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Raiffeisen Direkt Sample Clauses

Raiffeisen Direkt. Raiffeisen Direkt is a telebanking service operated by the Bank through which the Customer is able—provided that the Customer has a mobile phone, and has had its mobile phone number registered with the Bank—to administer the following operations during the period of accessibility specified in the Bank’s List of Terms and Conditions from time to time in effect—after proper identification of the Customer—at the terms set out in the relevant agreement and in the List of Terms and Conditions: • give orders in the range specified in the agreement between the Customer and the Bank which falls within the scope of these GTC, up to the limit disclosed in the List of Terms and Conditions from time to time in effect; • request information or an account statement regarding any transaction or agreement between the Customer and the Bank which falls within the scope of these GTC; • request information concerning the financial services provided by the Bank and their terms and conditions; • inform the Bank of its intention to conclude an agreement in respect of any financial service offered by the Bank; • have its bankcard blocked, or use other bankcard-related services; • make complaints.

Related to Raiffeisen Direkt

  • BANCO BILBAO VIZCAYA ARGENTARIA, S A. as swap counterparty (in such capacity, the “Counterparty”); and

  • Fortis Benefits represents that it believes, in good faith, that the Separate Account is a “segregated asset account” and that interests in the Separate Account are offered exclusively through the purchase of or transfer into a “variable contract,” within the meaning of such terms under Section 817(h) of the Code and the regulations thereunder. Fortis Benefits will make every effort to continue to meet such definitional requirements, and it will notify the Fund and Distributor immediately upon having a reasonable basis for believing that such requirements have ceased to be met or that they might not be met in the future.

  • Vlastnictví Zdravotnické zařízení si ponechá a bude uchovávat Zdravotní záznamy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející převedou na Zadavatele veškerá svá práva, nároky a tituly, včetně práv duševního vlastnictví k Důvěrným informacím (ve smyslu níže uvedeném) a k jakýmkoli jiným Studijním datům a údajům.

