Razorback sucker Sample Clauses
Razorback sucker. IV.A.1.a. Develop experimental augmentation plan and seek Program acceptance. FWS-FR Complete Xxxxxxxx et al. 1995. IV.A.1.b. Implement experimental augmentation plan.
Razorback sucker. IV.A.4.a.(1) Middle Green FWS-FR Ongoing X X X X X X IV.A.4.a.(2) Upper Colorado River. FWS-FR Ongoing X X X X X X IV.A.4.b. Bonytail UDWR/CDOW Ongoing X X X X X X IV.A.4.c. Humpback chub. IV.A.4.c.
Razorback sucker. IV.A.4.a.(1) Middle Green (including spawning bar at RM 311.5) FWS-FR Ongoing X X X X X X X IV.A.4.a.(2) Upper Colorado River. FWS-FR Ongoing X X X X X X X IV.A.4.b. Bonytail UDWR Ongoing X X X X X X X IV.A.4.c. Humpback chub. IV.A.4.c.
Razorback sucker. IV.A.4.a.(1) Middle Green FWS-FR Ongoing X X X X IV.A.4.a.(2) Upper Colorado River. FWS-FR Ongoing X X X X X X IV.A.4.b. Bonytail UDWR/CPW Ongoing X X X X X X Federal and state hatcheries were evaluated during 2015 for the opportunity to house a backup broodstock for bonytail; the NFH facility at Xxxx, NM was selected in the spring of 2016. IV.A.4.
Razorback sucker. IV.A.4.a.(1) Middle Green FWS-FR Ongoing X X X X X X IV.A.4.a.(2) Upper Colorado River. FWS-FR Ongoing X X X X X X IV.A.4.b. Bonytail UDWR/CPW Ongoing X X X X X X IV.A.4.c. Humpback chub. Fin clips being collected from adult humpback chub to determine level of genetic introgression (relates to broodstock development). IV.A.4.c.
Razorback sucker. IV.A.4.a.(1) Middle Green FWS-FR Ongoing X X X X X X X X Maintain genetic refugia for each of the species. IV.A.4.a.(2) Upper Colorado River. FWS-FR Ongoing X X X X X X X X Maintain genetic refugia for each of the species. IV.A.4.b. Bonytail UDWR/CPW Ongoing X X X X X X X X Maintain genetic refugia for each of the species. IV.A.4.c. Humpback chub. A draft report on the genetics of Gila spp., including humpback chub, indicates historical hybridization (not anthropogenic) occurred between humpback chub and roundtail chub in Black Rocks. The authors identified two management units in the upper basin: Deso-Cataract and Black Rocks- Westwater. Authors did not recommend separate broodstocks, rather both management units be represented in a single Upper Basin broodstock. IV.A.4.c.(1) Black Rocks Canyon. FWS-FR Ongoing X X X X X X X X Maintain genetic refugia for each of the species. Eighteen adult HBC from Black Rocks are being held at Horsethief Canyon Native Fish Facility. As was the case in 2015, these fish spawned in the hatchery ponds again in 2016. See IV.A.4.c. IV.A.4.c.(2) Westwater Canyon. UDWR Ongoing X X X X X X X X Maintain genetic refugia for each of the species. IV.A.4.c.
Razorback sucker. IV.A.4.a. (2) Upper Colorado River IV.A.4.b. Bonytail IV.B. Conduct annual fish propagation activities
Razorback sucker. IV.A.1.a. Develop experimental augmentation plan and seek Program acceptance. FWS-FR Complete Xxxxxxx et al 1995. IV.A.1.
b. Implement experimental augmentation plan. (Goal: 10 adults/river mile.)
(1) Stock fish. FWS-FR Complete Xxxxxxx 2003. IV.A.1.b.
(2) Monitor and evaluate results; make recommendations regarding further augmentation. FWS-FR Complete Xxxxxxx 2003. IV.A.2. Develop integratedstocking plan for Colorado pikeminnow in the Gunnison River. IV.A.2.a. Program acceptance. Complete Xxxxxx et al 2003.
Razorback sucker. The razorback sucker is a large-bodied, long-lived catostomid sucker endemic to the Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, including the mainstem Colorado River and major tributaries. Adult razorback suckers are characterized by the presence of a distinct dorsal bony keel and thickened, foreshortened caudal rays thought to be adaptations to historic flow and current conditions in Colorado River mainstem and tributary habitats. Adult fish can reach 1 meter (m) in length and a weight of up to 6 kilograms (kg) although lengths of 400-740 millimeters (mm) are typical. The razorback sucker was historically common and widely distributed from Mexico to major lower and upper Colorado River basin tributaries including the Gila and Salt rivers in Arizona and the Green, Yampa and San Xxxx xxxxxx in Utah, Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico. Lower Colorado River basin populations exhibited significant declines in numbers and distribution beginning in 1935 with the creation of Lake Xxxx, and subsequently, other mainstem Colorado River reservoirs. Declines in upper basin adult fish captures have accelerated in the last 20 years indicating an ongoing loss of upper basin populations in most known habitats (USFWS 1998). An absence of recruitment, related to both habitat alterations and the increased presence of introduced fish species, is assumed to be the primary cause of population declines on a range wide basis but the great longevity of adult fish (<40 years, XxXxxxxx and Xxxxxxxx 1987) has allowed the retention of old-aged, reproducing
Razorback sucker. IV.A.4.a.(1) Middle Green FWS-FR Ongoing X X X X X X X Maintain genetic refugia for each of the species. Broodstock are currently maintained and in active use at Ouray National Fish Hatchery - Randlett. IV.A.4.a.(2) Upper Colorado River. FWS-FR Ongoing X X X X X X X Maintain genetic refugia for each of the species. Broodstock are currently maintained and in active use at Horsethief Canyon Native Fish Facility. IV.A.4.b. Bonytail UDWR/CPW Ongoing X X X X X X X Maintain genetic refugia for each of the species. Bonytail broodstock are currently maintained and in active use at Southwest Native Aquatic Resources and Recovery Center (Southwest Native ARRC). IV.A.4.c. Humpback chub. A draft report on the genetics of Gila spp. (Xxxx, in prep), including humpback chub, indicates historical hybridization (not anthropogenic) occurred between humpback chub and roundtail chub in Black Rocks. The authors identified two management units in the upper basin: Deso-Cataract and Black Rocks- Westwater. Authors did not recommend separate broodstocks, rather both management units be represented in a single Upper Basin broodstock. Report will be finalized upon inclusion of Westwater samples. IV.A.4.c.(1) Black Rocks Canyon. FWS-FR Ongoing X X X X X X X Maintain genetic refugia for each of the species. Ten adult humpback chub from Black Rocks were brought into captivity. A total of 28 adult HBC from Black Rocks are being held at Horsethief Canyon Native Fish Facility. See IV.A.4.c. IV.A.4.c.(2) Westwater Canyon. UDWR Ongoing X X X X X X X Maintain genetic refugia for each of the species. IV.A.4.c.