PROSECUTION AND LITIGATION ASSISTANCE. Seller will also, at the reasonable request of Buyer after Closing, assist Buyer in providing, and obtaining, from individuals who are employees of Seller at the time of Buyer's request, prompt production of pertinent facts and documents, otherwise giving of testimony, execution of petitions, oaths, powers of attorney, specifications, declarations or other papers and other assistance reasonably necessary for filing patent applications, trademark applications, trademark renewals, enforcement or other actions and proceedings with respect to the claims under the Purchased Assets. Buyer shall compensate Seller for any reasonable, 8 <PAGE> documented disbursements and time incurred after Closing in connection with providing assistance under this subparagraph 5.3 in connection with any enforcement or other infringement action regarding the Purchased Assets, under a standard billable hour rate of Seller. Seller shall furnish Buyer an advance, written estimate of the fees and costs for such assistance and Buyer shall have agreed in writing to pay such fees and costs. 5.4. Seller shall pass through to Buyer all manufacturer warranties, if any, on the inventory items listed in Schedule D. 6.
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  • Litigation Assistance Except when it would constitute a direct conflict of interest for BA, BA will make itself available to assist CE in any administrative or judicial proceeding by testifying as witness as to an alleged violation of HIPAA, the HITECH Act, the Privacy or Security Rule, or other law relating to security or privacy.

  • Litigation and Regulatory Cooperation During and after the Executive’s employment, the Executive shall cooperate fully with the Company in the defense or prosecution of any claims or actions now in existence or which may be brought in the future against or on behalf of the Company which relate to events or occurrences that transpired while the Executive was employed by the Company. The Executive’s full cooperation in connection with such claims or actions shall include, but not be limited to, being available to meet with counsel to prepare for discovery or trial and to act as a witness on behalf of the Company at mutually convenient times. During and after the Executive’s employment, the Executive also shall cooperate fully with the Company in connection with any investigation or review of any federal, state or local regulatory authority as any such investigation or review relates to events or occurrences that transpired while the Executive was employed by the Company. The Company shall reimburse the Executive for any reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with the Executive’s performance of obligations pursuant to this Section 7(f).

  • Litigation and Claims No litigation, claim, investigation, administrative proceeding or similar action (including those for unpaid taxes) against Borrower is pending or threatened, and no other event has occurred which may materially adversely affect Borrower’s financial condition or properties, other than litigation, claims, or other events, if any, that have been disclosed to and acknowledged by Lender in writing.

  • Litigation and Compliance There is no action, suit, investigation, litigation or proceeding against such Legal Entity pending or threatened before any court, governmental agency or arbitrator that challenges, or would reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on, the legality, validity or enforceability of this Agreement.

  • Cooperation in Litigation Each party hereto will reasonably cooperate with the other in the defense or prosecution of any litigation or proceeding already instituted or which may be instituted hereafter against or by such party relating to or arising out of the use of the Purchased Assets prior to the Effective Date (other than litigation arising out of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement). The party requesting such cooperation shall pay the out-of-pocket expenses (including legal fees and disbursements) of the party providing such cooperation and of its officers, directors, employees, other personnel and agents reasonably incurred in connection with providing such cooperation, but shall not be responsible to reimburse the party providing such cooperation for such party's time spent in such cooperation or the salaries or costs of fringe benefits or similar expenses paid by the party providing such cooperation to its officers, directors, employees, other personnel and agents while assisting in the defense or prosecution of any such litigation or proceeding.

  • Cooperation With Regard to Litigation Executive agrees to cooperate with the Company, during the term and thereafter (including following Executive’s termination of employment for any reason), by making himself available to testify on behalf of the Company or any subsidiary or affiliate of the Company, in any action, suit, or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative, and to assist the Company, or any subsidiary or affiliate of the Company, in any such action, suit, or proceeding, by providing information and meeting and consulting with the Board or its representatives or counsel, or representatives or counsel to the Company, or any subsidiary or affiliate of the Company, as may be reasonably requested and after taking into account Executive’s post-termination responsibilities and obligations. The Company agrees to reimburse Executive, on an after-tax basis, for all reasonable expenses actually incurred in connection with his provision of testimony or assistance.