  • Egypt HSBC Bank Egypt S A.E. (as delegate of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) Estonia AS Hansabank Finland Skandinaviska Enskilda Bankken AB, Sweden (operating through its Helsinki branch) France Deutsche Bank AG, Netherlands (operating through its Paris branch) Germany Deutsche Bank AG Ghana Barclays Bank of Ghana Limited Greece National Bank of Greece S.A. Guinea-Bissau via Societe Generale de Banques en Cote d’Ivoire, Abidjan, Ivory Coast Hong Kong Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited Hungary UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt. Iceland Kaupthing Bank hf. India Deutsche Bank AG The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Indonesia Deutsche Bank AG Ireland Bank of Ireland Israel Bank Hapoalim B.M. Italy Deutsche Bank S.p.A. Ivory Coast Societe Generale de Banques en Cote d’Ivoire Jamaica Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Limited Japan Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd. Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Jordan HSBC Bank Middle East Limited (as delegate of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) Kazakhstan SB HSBC Bank Kazakhstan JSC (as delegate of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) Kenya Barclays Bank of Kenya Limited Republic of Korea Deutsche Bank AG The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Kuwait HSBC Bank Middle East Limited (as delegate of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) Latvia A/s Hansabanka Lebanon HSBC Bank Middle East (as delegate of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) Lithuania SEB Vilniaus Bankas AB Malaysia Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad Mali via Societe Generale de Banques en Cote d’Ivoire, Abidjan, Ivory Coast Malta The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Mauritius The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Mexico Banco Nacional de Mexico S.A. Morocco Attijariwafa bank Namibia Standard Bank Namibia Limited Netherlands Deutsche Bank AG New Zealand The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Niger via Societe Generale de Banques en Cote d’Ivoire, Abidjan, Ivory Coast Nigeria IBTC Chartered Bank Plc. Norway Skandinaviska Enskilda Bankken AB, Sweden (operating through its Oslo branch) Oman HSBC Bank Middle East Limited (as delegate of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) Pakistan Deutsche Bank AG Palestine HSBC Bank Middle East Limited (as delegate of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) Panama HSBC Bank (Panama) S.A. Peru Citibank del Peru, S.A. Philippines Standard Chartered Bank Poland Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. Portugal Banco Comercial Portugues S.A. Puerto Rico Citibank N.A. Qatar HSBC Bank Middle East Limited (as delegate of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) Romania ING Bank N.V. Russia ING Bank (Eurasia) ZAO, Moscow Saudi Arabia Saudi British Bank (as delegate of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) Senegal via Societe Generale de Banques en Cote d’Ivoire, Abidjan, Ivory Coast Serbia Unicredit Bank Serbia JSC Singapore DBS Bank Limited United Overseas Bank Limited Slovak Republic Ceskoslovenska Obchodni Banka, a.s., pobocka zahranicnej banky v SR Slovenia Unicredit Bank Slovenija d.d. South Africa Nedbank Limited Standard Bank of South Africa Limited Spain Deutsche Bank S.A.E. Sri Lanka The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Swaziland Standard Bank Swaziland Limited Sweden Skandinaviska Enskilda Xxxxxx XX Switzerland UBS AG Taiwan - R.O.C. Bank of Taiwan Thailand Standard Chartered Bank (Thai) Public Company Limited Togo via Societe Generale de Banques en Cote d’Ivoire, Abidjan, Ivory Coast Trinidad & Tobago Republic Bank Limited Tunisia Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie Turkey Citibank, A.S. Uganda Barclays Bank of Uganda Limited Ukraine ING Bank Ukraine United Arab Emirates - Dubai Financial Market HSBC Bank Middle East Limited (as delegate of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) United Arab Emirates - Dubai International Financial Center HSBC Bank Middle East Limited (as delegate of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited) United Kingdom State Street Bank and Trust Company, United Kingdom branch Uruguay Bank Itau Uruguay S.A. Venezuela Citibank, N.A. Vietnam The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Zambia Barclays Bank of Zambia Plc. Zimbabwe Barclays Bank of Zimbabwe Limited 12/31/07 Argentina Caja de Valores S.A. Australia Austraclear Limited Austria Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG (Wertpapiersammelbank Division) Bahrain Clearing, Settlement, and Depository System of the Bahrain Stock Exchange Bangladesh Central Depository Bangladesh Limited Belgium Banque Nationale de Belgique Euroclear Belgium Benin Depositaire Central - Banque de Reglement Bermuda Bermuda Securities Depository Brazil Central de Custodia e de Liquidacao Financeira de Titulos Privados (CETIP) Companhia Brasileira de Liquidacao e Custodia Sistema Especial de Liquidacao e de Custodia (SELIC) Bulgaria Bulgarian National Bank Central Depository AD Burkina Faso Depositaire Central - Banque de Reglement Canada The Canadian Depository for Securities Limited Chile Deposito Central