Fish and Wildlife Service 2002c. Colorado pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) recovery goals: amendment and supplement to the Colorado Squawfish Recovery Plan.
OPTIONAL TWELVE-MONTH PAY PLAN 1. Where the Previous Collective Agreement does not contain a provision that allows an employee the option of receiving partial payment of annual salary in July and August, the following shall become and remain part of the Collective Agreement. 2. A continuing employee, or an employee hired to a temporary contract of employment no later than September 30 that extends to June 30, may elect to participate in an Optional Twelve-Month Pay Plan (the Plan) administered by the employer. 3. An employee electing to participate in the Plan in the subsequent year must inform the employer, in writing, on or before June 15. An employee hired after that date must inform the employer of their intention to participate in the Plan by September 30th. It is understood, that an employee appointed after June 15 in the previous school year and up to September 30 of the subsequent school year, who elects to participate in the Plan, will have deductions from net monthly pay, in the same amount as other employees enrolled in the Plan, pursuant to Article B.8.5. 4. An employee electing to withdraw from the Plan must inform the employer, in writing, on or before June 15 of the preceding year. 5. Employees electing to participate in the Plan shall receive their annual salary over 10 (ten) months; September to June. The employer shall deduct, from the net monthly pay, in each twice-monthly pay period, an amount agreed to by the local and the employer. This amount will be paid into the Plan by the employer. 6. Interest to March 31 is calculated on the Plan and added to the individual employee’s accumulation in the Plan. 7. An employee’s accumulation in the Plan including their interest accumulation to March 31st shall be paid in equal installments on July 15 and August 15. 8. Interest earned by the Plan in the months of April through August shall be retained by the employer. 9. The employer shall inform employees of the Plan at the time of hire. 10. Nothing in this Article shall be taken to mean that an employee has any obligation to perform work beyond the regular school year.
Sick Leave Donation Program A Labor Management Committee will be established for the purpose of proposing rules and procedures for a new, program. The LMC will be to develop consistent, transparent and equitable proposals for processes across all departments within the City. The LMC shall also explore proposals to lower the minimum leave bank required to donate sick leave and permit donation of sick leave upon separation from the City. The LMC must consult with the Office of Civil Rights to ensure compliance with the City’s Race and Social Justice Initiative. Once the LMC has developed its list of proposals, the City and Coalition of City Unions agrees to reopen each contract on this subject.
Volunteer Firefighting Leave Leave without pay will be granted when an employee who is a volunteer firefighter is called to duty to respond to a fire, natural disaster or medical emergency.
SICK LEAVE AND LONG-TERM DISABILITY (Articles 12.01 to 12.11 apply to full-time nurses only) 12.01 The Hospital will assume total responsibility for providing and funding a short-term sick leave plan at least equivalent to that described in the 1980 Hospitals of Ontario Disability Income Plan brochure. Effective January 1, 2006, new hires will be covered under the 1992 Hospitals of Ontario Disability Income Plan. The Hospital will pay 75% of the billed premium towards coverage of eligible employees under the long-term disability portion of the Plan (HOODIP or an equivalent plan). The employee will pay the balance of the billed premium through payroll deduction. For the purpose of transfer to the short-term portion of the disability program, employees on the payroll as of the effective date of the transfer with three (3) months or more of service shall be deemed to have three (3) months of service. For the purpose of transfer to the long-term portion of the disability program, employees on the active payroll as of the effective date of the transfer with one (1) year or more of service shall be deemed to have one (1) year of service. 12.02 Effective the first of the month following the transfer, all existing sick leave plans in the Participating Hospitals shall be terminated and any provisions relating to such plans shall be null and void under the respective Collective Agreements except as to those provisions relating to payout of unused sick leave benefits which are specifically dealt with hereinafter. 