Temporary Employee. Employees may be hired for a specific term not to exceed six (6) months, to replace an employee who will be on approved leave of absence, absence due to WSIB disability, sick leave, long term disability or to perform a special non-recurring task. This term may be extended a further six (6) months on mutual agreement of the Union, employee and Hospital or by the Hospital on its own up to twelve (12) months where the leave of the person being replaced extends that far. The period of employment of such persons will not exceed the absentee's leave. The release or discharge of such persons shall not be the subject of a grievance or arbitration. This clause would not preclude such employees from using the job posting provision under the collective agreement and any successful applicant who has completed his probation period will be credited with the appropriate seniority. The Hospital will outline to employees selected to fill such temporary vacancies and the Union, the circumstances giving rise to the vacancy, and the special conditions relating to such employment.
Temporary Employee. The term "temporary employee" as used in this Agreement refers to a bargaining unit employee who is serving in a temporary appointment for a specified period of time.
Temporary Employee. Temporary employee" means an employee who is appointed with a definite ending date. A temporary employee's term of employment may not exceed a total of 12 months in any 24-month period in any one agency.
Temporary Employee. A person who has been appointed from a list of eligibles, or provisionally in the absence of a list, to a position which is other than a permanent position.
Temporary Employee. A temporary employee is an employee hired for a specific term. Temporary employees hired for a term exceeding four (4) consecutive months shall be governed by the provisions of the Collective Agreement specified in Appendix B.
Temporary Employee. An employee in a temporary position shall have no right to grieve or arbitrate release from such temporary appointment.
Temporary Employee a) An employee who is hired to perform particular work in order to handle a temporary increase in workload or an unforeseen event for a maximum period of four (4) months, unless there is a written agreement with the union.
Temporary Employee. A temporary employee shall be defined as a person employed to fill vacancies of regular employees who are absent due to illness, accident, vacations, leaves of absence; to fill temporary jobs; or to fill vacancies, pending posting and filling of vacant positions as provided for in Article 19.
Temporary Employee. Temporary employee shall mean an employee employed to meet seasonal or temporary operating needs. The only provisions of this Agreement applying to the employment of temporary employees are contained in Schedule B.
Temporary Employee. 401 a) A temporary employee shall not be hired for a period greater than fifty-four (54) weeks unless mutually agreed by the Association and the Employer. (This provision shall not apply in situations where an employee is absent indefinitely due to illness, injury or WCB claim.) In these cases, the maximum duration of such leave and the maximum duration of the term of employment to replace that employee shall be twenty-four (24) months. Such employee is covered by the terms of this Agreement. For situations related to WCB and / or illness and / or accident and / or Maternity / Parental Leave, Compassionate Care Leave or where there is a term vacancy due to leave for public office where a definitive expiry date cannot be specified, the Employer shall state on the job posting that the said term position will expire upon the return of the current incumbent to his position, subject to a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours’ notice. Any term positions directly resulting from the above procedure will be posted in the same manner.