Removal of Biomedical Waste Sample Clauses

Removal of Biomedical Waste. Catapult will promptly dispose of all medical waste generated from the Services. Catapult warrants that all such disposal shall be in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
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Related to Removal of Biomedical Waste

  • Removal of Materials If you decide you would like to remove your Materials from the Service, you may provide written notice to Prime Publishing by either deleting the image through the Prime Publishing interface or by contacting Prime Publishing customer service, and Prime Publishing will remove such Materials from the Service within a reasonable period of time. 5) License for Name, Trademarks and Likenesses. You hereby grant to Prime Publishing, its Affiliates and sublicensees a nonexclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use all trademarks, trade names, and the names and likenesses of any individuals that appear in the Materials. You grant Prime Publishing, its Affiliates and sublicensees the right to use the name that you submit in connection with the Materials. 6) Specifications and Guidelines. You agree to submit Materials to us in accordance with all guidelines for use of the Service posted on the Prime Publishing web site or of which you are otherwise notified ("Guidelines"), as these Guidelines may be changed in the future. 7)

  • DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIAL Purchaser may sidecast waste material on side slopes up to 45% if the waste material is compacted and free of organic debris. On side slopes greater than 45%, all waste material must be end hauled or pushed to the designated embankment sites and waste areas identified in Clause 0-00 XXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX.

  • Dangerous Goods, Special Wastes, Pesticides and Harmful Substances Where employees are required to work with or are exposed to any dangerous good, special waste, pesticide or harmful substance, the Employer shall ensure that the employees are adequately trained in the identification, safe handling, use, storage, and/or disposal of same.

  • Hazardous Waste Throughout the term of this Lease, Tenant shall not undertake or permit any Environmental Activity (as such term is hereinafter defined) other than (i) in compliance with all applicable laws and ordinances and all rules, orders and regulations, present or future, ordinary or extraordinary, foreseen or unforeseen) of any federal, state or local governmental authority (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Legal Requirements"), and (ii) in such a manner as shall keep the premises, the Building and the Land free from any lien imposed pursuant to any Legal Requirement in respect of such Environmental Activity. Tenant shall take all necessary steps to ensure that any Environmental Activity undertaken or permitted at the premises is undertaken in a manner as to provide prudent safeguards against potential risks to human health or the environment. Tenant shall notify Landlord within 24 hours of the release of any Hazardous Materials (as such term is hereinafter defined) from or at the premises which could form the basis of any claim, demand or action by any party. Landlord shall have the right, from time to time, at Tenant's expense, to conduct an environmental audit or such other examinations, tests, inspections and reviews of the premises as Landlord, in its sole discretion, shall deem necessary, appropriate or desirable and Tenant shall cooperate in the conduct of any such environmental audit, examination, test, inspection or review. If Tenant shall breach the covenants provided in this Article, then, in addition to any other rights and remedies which may be available to landlord pursuant to this Lease or otherwise at law, Landlord may require Tenant to take all actions, or to reimburse Landlord for the costs of any and all actions taken by Landlord, as are necessary, appropriate or desirable to cure such breach. for purposes of this Article, the term "Environmental Activity" means any use, storage, installation, existence, release, threatened release, discharge, generation, abatement, removal, disposal, handling or transportation from, under, into or on the leased premises of (a) any "hazardous substance" as defined in any federal statute, (b) petroleum, crude oil or any fraction thereof, natural gas or synthetic gas used for fuel, and (c) any additional substances or materials which at such time are classified or considered to be hazardous or toxic under the laws of the State of New York or any other Legal Requirements the materials described in clauses (a) through (c) being collectively referred to as "Hazardous Materials". The provisions of subparagraph (j) of Article 6 of this Lease shall be applicable to any failure by Tenant to comply with or keep or perform the provisions of this Article. The obligations of Tenant under this Article shall survive the expiration or sooner termination of the term of this Lease.

  • Removal of Data County PHI or PI must not be removed from the premises of the Contractor except with express written permission of County.