de Valores S.A. People’s Republic of China China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited, Shanghai Branch China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited Shenzhen Branch Colombia Deposito Central de Valores Deposito Centralizado de Valores de Colombia S..A. (DECEVAL) Costa Rica Central de Valores S.A. Croatia Sredisnja depozitarna agencija d.d. Cyprus Central Depository and Central Registry Czech Republic Czech National Bank Stredisko cennych papiru - Ceska republika Denmark Vaerdipapircentralen Dubai International Financial Center Central Securities Depository department of the Dubai International Financial Exchange Egypt Misr for Clearing, Settlement, and Depository S.A.E. Central Bank of Egypt Estonia AS Eesti Vaartpaberikeskus Finland Suomen Arvopaperikeskus Oy France Euroclear France Germany Clearstream Banking AG, Frankfurt Greece Apothetirion Titlon AE Bank of Greece, System for Monitoring Transactions in Securities in Book-Entry Form Guinea-Bissau Depositaire Central - Banque de Reglement Hong Xxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxx Xxxx Securities Clearing Company Limited Hungary Kozponti Elszamolohaz es Ertektar (Budapest) Zrt. (KELER) Iceland Icelandic Securities Depository Limited India Central Depository Services (India) Limited National Securities Depository Limited Reserve Bank of India Indonesia Bank Indonesia PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia Israel Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Clearing House Ltd. (TASE Clearing House) Italy Monte Titoli S.p.A. Ivory Coast Depositaire Central - Banque de Reglement Jamaica Jamaica Central Securities Depository Japan Bank of Japan - Net System Japan Securities Depository Center (JASDEC) Incorporated Jordan Securities Depository Center Kazakhstan Central Securities Depository Kenya Central Depository and Settlement Corporation Limited Central Bank of Kenya Republic of Korea Korea Securities Depository Kuwait Kuwait Clearing Company Latvia Latvian Central Depository Lebanon Banque du Liban Custodian and Clearing Center of Financial Instruments for Lebanon and the Middle East (Midclear) X.X.X. Lithuania Central Securities Depository of Lithuania Malaysia Bank Negara Malaysia Bursa Malaysia Depository Sdn. Bhd. Mali Depositaire Central - Banque de Reglement Malta Central Securities Depository of the Malta Stock Exchange Mauritius Bank of Mauritius Central Depository and Settlement Co. Ltd. Mexico S.D. INDEVAL, S.A. de C.V. Morocco Maroclear Namibia Bank of Namibia Netherlands Euroclear Nederland New Zealand New Zealand Central Securities Depository Limited Niger Depositaire Central - Banque de Reglement Nigeria Central Securities Clearing System Limited Norway Verdipapirsentralen Oman Muscat Depository & Securities Registration Company, SAOC Pakistan Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited State Bank of Pakistan Palestine Clearing, Depository and Settlement, a department of the Palestine Securities Exchange Panama Central Latinoamericana de Valores, S.A. (LatinClear) Peru Caja de Valores y Liquidaciones, Institucion de Compensacion y Liquidacion de Valores S.A Philippines Philippine Depository & Trust Corporation Registry of Scripless Securities (XXXX) of the Bureau of Treasury Poland Rejestr Papierow Wartosciowych Krajowy Depozyt Papierow Wartosciowych S.A. Portugal INTERBOLSA - Sociedade Gestora de Sistemas de Liquidacao e de Sistemas Centralizados de Valores Mobiliarios, S.A. Qatar Central Clearing and Registration (CCR), a department of the Doha Securities Market Romania S.C. Depozitarul Central S.A. National Bank of Romania Russia Vneshtorgbank, Bank for Foreign Trade of the Russian Federation National Depository Center Saudi Arabia Tadawul Central Securities Depository Senegal Depositaire Central - Banque de Reglement Serbia Central Registrar and Central Depository for Securities Singapore The Central Depository (Pte) Limited Monetary Authority of Singapore Slovak Republic Naodna banka slovenska Centralny depozitar cennych papierov SR, a.s. Slovenia KDD - Centralna klirinsko depotna xxxxxx x.x. South Africa Strate Ltd. Spain IBERCLEAR Sri Lanka Central Depository System (Pvt) Limited Sweden Vardepapperscentralen VPC AB Switzerland SegaIntersettle AG (SIS) Taiwan - R.O.C. Taiwan Depository and Clearing Corporation Thailand Thailand Securities Depository Company Limited Togo Depositaire Central - Banque de Reglement Trinidad and Tobago Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Societe Tunisienne Interprofessionelle pour la Compensation et de Depots des Valeurs Mobilieres (STICODEVAM) Turkey Central Bank of Turkey Central Registry Agency Uganda Bank of Uganda Ukraine Mizhregionalny Fondovy Souz National Bank of Ukraine United Arab Emirates Clearing and Depository System, a department of the Dubai Financial Market Dubai International Financial Exchange Ltd. central securities depository United Kingdom Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited Uruguay Banco Central del Uruguay Venezuela Banco Central de Venezuela Caja Venezolana de Valores Vietnam Vietnam Securities Depository Zambia Bank of Zambia XxXX Central Shares Depository Limited TRANSNATIONAL Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V. Clearstream Banking, S.A. 12/31/07 OPERATING GUIDELINES

