Work Location While employed by the Company hereunder, the Executive shall perform his duties (when not traveling or engaged elsewhere in the performance of his duties) at the offices of the Company in Bermuda. The Executive shall travel to such places on the business of the Company in such manner and on such occasions as the Company may from time to time reasonably require.
Project Location [Insert the location of the Project, if applicable]
Access to Work Locations Reasonable access to employee work locations shall be granted officers of the Association and their officially designated representatives for the purpose of processing grievances or contacting members of the Association concerning business within the scope of representation. Such officers or representatives shall not enter any work location without the consent of the City Manager. Access shall be restricted so as not to interfere with the normal operations of the department or with established safety or security requirements. Solicitation of membership and activities concerned with the internal management of the Association, such as collecting dues, holding membership meetings, campaigning for office, conducting elections and distributing literature, shall not be conducted during working hours.
Office Space All faculty members teaching one-half time or more shall be provided with office space on the campus where the majority of their courses are taught. Further, the Employer will, upon the request of a faculty member, complete Income Tax Form No.T2200 (Declaration of Employment Conditions - Office or Employment Expense).