement Inspection Form attached hereto, the terms of which are incorporated herein by reference. The Pre-Settlement Inspection Form shall be executed by both Purchaser and Seller (or its representative) on the date of inspection. Seller shall correct or complete all items identified on the Pre-Settlement Inspection Form in a workmanlike manner, as soon as reasonably practicable, but in no event shall the fact that any such work remains to be completed cause any postponement of settlement or permit Purchaser to refuse to complete settlement, provided that a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued for the Condominium, including the Unit(s), by the District of Columbia government. At settlement, no funds shall be withheld from Seller or escrows established on account of any punch list items on the Pre-Settlement Inspection Form, or for any other reason or circumstance whatsoever. Failure of Purchaser to arrange a pre-settlement inspection appointment as provided herein, or to make the inspection on the appointed day and time, shall constitute full acceptance of the Property by Purchaser. Any item not listed on the Pre-Settlement Inspection Form shall be conclusively deemed fully accepted by Purchaser. Upon acceptance of the deed by Purchaser, Purchaser agrees to hold Seller harmless from liability for any visible defects not specifically noted on the Pre - Settlement Inspection Form.
PRE-SETTLEMENT INSPECTION. 12.1 The Purchaser shall carry out a pre-settlement inspection of the Property prior to the Settlement date with a representative of the Vendor at a suitable time to be arranged with the Vendor. At the pre-settlement inspection, the Purchaser and Vendor’s representative shall together examine the property and all associated chattels and fixtures and shall agree on a list of any faulty materials or faulty workmanship that may be present. If, during the pre- settlement inspection, the Purchaser and the Vendor’s representative identify and agree on any faulty materials or faulty workmanship, the vendor shall rectify such faulty materials or faulty workmanship prior to or as soon as reasonably practicable following settlement of the property.
PRE-SETTLEMENT INSPECTION. Seller shall notify Buyer in writing prior to Settlement of the time and date for Buyer's pre-Settlement orientation of the Premises (the “Orientation”). The Orientation shall be conducted during normal business hours. At the Orientation, Seller's designated representative and Buyer shall complete and sign Seller's orientation form (the "Orientation Form"). Seller's designated representative shall list on the Orientation Form those items which will be completed, repaired or replaced. Buyer's failure to inspect the Premises on a scheduled appointment date or Buyer's failure to complete the inspection and sign the Orientation Form, shall constitute a waiver of Buyer’s right to inspect the Premises, and Buyer shall accept the Premises at Settlement "AS IS" without any obligation of repair or replacement on Seller.
PRE-SETTLEMENT INSPECTION. At any time prior to Settlement, Buyer may conduct a final pre-Settlement inspection of the Property to determine only that the Property is "as represented", meaning that the items referenced in Sections 1.1, 1.3 and 8.1(b)(ii) ("the items") are respectively present, repaired or corrected as agreed. The failure to conduct a pre-Settlement inspection or to claim that an item is not as represented shall not constitute a waiver by Buyer of the right to receive, on the date of possession, the items as represented. If the items are not as represented, Seller agrees to cause all applicable items to be corrected, repaired or replaced (the "Work") prior to the Settlement Deadline referenced in Section 24(d).
PRE-SETTLEMENT INSPECTION. The Buyer exercises the right of Pre-settlement inspection prior to closing, usually the evening before or morning of settlement.


  • Document Inspection In accordance with section 216.1366, F.S., the Department is authorized to inspect the: (a) financial records, papers, and documents of the Contractor that are directly related to the performance of the Contract or the expenditure of state funds; and (b) programmatic records, papers, and documents of the Contractor which the Department determines are necessary to monitor the performance of the Contract or to ensure that the terms of the Contract are being met. The Contractor shall provide such records, papers, and documents requested by the Department within 10 Business Days after the request is made.

  • Full and Final Settlement 21.1 This agreement is in full and final settlement of all Union or employee claims relating to employee rights and entitlements. Accordingly, the Union or employees shall not pursue any extra claims, nor take any industrial or protest action concerning any matter explicitly or implicitly dealt with in this agreement.

  • RECORD RETENTION AND INSPECTION/AUDIT SETTLEMENT The Contractor shall maintain accurate and complete financial records of its activities and operations relating to this Contract in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The Contractor shall also maintain accurate and complete employment and other records relating to its performance of this Contract. The Contractor agrees that the County, or its authorized representatives, shall have access to and the right to examine, audit, excerpt, copy, or transcribe any pertinent transaction, activity, or record relating to this Contract. All such material, including, but not limited to, all financial records, bank statements, cancelled checks or other proof of payment, timecards, sign-in/sign-out sheets and other time and employment records, and proprietary data and information, shall be kept and maintained by the Contractor and shall be made available to the County during the term of this Contract and for a period of five (5) years thereafter unless the County’s written permission is given to dispose of any such material prior to such time. All such material shall be maintained by the Contractor at a location in Los Angeles County, provided that if any such material is located outside Los Angeles County, then, at the County’s option, the Contractor shall pay the County for travel, per diem, and other costs incurred by the County to examine, audit, excerpt, copy, or transcribe such material at such other location.