  • Generale A. Il Software Apple e qualsiasi software di terze parti, la documentazione, le interfacce, i contenuti, i font e tutti i dati relativi a questa Licenza sia se presenti su memoria di sola lettura, su altri supporti o in altra forma (collettivamente “Software Apple”) Vi vengono concessi in licenza, e non venduti, da Apple Inc. (“Apple”) per essere usati unicamente nei termini di questa Licenza. Apple e/o i licenziatari di Apple si riservano la proprietà dello stesso Software Apple e tutti i diritti non espressamente accordati. B. Apple potrebbe rendere disponibili, a propria discrezione, eventuali futuri aggiornamenti del Software Apple per il dispositivo iOS a xxxxxxx Apple compatibile. Gli aggiornamenti al Software Apple, se esistenti, potrebbero non includere necessariamente tutte le funzionalità esistenti del software o le nuove funzionalità rilasciate da Apple per i modelli più recenti o altri modelli di dispositivi iOS. I termini di questa Licenza regoleranno qualsiasi aggiornamento software fornito da Apple al prodotto Software Apple originale, a meno che tale aggiornamento non venga fornito con una licenza specifica; in questo caso, accettate che i termini xx xxxxxx licenza regoleranno tale aggiornamento.

  • FINLAND There are no country-specific provisions.

  • Documentation Agent 51 SECTION 12. Miscellaneous.................................................51

  • Banco Bradesco S A. has requested confidential treatment of the information in [***], which has been filed separately with the SEC.

  • Nutzung und Beschränkungen A. Gemäß den Bestimmungen dieser Lizenz erteilt Ihnen der Lizenzgeber hiermit eine eingeschränkte, einfache Lizenz zum Installieren und Nutzen einer Kopie der Apple Software auf einem Apple Desktop-Computer und einem Apple Mobilcomputer, sofern beide Computer Ihnen gehören und von Ihnen genutzt werden. Es ist untersagt, die Apple Software über ein Netzwerk bereitzustellen, in dem sie von mehr als einem Computer gleichzeitig verwendet werden kann. Sie sind berechtigt, eine maschinenlesbare Kopie der Apple Software für Sicherungszwecke zu erstellen. Sie sind verpflichtet, auf jeder Kopie der Apple Software die Urheber- und sonstigen Schutzrechtshinweise aufzunehmen, die auf dem Original enthalten waren. B. Sie sind berechtigt, die Logic Node Installer Software auf so vielen Apple Client-Computern, deren Eigentümer Sie sich, die Sie geleast haben oder die auf andere Xxxxx xxx Xxxxx kontrolliert werden, gleichzeitig zu installieren und zu verwenden, wie notwendig und angemessen ist. Diese Computer müssen vernetzt sein und mit Mac OS X arbeiten. C. Vorbehaltlich anderslautender Bestimmungen sind Sie berechtigt, die Audiodatei-Inhalte von Apple (einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf Apple Loops, integrierte Audiodateien, Samples und Impulsantworten) (gemeinsam als "Audio-Inhalte bezeichnet"), die in der Apple Software enthalten sind oder anderweitig mitgeliefert werden, gebührenfrei zu nutzen, um eigene Tonspuren für Ihre Film-, Video- und Audioprojekte zu erstellen. Sie haben das Recht, Ihre eigenen Musikspuren, die unter Verwendung der Audio-Inhalte erstellt wurden, zu senden und/oder zu verteilen. Es ist Ihnen jedoch nicht gestattet, einzelne Apple Loops, Audiodateien, Klangeinstellungen, Samples und Impulsantworten kommerziell oder anderweitig auf eigenständiger Basis zu verteilen oder solche Apple Loops ganz oder teilweise als Audiosamples, Audiodateien, Klangeffekte oder Musikbetten neu zu verpacken. D. Bestimmte Komponenten der Apple Software sowie Open Source Programme von Drittanbietern, die zum Lieferumfang der Apple Software gehören, wurden von Apple auf seiner Open Source Web-Site (xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx.xxx/) (gemeinsam als "Open Source Komponenten" bezeichnet) bereitgestellt. Sie sind berechtigt, nur diese Open Source Komponenten zu ändern oder zu ersetzen, vorausgesetzt, dass (i) die resultierende modifizierte Apple Software anstelle der unmodifizierten Apple Software ausschließlich zum persönlichen Gebrauch auf einem Apple Computer verwendet wird und (ii) Sie die Bestimmungen dieser Lizenz sowie jegliche für die Verwendung der Open Source Komponenten geltenden Lizenzbestimmungen erfüllen. Es besteht keine Verpflichtung seitens Apple, Wartungsarbeiten und technische oder sonstige Unterstützung für die resultierende modifizierte Apple Software zu xxxxxxx. E. Sie verpflichten sich, es zu unterlassen und es Dritten nicht zu ermöglichen, die Apple Software zu kopieren (sofern nicht und nur in dem Maße wie im Rahmen dieses Lizenzvertrags gestattet), zu dekompilieren, zurückzuentwickeln, zu disassemblieren, zu entschlüsseln, zu modifizieren, Versuche zur Ableitung des Quellcodes zu unternehmen oder abgeleitete Werke der Apple Software oder Teilen davon zu erstellen (sofern eine der vorhergehenden Beschränkungen nicht durch gesetzliche Bestimmungen verboten ist).

  • Investment Banking Services Except as described in the Registration Statement, the Statutory Prospectus and the Prospectus, during the period beginning 180 days prior to the initial confidential submission of the Registration Statement and ending on the Effective Date, no Member and/or any person associated or affiliated with a Member has provided any investment banking, financial advisory and/or consulting services to the Company.