Legal Drugs. The appropriate use of legally prescribed medications and non- prescription medications is not prohibited. Employees are required to notify their supervisor prior to the use of any medication which may adversely affect their ability to perform their job. In such case, the employee may be assigned to perform work that can be safely performed while using such medication or placed on paid sick or other paid or unpaid leave. If reasonable suspicion exists that an employee is under the influence of an illegal substance or alcohol, a reasonable suspicion test will be conducted. This information should be handled in a confidential manner, the same as any other medical information.
Legal Drugs. The use of drugs which are lawfully obtained and properly used shall be permitted provided their use does not interfere with the individual's proper and safe work performance.
Legal Drugs. Employees shall not use any legal drug to the extent that said drug may adversely affect the employee’s safety or job performance, or the safety of others. It is the responsibility of the employee to insure that he/she does not violate this requirement.
Legal Drugs. The abuse of any legal drug, or the purchase, sale, manufacture, distribution, transportation or dispensation of any legal prescription or drug in a manner inconsistent with law is strictly prohibited and subject to disciplinary actions up to and including termination. Working while impaired by the use of any legal drug, including marijuana or other controlled substance used as part of a prescribed treatment program, whenever such use might (a) endanger the safety of the employee or others, (b) pose a risk of damage to The Sacramento Bee property or equipment, or (c) substantially interfere with job performance or the efficient operation of The Sacramento Bee's business or equipment also is prohibited. Employees under the influence of legal drugs that may cause such an impairment must notify The Sacramento Bee's designated physician before reporting to work. This information will be treated confidentially. If it is determined that the employee cannot safely perform his or her duties while under the influence of the legal drug, he or she will not be permitted to return to work. The employee may use available sick leave and/or vacation time during his or her absence. The employee also may request unpaid time off during this period. Nothing in this policy is intended to diminish The Sacramento Bee's commitment to employ and reasonably accommodate qualified, disabled individuals.
Legal Drugs. Any prescription medication or any over-the-counter medication that has some medicinal value/purpose and is being used by the person for whom it was prescribed.
Legal Drugs. Legally obtained drugs (prescription and non-prescription remedies) used according to directions to alleviate a specific condition.
Legal Drugs. Includes prescribed drugs and over‐the‐counter drugs that have been legally obtained and are being used for the purpose for which they were prescribed or manufactured.
Legal Drugs. The use of any legally obtained drug to the point where such use adversely affects the employee's job performance, is prohibited. This prohibition covers arriving on the work premises with detectable levels of any drug which adversely affects the employee's job performance, including the use of prescribed drugs under medical direction. Where the physician-directed use of drugs adversely affects job performance, it is the best general interest of the employee, co-workers, and the industry that employees stay home. It is hereby specifically understood that violations involving alcohol shall continue to be handled in accordance with Paragraph 13(B) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. It is also agreed that under clause 13(B) of the present Collective Bargaining Agreement the blood alcohol level to be used in determining if an employee is intoxicated shall be that level established by law in the state involved. When an individual is tested for alcohol and their alcohol level is .04 or above, up to the state limit, that person will be knocked off for the remainder of the day. No charges will be filed for intoxication.
Legal Drugs. The abuse of any legal drug, or the purchase, sale, manufacture, distribution, transportation or dispensation (or attempts thereof) of any legal prescription or drug in a manner inconsistent with law is strictly prohibited and subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Working while impaired by the use of any legal drug, including marijuana or other controlled substance used as part of a prescribed treatment program is a violation of this policy when such use might (a) endanger the safety of the employee or others, (b) pose a risk of damage to Newspaper property or equipment, or (c) substantially interfere with job performance or the efficient operation of the Newspaper. Employees under the influence of legal drugs that may cause such impairment must notify human resources. This information will be treated confidentially. If it is determined that the employee cannot safely perform his or her duties while under the influence of the legal drug, he or she will not be permitted to return to work. The employee may use available sick leave and/or vacation time during his or her absence. The employee also may request unpaid time off during this period. Nothing in this policy is intended to diminish the Newspaper’s commitment to employ and reasonably accommodate qualified, disabled individuals.
Legal Drugs. Except as provided below, the use of or being under the influence of any legally obtained drug by any employee while performing Township business or while in a Township vehicle or on Township property is prohibited to the extent that such use or influence may affect the safety of the employee, co-workers or members of the public, the employee's job performance or the safe or efficient operation of the Township facilities. An employee may continue to work, even though under the influence of a legal drug, if management has determined, after consulting with the employee, the employee's physician and any other person or entity the Township feels necessary, that the employee does not pose a threat to his or her own safety, the safety of co-workers, and the employee's job performance is not significantly affected by the legal drug. The employee taking drugs for medical reasons, which may affect his/her performance, must provide a doctor's note, which certifies that the employee can safely perform his/her particular job under the influence of the medication. Otherwise, the employee may be required to take a leave of absence or comply with other appropriate action determined by management.