Usage Measurement Usage measurement for calls shall begin when answer supervision or equivalent Signaling System 7 (SS7) message is received from the terminating office and shall end at the time of call disconnect by the calling or called subscriber, whichever occurs first.
Mileage Measurement Where required, the mileage measurement for LIS rate elements is determined in the same manner as the mileage measurement for V&H methodology as outlined in NECA Tariff No. 4.
Corrective Measures If the Participating Generator fails to meet or maintain the requirements set forth in this Agreement and/or the CAISO Tariff, the CAISO shall be permitted to take any of the measures, contained or referenced in the CAISO Tariff, which the CAISO deems to be necessary to correct the situation.
Sector Sub-Sector Industry Classification Level of Government Type of Obligation Description of Measure Source of Measure All sectors : : - : Central : National Treatment Senior Management and Board of Directors : National Treatment and the Senior Management and Board of Directors obligations shall not apply to any measure relating to small and medium sized domestic market enterprise2. Foreign equity is restricted to a maximum of 40% for domestic market enterprises with paid-in equity capital of less than the equivalent of USD 200,000 Note: Members of the Board of Directors or governing body of corporation or associations shall be allowed in proportion to their allowable participation or share in the capital of such enterprises. : -1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines. - Foreign Investments Act of 1991 (R.A. No. 7042, as amended by R.A. No. 8179). -Presidential and Administrative Issuances. ∞ 2 The concept of a small and medium sized domestic market enterprise is an enterprise with paid in equity capital of less than the equivalent of USD 200,000.00.
PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION In the event a specified manufacturer’s Product listed in the Contract becomes unavailable or cannot be supplied by the Contractor for any reason (except as provided for in the Savings/Force Majeure Clause) a Product deemed in writing by the Commissioner to be equal to or better than the specified Product must be substituted by the Contractor at no additional cost or expense to the Authorized User. Unless otherwise specified, any substitution of Product prior to the Commissioner’s written approval may be cause for cancellation of Contract.
Revenue Metering The Connecting Transmission Owner owned revenue metering shall be located at the Xxxxx Solar Collector Substation on the generator side of the 69kV breaker and shall consist of: • three (3) combination current/voltage transformer (“CT/VT”) units (manufacturer and model shall be ABB/Xxxxxxx KXM-350 high accuracy, or other Connecting Transmission Owner specified equivalent); and • one (1) revenue meter. (Note: Connecting Transmission Owner’s revenue metering CTs and VTs cannot be used to feed the Interconnection Customer’s check meter.)
Particular Methods of Procurement of Goods and Works International Competitive Bidding. Goods and works shall be procured under contracts awarded on the basis of International Competitive Bidding.
Other Methods of Procurement of Goods and Works The following table specifies the methods of procurement, other than International Competitive Bidding, which may be used for goods and works. The Procurement Plan shall specify the circumstances under which such methods may be used: (a) National Competitive Bidding (b) Shopping (c) Direct Contracting
Temperature Measurement Temperature will be measured by the nearest automatic Melbourne Bureau of Meteorology Monitoring Station for example (but not limited to): Melbourne, Moorabbin, Dunns Hill, Melbourne Airport, Frankston, and Point Xxxxxx. At the commencement of each project, the onsite management and employee representatives shall agree which is to be the applicable automatic weather monitoring station.
Components Patheon will purchase and test all Components (with the exception of Client-Supplied Components) at Patheon’s expense and as required by the Specifications.