  • The Settlement The Settlement was reached on May 11, 2018. Class Counsel filed this action on May 10, 2018. Over two years prior to the filing of this action, Class Counsel and Defendant’s Counsel conducted an adversarial informal discovery process. Class Counsel reviewed and analyzed thousands of pages of documents provided by Defendant and also reviewed many other documents, including U.S. Department of Labor Forms 5500 and other publicly available documents. The Parties participated in mediation before a nationally recognized mediator who has extensive experience in resolving similar claims involving other 401(k) plans. Only after six months of extensive arm’s length negotiation following the mediation were the parties able to agree to the terms of the Settlement. As part of the Settlement, a Qualified Settlement Fund of $17,000,000 will be established to resolve the Class Action. The Net Settlement Amount is $17,000,000 minus any Administrative Expenses, taxes, tax expenses, Court-approved Attorneys’ Fees and Costs, Class Representatives’ Compensation, and other approved expenses of the litigation. The Net Settlement Amount will be allocated to Class Members according to a Plan of Allocation to be approved by the Court. In addition to the monetary component of the Settlement, the Parties to the Settlement have agreed to certain additional terms: (1) During the first eighteen months (18) following the final approval of the Settlement, Defendant has agreed that the Plan’s fiduciaries will conduct a Request for Proposal (“RFP”) process for recordkeeping services to the Plan; (2) Within the first year following final approval of the Settlement, Defendant has agreed to publish a communication to then current Plan participants explaining the risks and benefits of the Plan’s money market fund investment option; (3) Defendant also will use an independent consultant familiar with fixed income investment options in defined contribution plans who will review the investment lineup and make recommendations to the Plan’s fiduciaries regarding whether to retain the money market fund and whether to add a stable value or comparable fund; (4) In addition, during the three- year Settlement period, Defendant has agreed to provide Class Counsel a list of the Plan’s investment options and fees; and (5) In considering investment options for the Plan, Defendant has agreed that the Plan’s fiduciaries will consider: (a) the lowest-cost share class available for any particular mutual fund considered for inclusion in the Plan as well as other criteria applicable to different share classes; (b) the availability of revenue sharing rebates on any share class available for any particular mutual fund considered for inclusion in the Plan; and (c) the availability of collective trusts, to the extent such investments are permissible and are otherwise identical to a particular mutual fund considered for inclusion in the Plan.

  • Contract Closure Contracting Officer shall give appropriate written notice to Purchaser when Purchaser has complied with the terms of this contract. Purchaser shall be paid refunds due from Timber Sale Account un- der B4.24 and excess cooperative deposits under B4.218.

  • Payment of Settlement Amount (1) Within thirty (30) days of the Date of Execution, the Settling Defendants shall pay the Settlement Amount to Siskinds LLP, for deposit into the Trust Account.

  • Settlement Statement A settlement statement setting forth the amounts paid by or on behalf of and/or credited to each of Purchaser and Seller pursuant to this Agreement;

  • Environmental Inspection at End of Agreement Term A. At Authority’s discretion, at least one hundred and twenty (120) days before the expiration or early termination of the Term as provided herein, Company will conduct an environmental inspection and examination of the Company Premises. At its discretion, Authority may complete environmental reviews to determine if recognized environmental conditions exist that could warrant soil and groundwater sampling. If warranted by the findings of Company or Authority’s inspection or if requested by Authority, a compliance audit or site assessment will be performed within the aforementioned time period by a qualified professional acceptable to Authority who will report the findings to Authority. The cost for professional consulting or engineering services required for such audit will be at the expense of Company. If a site assessment is conducted, Company agrees to pay all associated laboratory and testing fees incurred to test and analyze samples collected during the site assessment process. The Authority may also choose to conduct the compliance audit or site assessment. If the results of the assessment indicate that the Company Premises have been impacted by the release of Hazardous Substances, Company will immediately take such action as is necessary and will provide a substantial guaranty in a form and content acceptable to Authority that Company will clean up the contamination at its own expense, at no expense to Authority, and in accordance with Applicable Laws to the extent that it is obligated to do so by virtue of the foregoing provisions of this Article.

  • DISPUTES SETTLEMENT (1) Should any dispute arise as to the operation of this agreement and the parties are unable to resolve that dispute by amicable negotiation the parties shall refer such dispute to the Industrial Relations Commission for -

  • Rollovers of Exxon Xxxxxx Settlement Payments If you receive a qualified settlement payment from Exxon Xxxxxx litigation, you may roll over the amount of the settlement, up to $100,000, reduced by the amount of any qualified Exxon Xxxxxx settlement income previously contributed to a Traditional or Xxxx XXX or eligible retirement plan in prior taxable years. You will have until your tax return due date (not including extensions) for the year in which the qualified settlement income is received to make the rollover contribution. To obtain more information on this type of rollover, you may wish to visit the IRS website at

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