  • Litigation and Regulatory Proceedings Except as disclosed in SEC Documents, there are no material actions, causes of action, suits, claims, proceedings, inquiries or investigations (collectively, “Proceedings”) before or by any court, public board, government agency, self-regulatory organization or body pending or, to the knowledge of the executive officers of Company or any of the Subsidiaries, threatened against or affecting the Company or any of the Subsidiaries, the Common Stock or any other class of issued and outstanding shares of the Company’s Capital Stock, or any of the Company’s or the Subsidiaries’ officers or directors in their capacities as such and, to the knowledge of the executive officers of the Company, there is no reason to believe that there is any basis for any such Proceeding.

  • Patent Prosecution 7.1 UFRF shall diligently prosecute and maintain the Licensed Patents using counsel of its choice. UFRF shall provide Licensee with copies of all patent applications amendments, and other filings with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and foreign patent offices. UFRF will also provide Licensee with copies of office actions and other communications received by UFRF from the United States Patent and Trademark Office and foreign patent offices relating to Licensed Patents. Licensee agrees to keep such information confidential.

  • Patent Prosecution and Maintenance From and after the date of this Agreement, the provisions of this Section 8 shall control the prosecution of any patent application and maintenance of any patent included within Licensed Patent Rights. TSRI shall (a) direct and control the preparation, filing and prosecution of the United States and foreign patent applications within Licensed Patent Rights (including without limitation any reissues, reexaminations, appeals to appropriate patent offices and/or courts, interferences and foreign oppositions); and (b) maintain the patents issuing therefrom; in each case, using TSRI’s Office of Patent Counsel (“OPC”) or outside patent counsel selected by TSRI and approved by Company in writing, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and consistent with the requirements of this Section 8.1. The parties shall mutually agree in advance, on a Licensed Patent Right-by-Licensed Patent Right basis, whether TSRI’s OPC or independent counsel will be principally responsible for filing, prosecution and maintenance of a Licensed Patent Right, it being understood that if the parties agree that external patent counsel will be principally responsible, TSRI shall have the right, at its sole discretion, to utilize TSRI’s OPC in addition to (i.e., in support of and to direct) such independent counsel’s patent filing, prosecution and maintenance activities. The reasonable and documented fees and expenses with regard to the preparation, filing and prosecution of patent applications and maintenance of patents (including without limitation inter partes proceedings) included within Licensed Patent Rights (“Patent Costs”) shall be paid as set forth below. Company shall have full rights of consultation with TSRI and such outside patent counsel on all matters relating to Licensed Patent Rights. TSRI shall consult, and shall instruct its counsel to consult, with Company as to the preparation, filing, prosecution and maintenance of the Licensed Patent Rights (including, without limitation, any reissues, reexaminations, appeals to appropriate patent offices and/or courts, interferences and foreign oppositions) reasonably prior to any deadline or action with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office or any foreign patent office, and shall furnish to Company copies of all relevant documents reasonably in advance of such consultation, consider in good faith Company’s comments and suggestions with regard to such preparation, filing, prosecution and/or maintenance (including without limitation any inter partes proceedings) of the patent applications and/or patents within Licensed Patent Rights, and use its reasonable efforts to implement all reasonable and timely requests made by Company; provided, however, that in the event of a disagreement between TSRI and Company on any such patent prosecution or maintenance matters, TSRI shall have final decision-making authority over all such patent matters. Company shall have the right, but not the obligation, to be present at any court or patent office proceedings relating to Licensed Patent Rights. Provided that Company is not in material breach of its obligations under this Agreement, TSRI shall not abandon any patent or patent application within the Licensed Patent Rights without Company’s prior written consent.

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