Voluntary Redundancy Sample Clauses

Voluntary Redundancy a) With the exception of areas where there is only one position under review, the employer will call for expressions of interest from kaimahi within the area of review who wish to volunteer for redundancy to cover the surplus/es positions that have been identified. b) Should the number of volunteers exceed the number of surpluses, the employer will apply selection criteria as defined in clause 12.7 to determine whose application for redundancy will be accepted. c) Should the number of volunteers not exceed the number of identified surpluses, the employer will accept all expressions of interest from those who have volunteered subject to the operational requirements of the employer. d) Should there be no volunteers or insufficient volunteers to discharge the surplus, the employer shall then apply the criteria set out in clause 11.7 to identify the kaimahi to be declared surplus.
Voluntary Redundancy. (1) If an employee: (a) is told under clause 5.03(6) that they are an excess employee; or (b) expresses interest in voluntary redundancy under subclause 5.03(4); the Secretary may invite the employee to accept voluntary redundancy. (2) The Secretary may invite an employee mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) to accept voluntary redundancy only if: (a) an otherwise excess employee is redeployed to perform duties that would otherwise have been performed by the employee mentioned in paragraph (1)(b); and (b) as a result, the employee mentioned in paragraph (1)(b) becomes an excess employee. (3) If the Secretary invites an employee to accept voluntary redundancy under subclause (1), the Secretary must: (a) allow the employee at least 1 month (the acceptance period) to accept the invitation; and (b) give notice of termination of employment in accordance with section 29 of the PS Act before the end of the acceptance period only if the employee agrees. (4) Within the acceptance period, the Secretary must tell the employee in writing about the following matters: (a) the amount of severance pay, pay in lieu of notice and paid up leave credits; (b) for CSS and PSS members, options open to the employee for superannuation; (c) taxation rules applying to payments to the employee; (d) the level of assistance up to a maximum of $750 for financial advice. (5) Only 1 invitation of voluntary redundancy is to be made to an employee. (6) If an employee declines an invitation of voluntary redundancy under paragraph (1)(a), or does not accept the invitation within 1 month, the Secretary must, as soon as possible and with the employee’s consent, refer the employee to career advisory services.
Voluntary Redundancy. The Employer shall determine whether it shall call for voluntary redundancies. Where an Employee applies for voluntary redundancy the Employer has the sole discretion in determining whether the Employee's application is approved.
Voluntary Redundancy. We may offer you or seek expressions of interest for voluntary redundancy where a position or positions are no longer required. Voluntary redundancy may be refused where expressions of interest exceed the positions to be reduced or where we need to retain skills and expertise. Where there are more expressions of interest than required, a merit-based selection process will be used to determine who is to be offered redundancy. Where a redundancy is offered and accepted, your termination date will be determined by us in accordance with operational requirements. You will be provided 4 weeks' notice or payment in lieu. If you are aged over 45 with 5 or more years' service you will be entitled to 5 weeks' notice or payment in lieu of notice. Employees who are temporary/term contract, casual, apprentices or trainees are not eligible for redundancy.
Voluntary Redundancy. K5.1 At the completion of the discussions in accordance with clause K3, the head of service may invite officers to elect to be made voluntarily redundant under this clause.
Voluntary Redundancy. Subject to subclause L4.1, at the completion of the discussions in accordance with clause L3 -, the head of service may invite officers to elect to be made voluntarily redundant under this clause. Where the head of service invites an officer to elect to be made voluntarily redundant, the officer will have a consideration period of a maximum of one month from the date of the offer in which to advise the head of service of the officer’s election, and the head of service will not give notice of redundancy before the end of the one month consideration period. To allow an officer to make an informed decision on whether to submit an election to be made voluntarily redundant, the head of service must provide the officer with advice on: the sums of money the officer would receive by way of severance pay, pay instead of notice, and paid up leave credits; and the career transition/development opportunities within the ACTPS. The officer should seek independent advice on: amount of accumulated superannuation contributions; the options open to the officer concerning superannuation; and the taxation rules applicable to the various payments. The relevant directorate will supplement the costs of independent, accredited financial counselling incurred by each officer who has been offered voluntary redundancy up to a maximum of $1000. The head of service will authorise the accredited financial counsellors to invoice the relevant Directorate directly. Subject to subclause L6.7, where the head of service approves an election to be made redundant and gives the notice of retirement in accordance with the PSM Act, the period of notice will be one month, or five weeks if the officer is over forty-five years old and has completed at least two years continuous service. Where the head of service so directs, or the officer so requests, the officer will be retired at any time within the period of notice under subclause L6.6, and the officer will be paid in lieu of pay for the unexpired portion of the notice period.