12.03 Existing sick leave credits for each employee shall be converted to a sick leave bank to the credit of the employee. The sick leave bank shall contain the unused sick leave days to the credit of the nurse on the effective date of the transfer to the Plan set out in Article 12.01. The "sick leave bank" shall be utilized to: (a) Supplement payment for sick leave days under the new plan which would otherwise be at less than full wages, and; (b) Where a payout provision existed under the former sick leave plan in the Collective Agreement, payout shall be made on the termination of employment, or in the case of death, to the nurse's estate. The parties may agree to voluntarily cash out existing sick leave banks. The amount of the payout shall be a cash settlement at the nurse's then current salary rate for any unused sick credits to the maximum provided under the sick leave plan in which the nurse participated as of October 23, 1981; (c) Where, as of the effective date of transfer, an employee does not have the required service to qualify for payout on termination, her or his existing sick leave credits as of that date shall nevertheless be converted to a sick leave bank in accordance with the foregoing and the nurse shall be entitled to the same cash out provisions as set out in paragraph (b) above providing the nurse subsequently achieves the necessary service to qualify for payout under the conditions of the sick leave plan in which she or he participated as of October 23, 1981; (d) Where a payout provision existed under the former sick leave plan in the Collective Agreement, a nurse who, as of the date of this award, has accumulated sick leave credits and is prevented from working for the Hospital on account of an occupational illness or accident that is recognized by The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board as compensable within the meaning of the Workplace and Safety Insurance Act, the Hospital, on application from the nurse, will supplement the award made by The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board for loss of wages to the nurse by such amount that the award of The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board for loss of wages, together with the supplementation of the Hospital, will equal one hundred per cent (100%) of the nurse's net earnings to the limit of the nurse's accumulated sick leave credits. Nurses may utilize such sick leave credits while awaiting approval of a claim for WSIB benefits. 12.04 When a nurse has completed any portion of her or his regularly scheduled tour prior to going on sick leave benefits or WSIB benefits, the nurse shall be paid for the balance of the tour at her or his regular straight time hourly rate. This provision will not disentitle the nurse to a lieu day under Article 15.05 if she or he otherwise qualifies. 12.05 Any dispute which may arise concerning a nurse's entitlement to short-term or long- term benefits under HOODIP or an equivalent plan may be subject to grievance and arbitration under the provisions of this Agreement. The Union agrees that it will encourage a nurse to utilize the carrier’s medical appeals process, if any, to resolve disputes. 12.06 Nurses presently employed who are covered by a long-term disability plan in effect as of the date of this award, may elect to be covered by HOODIP or to continue their present coverage. 12.07 The Hospital further agrees to pay employees an amount equal to any loss of benefits under HOODIP for the first two days of the fourth and subsequent period of absence in any calendar year. 12.08 The Hospital will notify each nurse of the amount of unused sick leave in her or his bank annually. 12.09 For nurses whose regular hours of work are other than the standard work day, the short-term sick leave plan will provide payment for the number of hours of absence according to the scheduled tour to a total of 562.5 hours. All other provisions of the existing plan shall apply mutatis mutandis. 12.10 Absences due to pregnancy related illness shall be considered as sick leave under the sick leave plan. 12.11 A nurse who is absent from work as a result of an illness or injury sustained at work and who has been awaiting approval of a claim for WSIB benefits for a period longer than one complete tour or more may apply to the Hospital for payment equivalent to the lesser of the benefit the nurse would receive from WSIB if the nurse's claim was approved, or the benefit to which the nurse would be entitled under the short-term sick portion of the disability income plan (HOODIP or equivalent plan). Payment will be provided only if the nurse provides evidence of disability satisfactory to the Hospital and a written undertaking satisfactory to the Hospital that any payments will be refunded to the Hospital following final determination of the claim by The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. If the claim for WSIB benefits is not approved, the monies paid as an advance will be applied towards the benefits to which the nurse would be entitled under the short-term portion of the disability income plan. Any payment under this provision will continue for a maximum of fifteen (15) weeks. (Articles 12.12, 12.13 and 12.14 apply to both full-time and part-time nurses) 12.12 Nurses returning to work from an illness or injury compensable from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board will be assigned light work as necessary, if available. 12.13 A nurse who transfers from full-time to part-time may elect to retain her or his accumulated sick leave credits to be utilized during part-time or subsequent full-time employment as provided under the sick leave plan in which the nurse participates as of October 23, 1981. 12.14 If the Employer requires the employee to obtain a medical certificate, the employer shall pay the full cost of obtaining the certificate.
