REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ACQUIRED WITH GRANT FUNDS. All real and personal property, including equipment and supplies, acquired with grant funds shall be used by the grantee only for the purposes for which CalRecycle approved their acquisition for so long as such property is needed for such purposes, regardless of whether the grantee continues to receive grant funds from CalRecycle for such purposes. In no event shall the length of time during which such property, including equipment and supplies, acquired with grant funds, is used for the purpose for which CalRecycle approved its acquisition be less than five (5) years after the end of the grant term, during which time the property, including equipment and supplies, must remain in the State of California.
REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ACQUIRED WITH GRANT FUNDS. The following provisions apply only if the Grant Program and Grant Solicitation authorize the use of grant funds to acquire personal or real property:
(a) All real and personal property, including equipment and supplies, acquired with grant funds shall be used by the Grantee only for the purposes for which CARE approved their acquisition for so long as such property is needed for such purposes, regardless of whether the Grantee continues to receive grant funds from CARE for such purposes. Any property acquired using Grant funds, including equipment and supplies, shall be used for the purpose for which CARE approved its acquisition for at least three (3) years after the end of the Grant Term even if grant funds paid for only a portion of the equipment cost.
(b) Subject to the obligations and conditions set forth in this section, title to all real and personal property acquired with grant funds, including all equipment and supplies, shall vest upon acquisition in the Grantee. The Grantee may be required to execute all documents required to provide CARE with a security interest in any real or personal property, including equipment and supplies, and it shall be a condition of receiving this grant that CARE shall have the right to be in first priority position with respect to the security interest on any such property acquired with grant funds in full or in part, unless pre-approved in writing by CARE that CARE will accept a lower priority position with respect to the security interest on the property. Grantee shall inform any lenders from whom it is acquiring additional funding to complete the property purchase of this grant condition.
(c) The Grantee may not transfer title to any real or personal property, including equipment and supplies, acquired with grant funds, in full or in part, to any other entity without the express authorization of CARE. The Grantee shall notify CARE prior to using any grant- funded supplies or equipment as collateral against any other real or personal property, or any financial obligation to a lender, creditor or otherwise. CARE may or may not agree to approve this transaction.
(d) CARE will not reimburse the Grantee for the acquisition of equipment purchased prior to the issuance of grant funds or prior to the commencement of the Grant Term, unless the acquisition of such equipment with grant funds is pre-approved in writing by the Grant Manager. In the event of a question concerning the eligibility of equipment for grant funding,...
REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ACQUIRED WITH GRANT FUNDS. (a) CARE will not reimburse the Grantee for the acquisition of any products purchased prior to the issuance of grant funds or prior to the commencement of the Grant Term, unless the acquisition of such products with grant funds is pre-approved in writing by the Grant Manager.