  • Removal of Documents A. Written reprimands will be removed from an employee’s personnel file after three (3) years if:

  • Waste Borrower shall not commit or suffer any waste of the Property or make any change in the use of the Property which will in any way materially increase the risk of fire or other hazard arising out of the operation of the Property, or take any action that might invalidate or give cause for cancellation of any Policy, or do or permit to be done thereon anything that may in any way impair the value of the Property or the security of this Security Instrument. Borrower will not, without the prior written consent of Lender, permit any drilling or exploration for or extraction, removal, or production of any minerals from the surface or the subsurface of the Land, regardless of the depth thereof or the method of mining or extraction thereof.

  • NOISE/WASTE The Tenant agrees not to commit waste on the premises, maintain, or permit to be maintained, a nuisance thereon, or use, or permit the premises to be used, in an unlawful manner. The Tenant further agrees to abide by any and all local, county, and State noise ordinances.

  • Removal of Improvements Except as otherwise expressly agreed to by Lessor and Lessee, Lessee shall have the right to remove all Tank Farm Assets and other improvements, fixtures, equipment, materials, supplies and personal property installed by Lessee from the Premises upon the termination or expiration of this Lease, but in no event later than the date that is 120 days following the expiration or termination of this Lease (the “Removal Date”) and Lessor shall provide Lessee with access to the Premises at reasonable times until expiration of the Removal Date for the purpose of removing such items. Lessee shall provide Lessor with written notice of its election to remove the Tank Farm Assets and other improvements, fixtures, equipment, materials, supplies and personal property from the Premises at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the Lease. If Lessee elects to remove the Tank Farm Assets and Improvements from the Premises after such removal Lessee shall restore any damage to the Premises and clean the Premises so as to eliminate therefrom any accumulation (other than any de minimis and non-hazardous accumulation) of foreign substances, materials, or debris, in addition to any Environmental Cleanup that may be required under Article 10. Lessee shall pay Lessor pro rata Rent (based on the amount of Rent applicable during the last month prior to the termination or expiration) through the date of Lessee’s complete removal of all such items. During the period of such removal and clean-up, all terms and conditions of this Lease, including, the indemnity and insurance provisions shall continue in full force and effect. If Lessee elects not to remove all of the Tank Farm Assets and Improvements from the Premises on or before the Removal Date, and provided that such facilities are in good working condition at the expiration of the Term (ordinary wear and tear excepted) then, such Tank Farm Assets and Improvements shall be deemed permanently abandoned to Lessor’s sole ownership, and Lessor may remove and dispose of such facilities in any manner which Lessor may deem appropriate, without any liability whatsoever to Lessee. If Lessee elects not to remove all of the Tank Farm Assets and Improvements from the Premises on or before the Removal Date and such facilities are not in good working condition at the expiration of the term (ordinary wear and tear excepted), or Lessee fails to so remove any or all of the Tank Farm Assets and Improvements from the Premises before the Removal Date, then, in addition to all rights and remedies available at law or in equity, without any prior notice, Lessor may (but shall be under no obligation), at Lessor’s option, deem such Tank Farm Assets and Improvements to be permanently abandoned to Lessor’s sole ownership, and Lessor may remove and dispose of such facilities in any manner which Lessor may deem appropriate, without any liability whatsoever to Lessee, and Lessee shall reimburse Lessor for all costs of such removal and disposal upon demand from Lessor. If requested by Lessor, Lessee shall execute any and all documents necessary to evidence that title to the Tank Farm Assets and Improvements that Lessee does not remove by the Removal Date is in Lessor and to extinguish and remove any cloud or potential cloud on the title to the Premises and/or such facilities created by Lessee.

  • Removal of DXC Trademarks Supplier shall remove from all Products rejected, returned or not purchased by DXC, DXC’s name and any of DXC’s trademarks, trade names, insignia, part numbers, symbols, and decorative designs, prior to any other sale, use, or disposition of such Products by Supplier.

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