BUSINESS CONTINUITY/DISASTER RECOVERY In the event of equipment failure, work stoppage, governmental action, communication disruption or other impossibility of performance beyond State Street’s control, State Street shall take reasonable steps to minimize service interruptions. Specifically, State Street shall implement reasonable procedures to prevent the loss of data and to recover from service interruptions caused by equipment failure or other circumstances with resumption of all substantial elements of services in a timeframe sufficient to meet business requirements. State Street shall enter into and shall maintain in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement with appropriate parties one or more agreements making reasonable provision for (i) periodic back-up of the computer files and data with respect to the Trusts; and (ii) emergency use of electronic data processing equipment to provide services under this Agreement. State Street shall test the ability to recover to alternate data processing equipment in accordance with State Street program standards, and provide a high level summary of business continuity test results to the Trusts upon request. State Street will remedy any material deficiencies in accordance with State Street program standards. Upon reasonable advance notice, and at no cost to State Street, the Trusts retain the right to review State Street’s business continuity, crisis management, disaster recovery, and third-party vendor management processes and programs (including discussions with the relevant subject matter experts and an on-site review of the production facilities used) related to delivery of the service no more frequently than an annual basis. Upon reasonable request, the State Street also shall discuss with senior management of the Trusts any business continuity/disaster recovery plan of the State Street and/or provide a high-level presentation summarizing such plan.”
Traveling Teachers Traveling teachers are those who are not assigned a dedicated classroom of their own due to limited space. If traveling is necessary within a subject area, traveling status should be rotated. In order to facilitate optimum conditions for instruction, traveling teachers should, to the greatest extent practicable, be provided the following: 1. A quiet, secure space that contains a desk and filing space; 2. Storage space within the classrooms used for instruction; 3. A designated bulletin board and/or chalk or white board in the classrooms used for instruction; 4. An appropriate cart to transfer materials; 5. Supplies needed for instruction to the same extent as other teachers and those unique to traveling teachers.
Sick Leave Buy Back To encourage and reward employees who maintain good job attendance, the parties agree to the following incentive award: Employees who utilize two (2) sick leave days or less each assigned school calendar year and year-round employees who utilize three (3) sick leave days or less during each assigned school calendar year - upon request – shall receive payment for up to eight (8) days of sick leave, provided the employee worked the full assigned calendar year.* The following procedures apply to the payment of sick leave under this section. 1. An employee must have a minimum of twenty-five (25) days of accumulated sick leave remaining after the payment for unused sick leave under this section. 2. The payment of this incentive shall be paid to eligible employees no later than October 31st of the school year following the school year in which the employee qualified for the incentive pay. 3. For purposes of this section, sick leave shall be defined pursuant to all sections of F.S.1012.61. 4. Days for which such award payment is received shall be deducted from the accumulated leave balance. 5. Payment shall be equal to the number of eligible days times the affected employees daily rate of base pay times eighty percent (80%).
Shift Rotation Routine shift rotation is not an approach to staffing endorsed by the Employer. Except for emergency situations where it may be necessary to provide safe patient care, shift rotation will not be utilized without mutual consent. If such an occasion should ever occur, volunteers will be sought first. If no one volunteers, the Employer will rotate shifts on an inverse seniority basis until the staff vacancies are filled.
Family Sick Leave An employee may use sick leave credits for family illness or injury only if the employee must provide direct care to an immediate family member. For purposes of family sick leave, “immediate family member” will mean the employee’s parent, spouse, or child, including step-child and xxxxxx child.