Voluntary Redundancy. 23.1 Voluntary Redundancy is an option for employees whose positions have been identified as redundant. 23.2 The Council may make offers of voluntary redundancy to surplus employees or as a preliminary step in discussing options with employees, identify those who wish to take this option. Following discussions with employees and relevant unions Council will assess who will be offered a package. 23.3 Formal offers must be accepted by employees within 4 weeks. 23.4 Employees who decline and opt for redeployment will not be entitled to the voluntary redundancy package at a later date, unless otherwise mutually agreed. 23.5 The following employees are not eligible for voluntary redundancy: i. Employees engaged on short term and/or casual basis or for a specific period. ii. Apprentices whose services would normally be terminated at the conclusions of their apprenticeship or within a short period thereafter. iii. Employees on workers’ compensation whose claim is based on compensation for termination or others awaiting determination of claims against the employer for termination of services. iv. Employees subject to termination on the grounds of misconduct or unsatisfactory service.
Voluntary Redundancy. In the event that it is necessary for the employer to make a position(s) redundant, the employer will, in the first instance, seek expressions of interest from all staff, in volunteering for a redundancy package. In assessing applications for voluntary redundancy, the parties acknowledge that the employer will take into account the skill and operational requirements of the enterprise.
Voluntary Redundancy. Voluntary redundancy may be offered by council (at the discretion of the General Manager) to those employees whose positions have become surplus to council’s needs. Voluntary redundancy shall only be considered after options set out in subclause 41.2 of this clause have been examined. In the event that an employee is offered and accepts voluntary redundancy provisions as defined by the Local Government (State) Agreement shall apply.
Voluntary Redundancy. Where the arrangements for redeployment, etc and/or voluntary early retirement have not resolved, or are unlikely to resolve, the situation, the Company, other than in exceptional circumstances, shall invite applications from Executives for voluntary redundancy. Whether or not such applications are accepted will be at the absolute discretion of the Company and in making its assessment the criteria outlined in paragraph 3 above will apply. This section applies only to Executives not covered by voluntary early retirement, ie those below age 50 or those aged 50 or over who do not qualify for a pension under the Company's Pension Scheme. Executives below age 50 who are members of the Company's Pension Scheme will have payment of their pensions deferred and paid at normal retirement age. Deferred pensions of such Executives will be increased during the period of deferment by the greater of:- 1. the annual increases as awarded in respect of pensions in payment; or 2. the statutory increases in accordance with the Social Security Xxx 0000. The Social Security Xxx 0000 requires that the deferred pension in excess of the Guaranteed Minimum Pension, in respect of pensionable service since 1 January 1985, will be increased by the lower of the increase in the Retail Price Index or 5% per annum, over the period of deferment. The terms for Voluntary Redundancy, other than pension, are as follows:- (a) Cash payments will be made on the basis of the higher of:- (i) a cash payment calculated by reference to the Executive’s period of employment as outlined in paragraph 3(b) of this Agreement; or if higher (ii) 9 months’ salary (see also paragraph 7) each on the conditions outlined in paragraph 3(b) of this Agreement. Reference to the Profit Sharing Scheme Deeds of Trust and Supplementary Deeds will indicate the situation with regard to payments under the Scheme.