Examples of Resettlement Plans in a sentence
The Project is being implemented in phases under sector loan modality and initially Resettlement Plans for 8 sample roads have been prepared by the EA.
NGO is appointed to assist the implement Resettlement Plans with close coordination with IPIU.
Finalized Resettlement Plans will be disclosed in ADB’s website, IPMU websites, and IPIU or town websites; and information dissemination and consultation will continue throughout program implementation.
SDS, as part of the DSC, have been appointed to work with each IPIU to update the Resettlement Plan in the detailed design stage, and to prepare Resettlement Plans for new subprojects, where required to comply with Government and ADB policies.
A local Resettlement Specialist will also be appointed to IPIUs of zones in which there are resettlement impacts and they will prepare and implement local Resettlement Plans following the framework established in Tranche 1.
A total of 8 social safeguards documents were prepared during the processing of UPMDRIP, including 7 Resettlement Plans and 1 Due Diligence Report (DDR).
The CEA was tasked to review and approve Resettlement Plans (RPs) prepared by project executing agencies.
The ADB and UPPWD approved a Resettlement Framework to guide the preparation process of the Resettlement Plans under the UPMDRIP.
Resettlement Plans for these eight sample roads are prepared by the EA.
SDS, as part of the DSC, have been appointed to work with each IPIU to update the Resettlement Plan in the detailed design stage, and to prepare Resettlement Plans for new subprojects, where required to comply with the Government and ADB policies.