Products Complaints Recalls Withdrawals Sample Clauses

Products Complaints Recalls Withdrawals 

Related to Products Complaints Recalls Withdrawals

  • Customer Complaints Each party hereby agrees to promptly provide to the other party copies of any written or otherwise documented complaints from customers of Dealer received by such party relating in any way to the Offering (including, but not limited to, the manner in which the Shares are offered by the Dealer Manager or Dealer), the Shares or the Company.

  • Grievance on Layoffs and Recalls Grievances concerning layoffs and recalls shall be initiated at Step 2 of the grievance procedure.

  • Product Complaints Subdistributor shall promptly notify Distributor of (but in no event later than 24 hours after receipt), and provide, upon Distributor’s request, reasonable assistance to address and investigate, any complaint or adverse claim about any Product or its use of which Subdistributor becomes aware;

  • Delays and Complaints Delivery delays and service complaints will be monitored on a continual basis. Documented inability to perform under the conditions of the contract, via the Complaint to Vendor process (PUR 7017 form) contemplated for this Contract, may result in default proceedings and cancellation.

  • Product Recalls (a) If either Party reasonably decides or is required by any government authority or court of competent jurisdiction, to initiate a product recall, withdrawal or field correction with respect to, or if there is any governmental seizure of, the Product, the Party initiating or required to initiate such action will notify the other Party promptly of the details regarding such action, including providing copies of all relevant documentation concerning such action. The Parties will assist each other in investigating any such situation and all regulatory contacts that are made and all activities concerning seizure, recall, withdrawal or field correction will be jointly coordinated by HSL and LMI. (b) If any such recall, withdrawal, field correction or seizure occurs due solely to (i) failure of any Product produced by HSL hereunder to conform to Specifications (including, without limitation, being adulterated or misbranded) or any warranty or other requirement set forth in this Agreement, (ii) the failure of HSL to comply in all material respects with any applicable law, rule, regulation, guideline, standard, court order or decree or (iii) the negligent or intentional wrongful act or omission of HSL in connection with the production of Product hereunder, then HSL shall bear the **** of any such seizure, recall, withdrawal or field correction and shall reimburse LMI for its ****, including any purchase price payments made to HSL and related taxes to the extent related to such recalled Product. To the extent any such recall, withdrawal, field correction or seizure occurs for any reason other than that set forth in the immediately preceding sentence, then LMI shall bear the **** of any such seizure, recall, withdrawal or field correction. If both HSL and LMI contribute to the cause of a seizure, recall, withdrawal or field correction, the cost and expense thereof will be shared in proportion to each Party’s contribution to the problem. For the purposes of this Agreement, the expenses of any recall, withdrawal, field correction or seizure shall include, without limitation, the out-of-pocket expenses of notification and destruction or return of the recalled Product and all other out-of-pocket costs incurred in connection with such recall but shall not include a Party’s lost profits. HSL’s reimbursement for the costs of LMI Materials related to such recall, withdrawal or field correction is limited by Section 5.6(c).

  • Recalls Contractor shall immediately notify OGS of any recalls pertaining to any items awarded to the Contractor. The Federal ADA Act, signed into law July 26, 1990, bars employment discrimination and requires all levels of Government to provide necessary and reasonable accommodations to qualified workers with disabilities. Contractors are required to identify and offer any software or hardware products they manufacture or adapt which may be used or adapted for use by visually, hearing, or any other physically impaired individuals. Although it is not mandatory for Contractors to have this equipment in order to receive an award, it is necessary to identify any such equipment they have which falls into the above category. Pursuant to §19-0323 of the N.Y. Environmental Conservation Law (“the Law”) it is a requirement that heavy duty diesel vehicles in excess of 8,500 pounds use the best available retrofit technology (“BART”) and ultra low sulfur diesel fuel (“ULSD”). The requirement of the Law applies to all vehicles owned, operated by or on behalf of, or leased by State agencies and State or regional public authorities. It also requires that such vehicles owned, operated by or on behalf of, or leased by State agencies and State or regional public authorities with more than half of its governing body appointed by the Governor utilize BART. The Law may be applicable to vehicles used by Contractors “on behalf of” State agencies and public authorities and require certain reports from Contractors. All heavy duty diesel vehicles must have BART by the deadline provided in the Law. The Law also provides a list of exempted vehicles. Regulations set forth in 6 NYCRR Parts 248 and 249 provide further guidance. The Bidder hereby certifies and warrants that all heavy duty vehicles, as defined in the Law, to be used under this contract, will comply with the specifications and provisions of the Law, and 6 NYCRR Parts 248 and 249. An Authorized User should notify OGS Customer Services promptly if the Contractor fails to meet the requirements of this Contract. Performance which does not comply with requirements or is otherwise unsatisfactory to the Authorized User should also be reported to Customer Services: Customer Services Coordination E-mail: Telephone: (000) 000-0000 Contractor agrees that it will not sell or distribute fever thermometers containing mercury or any products containing elemental mercury for any purpose under this Contract.

