RENUNCIATION OF BENEFITS. Each Obligor renounces, to the extent permitted under applicable law, the benefits of each of the legal exceptions of excussion, division, revision of accounts, no value received, errore calculi, non causa debiti, non numeratae pecuniae and cession of actions, and declares that it understands the meaning of each such legal exception and the effect of such renunciation.
RENUNCIATION OF BENEFITS. The Borrower renounces, to the extent permitted under applicable law, the benefits of each of the legal exceptions of excussion, division, revision of accounts, no value received, errore calculi, non causa debiti, non numeratae pecuniae and cession of actions, and declares that it understands the meaning of each such legal exception and the effect of such renunciation.
RENUNCIATION OF BENEFITS. 107 38. COUNTERPARTS ................................................................................................................................................... 107 39.
RENUNCIATION OF BENEFITS. The Borrower renounces all benefits of the exceptions of "no value received", "non numeratae pecuniae ", "non causa debiti", and "errore calculi", the meaning and effect of which it declares it understands.
RENUNCIATION OF BENEFITS. The Borrower expressly waives and renounces the legal benefits and exceptions of no monies received, no value received, revision accounts and errors in calculation and declares itself to be fully acquainted with the meaning and effect of those exceptions and the renunciation thereof.
RENUNCIATION OF BENEFITS. 11.1. Should the Company resist any claim arising out of this Agreement on the grounds that:
11.1.1. there is no reason or basis for the claim (non causadebiti); or
11.1.2. errors have been made in calculating the amount claimed (errore calculi); or
11.1.3. in the case of monies lent, no money, or less money than has been claimed, has been advanced (non numerataepecuniae); or
11.1.4. no value has been received, the onus of proving that ground or those grounds shall be on the Company.
11.2. The Company confirms that it understands the meaning of each of the defences referred to in clause 11.1.
RENUNCIATION OF BENEFITS. The Pledgor hereby renounces the legal benefits and exceptions of excussion, division, non numeratae pecuniae, non causa debiti, revision of accounts and errore calculi, the Pledgor declaring itself to be fully acquainted with the full meaning and effect of this renunciation.
RENUNCIATION OF BENEFITS. Should the Borrower resist any claim arising out of this Agreement on the grounds that:
RENUNCIATION OF BENEFITS. 22.1. Should the Borrower resist any claim arising out of this Agreement on the grounds that:
22.1.1. there is no reason or basis for the claim (non causadebiti); or
22.1.2. errors have been made in calculating the amount claimed (errore calculi); or
22.1.3. in the case of monies lent, no money, or less money than has been claimed, has been advanced (non numerataepecuniae); or
22.1.4. no value has been received, the onus of proving that ground or those grounds shall be on the Borrower.
22.2. The Borrower confirms that it understands the meaning of each of the defences referred to in clause 22.1.
RENUNCIATION OF BENEFITS. Each Subordinated Creditor renounces, to the extent permitted under applicable law, the benefits of each of the legal exceptions of excussion, division, revision of accounts, no value received, errore calculi, non causa debiti, non numeratae pecuniae and cession of actions, and declares that it understands the meaning of each such legal exception and the effect of such renunciation.