Prohibited Substances. Not to use or consume in or about the Property at any time any of the drugs mentioned in the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 or any other controlled substances the use of which may hereinafter be prohibited or restricted.
Prohibited Substances. A drug is defined as any substance which may affect mental or motor function including but not limited to illegal drugs, controlled substances, designer drugs, synthetic drugs and look-alike drugs. Alcohol is defined as any beverage or substance containing alcohol.
Prohibited Substances. The following categories of prohibited substances are addressed by this policy:
1. Illegally Used Controlled Substances or Drugs Marijuana, cocaine, opiates (e.g., morphine/codeine), amphetamines, phencyclidine (PCP), and any other substance identified in schedule I-II of Section 202 of the Controlled Substance Act (21 U.S.C. 812). The use of these substances such that they are present in the body while performing school district business is prohibited.
Prohibited Substances are those substances, whose dissemination is regulated by law, including, but not limited to narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, cannabis, and alcohol. For the purpose of this policy, substances that require a prescription or other written approval from a licensed health care provider or dentist for their use shall also be included when used other than as prescribed. The drugs and/or their metabolites that are included in these categories are as follows:
a) marijuana
b) cocaine
c) opium or opiates d) phencyclidine (PCP) e) amphetamines f) or methamphetamines
Prohibited Substances. Prohibited substances include illegal drugs, (including controlled substances, look-alike drugs and designer drugs) alcoholic beverages in the possession of or being used by an employee on the job. Employee — Individuals who perform work for the Division of Police including, but not limited to, management, supervision, labor and clerical personnel. Accident — See Drug and/or Alcohol Test, Paragraph 3 Post Accident.
Prohibited Substances. “Prohibited substances” addressed by these policies include the following: Illegally Used Controlled Substances or Drugs
Prohibited Substances. The term "Prohibited Substances" refers to any drug the possession of which is prohibited by law.
Prohibited Substances are those substances whose dissemination is regulated by law, including, but not limited to narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, cannabis, and alcohol. For the purpose of this policy, substances that require a prescription or other written approval from a licensed health care provider or dentist for their use shall also be included when used other than as prescribed. Some of the drugs and/or their metabolites that are included, but not limited to, in these categories are as follows: Amphetamines Methamphetamines Barbiturates Benzodiazepines Cannabinoids Cocaine metabolites Methadone Methaqualone Opium or Opiates (Codeine) Opium or Opiates (Morphine) Phencyclidine (PCP) Propoxyphene
Prohibited Substances. The supplier guarantees that the products supplied to us do not contain any substances included in the Festo norm of prohibited substances (see Festo Supplier Information System under This norm is part of our Purchase Terms.