  • Grievance Processing Union stewards or Union officials shall be permitted to have time off without loss of pay for the investigation and processing of grievances and arbitrations. Requests for such time off shall be made in advance and shall not be unreasonably denied. The Union will furnish the Employer with a list of Union stewards and their jurisdictions. The Union shall delineate the jurisdiction of Union stewards so that no xxxxxxx need travel between work locations or sub-divisions thereof while investigating grievances. Grievants shall be permitted to have time off without loss of pay for processing their grievances through the contractual grievance procedure, except that for class action grievances no more than three (3) grievants shall be granted such leave.

  • LAY-OFFS AND RECALLS (a) Both parties recognize that job security shall increase in proportion to length of seniority. Therefore, in the event of a lay-off, employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of their bargaining unit-wide seniority. (b) The employer shall meet with the union executive prior to a lay-off to review the seniority list and to discuss the order of lay-off. In addition, the parties will look to identify and implement all reasonable alternatives to the proposed lay-off Note: Where a proposed lay-off results in the subsequent displacement of any member(s) of the bargaining unit, the original notice to the union provided in (a) above shall be considered notice to the union of any subsequent lay-off. 12.02 Employees shall be recalled in the order of their seniority. 12.03 New employees shall not be hired until those laid off have been given an opportunity to recall. 12.04 An employee who accepts lay-off or exercises her/his bumping rights or otherwise secures alternate employment within the Agency following a notice of lay-off shall retain the right to be reinstated in his/her former job if such becomes available within nine (9) months of his/her original notice of lay-off. 12.05 An employee shall be given the right to continue their benefit coverage following lay-off. The employer shall continue to pay its share of such insured benefit premiums for a laid off employee for a period of six (6) months following lay-off, or until the employee has found other employment which includes benefit coverage prior to the end of the six (6) month period. (a) An employee shall have the opportunity of recall from lay-off in order of seniority to the final subsequent vacancy after the job posting provision has been exhausted providing he/she has the ability to perform the work within a reasonable time period, and is qualified. (b) An employee recalled to work in a different classification from which he/she was laid off shall have the privilege of returning to the classification held prior to the lay-off should it become vacant within six (6) months of being recalled. (c) The employer shall notify the employee of recall opportunity by registered mail, addressed to the last address on the record with the employer (which notification shall be deemed to be received on the second day following the date of mailing). The notification shall state the job to which the employee is eligible to be recalled and the date and time at which the employee shall report for work. The employee is solely responsible for his/her proper address being on record with the employer. (d) Employees on lay-off shall be given preference for temporary vacancies, which are expected to exceed ten (10) working days. An employee who has been recalled to such temporary vacancy shall not be required to accept such recall and may instead remain on lay-off. Further such employee recalled to a temporary vacancy is not entitled to any notice of lay-off at the end of the temporary assignment.

  • LAYOFFS AND RECALLS (a) Employees will be laid off in reverse order of seniority whenever there is a reduction of employees in the bargaining unit. The only exception to this provision is when the client requests in writing that a specific security guard be retained at their site. Guards can bump due to (1) loss of site, (2) being bumped by a senior guard, (3) client removal for non-disciplinary reasons, (4) return from approved leave of absence or (5) loss of position on a site. (b) The Company shall notify employees whose position is to be eliminated due to the loss of work at a specific site or the loss of the entire site at least five (5) working days prior to the effective date of termination of the position. Such employee will be entitled to bump junior employees at other sites in order to maintain employment and status. The company will meet with the affected employee and their Union representative as quickly as possible after notification in order to allow the employee to review options and make an informed decision where they wish to bump into. The parties will attempt to place the security guard into an alternate site where said guard will not lose any days of pay, but in no event, will the placement, or bumping take more than five (5) working days (no more than five (5) unpaid days). If an employee is not slotted into their new position within said five (5) working days, the company will provide payment in lieu of work. During the up to five (5) days waiting period, the employee will be entitled to be on top of the spare board list if they so desire. (c) The Company shall generally give notice of recall by registered mail to the last recorded address of the employee. The employee shall keep the Company informed of the employee's present address of location where he may be reached. The employee who fails to do so shall forfeit his right of recall. (d) If, within one (1) calendar day from the receipt of such notice, the employee accepts the recall, the job will be held open for one (1) calendar day from the day of the employee's acceptance. In the event that such recalled employee is employed elsewhere at the time of recall, the Company will hold the position vacant for two (2) weeks if the Company has received appropriate advance notice from its client. (e) In circumstances where the Company must fill vacant positions without delay, the Company shall give notice of recall by telephone until able to find a qualified employee who is prepared to report to work immediately. (f) If the employee declines the position, or fails to respond to the notice within one (1) calendar day from the date of receipt of the original notice, or fails to report to work within the time period outlined above, such employee shall be considered to have resigned and shall forfeit his recall rights. Should such employee be prevented from returning to work due to illness or accident he shall retain his recall rights and the Company shall be at liberty to recall another employee. The employee shall be required to show proof of such illness or accident.

  • Product Sales Subject to Sections 10.3(c) and 10.3(d), Licensee agrees that it will not sell, offer for sale, or assist third parties (including Affiliates) in selling Product except for the sale and offer for sale of (A) TAF Product, TAF Combination Product, TDF Product and TDF Combination Product for use in the Field and in the countries of the TDF-TAF Territory, (B) COBI Product and COBI Combination Product for use in the Field and in the countries of the COBI Territory, and (C) EVG Product, EVG Combination Product and Quad Product for use in the Field and in the countries of the EVG-Quad Territory.‌ (i) Licensee agrees that during the period in which the Patents are valid and enforceable (on a Product-by-Product basis) it will prohibit its Distributors from selling Product (A) to any other wholesaler or distributor, (B) outside the Territory for which Licensee is licensed for sale of such Product pursuant to Section 2.2, or (C) for any purpose outside the Field. (ii) Licensee agrees that it will not administer the TAF Quad to humans, or sell the TAF Quad until Gilead has obtained marketing approval for the TAF Quad from the FDA. Licensee agrees that it will not administer EVG to humans, or sell Products containing EVG until Gilead has obtained marketing approval for an EVG Product from the FDA. Licensee agrees that it will not administer COBI to humans, or sell Products containing COBI until Gilead has obtained marketing approval for a COBI Product from the FDA. Licensee agrees that it will not administer TAF to humans, or sell Products containing TAF until Gilead has obtained marketing approval for a TAF Product from the FDA. If Gilead obtains marketing approval from the FDA for any Quad Product or a Combination Product containing TAF, COBI or EVG (“Approved Combination Product”) prior to obtaining marketing approval for a TAF Product, EVG Product or COBI Product from the FDA, then Licensee will be allowed to administer such Quad Product or such Approved Combination Product to humans, and sell such Quad Product or such Approved Combination Product from and after the date of such marketing approval from the FDA, but will not (A) administer to humans or sell Combination Products containing EVG other than such Quad Product or such Approved Combination Product until Gilead has obtained marketing approval from the FDA for an EVG Product, or (B) administer to humans or sell Combination Products containing COBI other than such Quad Product or such Approved Combination Product until Gilead has obtained marketing approval from the FDA for a COBI Product or (C) administer to humans or sell Combination Products containing TAF other than such Quad Product or such Approved Combination Product until Gilead has obtained marketing approval from the FDA for a TAF Product.